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英语周报  2002-2003学年合订本  高二  上
英语周报  2002-2003学年合订本  高二  上

英语周报 2002-2003学年合订本 高二 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:《英语周报》高中版编辑部编
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7111010116
  • 页数:156 页
《英语周报 2002-2003学年合订本 高二 上》目录

Disney Entertainment Parks 1

E-mail 1

Topic of the Week 1

Background Reading 1

Talk Show 2

Unit1 易错句子正误例析 2

正误辨析 2

词语辨析 3

词语辨析 3

Unit1 易混词(组)精练 3

练与析 3

TTL Unit 1 Disneyland 4

检测题 4

同步阅读 8

Tobacco and Ads 8

对照阅读 8

To Live Is To Function 8

词语辨析 9

Unit2重点、难点讲解 10

疑难解析 10

TTL Unit 2 No smoking,please 11

Never Too Late 15

时文阅读 15

A minute for fun 16

Day after Day 16

Unit3 同义词(组)辨析 16

Gestures and Body Position 16

Unit3重点、难点讲解 17

帮你归纳 17

用不定式而不用-ing作定语的情形 17

Animals’ Protective Coloration 21

Basketball 21

Knowledge Bridge 21

What is a Gentleman? 21

Bettering environment 22

Popular Science 22

Chocolate Eaters May Live Longer 22

Units 1-3易混词语专练 23

Units1-3重点短语回顾 23

Have a Try 23

Units1-3重点句型点击 24

走近高考 24

ECA Units 1-3 25

TTL Unit 3 Body language 25

Something about Newspaper 28

原著欣赏 28

Good News 28

How old is the Earth? 29

Unit4 易混词语讲解 29

-ing专项练习 30

浅谈-ing作主语及宾语的情况 30

Grammar Coaching 30

TTL Unit 4 Newpapers 31

Oh,My God 34

Charlie Chaplin 34

Unit5 易混词语辨析 35

Acceptance:A Practical Challenge 35

Unit5重点、难点精析 36

非限制性定语从句与高考试题 36

TTL Unit 5 Charlie Chaplin 37

The Danger of Cellular Phones 40

Unit6 重点词语讲解 41

Coins and Coin Collecting 41

Around the World 41

Stockholm 41

从高考试题看不定式的句法功能 42

Unit6重点、难点精析 42

TTL Unit 6 Mainly revision 43

ECA Units 4-6 46

American Families 50

Examination 50

运用宾语从句五注意 51

Soccerin the U.S 51

Units1-6重点知识专练 52

高二英语上学期期中综合能力检测题 53

The National Anthem of America 56

Canada 56

Unit7 易混词语精析 57

Canada's Education 57

专项练习 58

主谓一致练与析 58

TTL Unit 7 Canada 59

Speed Reading 62

Students Adjust to College Pressure 62

First Aid 62

情态动词专练 63

Kindness to Animals 63

Marry a Penguin 63

Unit8 易混词语精析 64

情态动词难点透视 64

TTL Unit 8 First Aid 65

Hope 68

So Fortunate 68

经典语段选译 68

Farming and Wildlife Protection 68

Unit9 易混词语精析 69

其他 70

从高考试题看过去分词的句法功能 70

分词专练 70

TTL Unit 9 Saving the earth 71

The History of Hockey 74

Sports Field 74

Pensions 74

重点回顾 75

Units7-9重点词汇、短语例释 75

British Pub Culture 75

Plug in Nose 75

Learning Guide 76

单项填空解题技巧点击 76

ECA Units 7-9 77

Boxing 80

To Face the Music 80

Nest and Hair 81

Mark Twain 81

as if用法浅析 82

Unit10重点、难点精析 82

TTL Unit 10 At the shop 83

The Value of Knowledge 86

Hurricanes 86

趣味阅读 86

Unit11重点、难点与高考题 87

Unit11 易混短语精练、精析 88

TTL Unit 11 Hurricane 89

The Sound of Music 92

Unit12 易混词语讲解 93

Eary Childhood Education in the U.S 93

由一道高考题所想到的——过去分词作宾语补足语的几种动词类型 94

浅谈虚拟语气的几种用法 94

TTL Unit 12 Mainly revision 95

More Thai students head for China 98

Geographical Regions in the U.S 98

您知道圣诞老人的故乡在哪里吗?怎样向圣诞老人索要圣诞礼物吗? 99

谈非if条件句表示的虚拟条件 99

In Order to Live Longer 99

Units 10-12重点、难点与考点回顾 100

ECA Units 10-12 101

Religion in New England 104

Normal Sleep 104

The Origin of the Name“Italy” 104

常见英语习惯表达正误例析 105

Units1-12重点知识精练、精析 106

高二英语上册知识要点单项填空90题 107

Your Sleeping Position and Your Personality 109

A Letter to Young Students 110

你会用There you are吗? 110

高二英语上册易混词语辨析专练 111

高二英语上册易混句型对比练与析 112

The World Cup 113

The @ Symbol 114

The Sound of Music 114

完形填空解题方法及练与析 115

如何“继续做某事” 116

高二英语上册语法专练90题 117

Guess Who's for Dinner 119

New water law to protect rivers 119

Wales—”Land of Song" 119

怎样写好路径式书面表达 120

高考题对形容词的考查 120

Reading Comprehension 121

Animal World 122

American Black Bears 122

To Make Papa Proud 122

你知道如何“让步”吗? 122

经典影片对白欣赏 123

回味无穷“双关语” 124

What did he do with his money? 124

Do you know? 124

Marriage Proposal 124

一类不容忽视的形容词 125

交际用语专练 125

Reading Comprehension 126

To Make Papa Proud 127

Foot-racing 128

Driving in college 128

论主谓一致 129

Elvis 130

Mother's Day 130

Reading Comprehension 131

What kind of person are you? 132

13 Ways to Stay Healthy 133

Say“No”to Smoking 133

经典影片对白欣赏 134

Super Sunday 134

浅谈with引导的独立主格结构 135

as用法小结 135

几种特殊的比较结构 135

Reading Comprehension 136

英语习语欣赏 137

Christmas in the United States 138

Bowling 138

从高考题看情态动词的用法 139

The Story of a Snail 140

Star Festival 140

从2002年的一道高考题看“同位语” 140

高二英语上学期期末综合能力检测题 141

It's Another New Year 144

Casablanca 144

金曲选登 144

不定代词用法小结 145

Shooting Baskets 145

冠词考点对比精练、精析 146

Secrets of Straight-A Students 147

I Have a Dream 148

听力材料及参考答案 149
