- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李哲主编
- 出 版 社:青岛:青岛出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7543614553
- 页数:265 页
一、辨异 1
A 1
abbreviate, abridge 1
ability, capability, capacity 1
abolish, cancel, eliminate 2
about, concerning, regarding, respecting 2
absorbent, absorbing 2
accept, receive 3
acceptance, acceptation 3
access, excess 3
accessary, accessory 4
accident, event, incident 4
accomplish, complete, finish 4
accurate, exact, precise 5
accuse, blame, charge 6
ache, pain, pang 6
across, cross 6
act, action 7
act as, act like 7
adapt, adept, adopt 7
add up, add up to 8
adequate, enough, sufficient 8
admission, admittance 8
advance, advancement 9
advance, proceed, progress 9
adverse, averse 9
affect, effect, influence 10
afraid for, afraid of, afraid to 10
aggression, aggressiveness 10
agree on, agree to, agree with 11
aid, assist, help 11
alike, like, likely 11
alive, live, living 12
all at once, at once 12
all for, for all 13
all in, in all 13
allow, permit 13
allow for, allow of 13
all ready, already 14
all round, all-round 14
all together, altogether 14
allure, lure 14
alone, lonely, lonesome 15
aloud, loud, loudly 15
also, too, either 16
alternate, alternative 16
amaze, astonish, surprise 16
amend, emend 17
amiable, amicable 17
angel, angle 18
angry about, angry at, angry with 18
answer for, answer to 18
a number of, numbers of, the number of 19
anxious, eager 19
anxious about, anxious for, anxious to do sth. 19
anything but, nothing but 20
apparent, evident, obvious 20
apply to, apply to 20
appointment, date 21
appossite, oppossite 21
appraise, apprise, apprize 21
appreciable, appreciative 21
apt, liable, prone 22
argue about, argue against, argue with 22
arise, raise, rise 23
arouse, rouse 23
artificial, synthetic 24
as a whole, on the whole 24
as, because, for, since 24
as for, as to 25
as it was is, as it were, 25
ashamed, shameful 26
ask about, ask sb. about sth., ask after 26
asleep, sleepy 26
aspect, respect 27
ascent, assent, consent 27
assure e, presume, suppose 28
assure, ensure, insure 28
at a distance, in the distance 29
at a time, at one time 29
at an end, in the end, to an end 29
at a word, in a word 30
at best, at one's best 30
at ease, with ease 30
at first, first, firstly 31
at last, in the end 31
at no time, in no time 31
at peace, in peace 31
at present, for the present 32
at sight of, in the sight of 32
at table, at the table 32
attend, attend on, attend to 33
at the beginning, in the beginning 33
at the end of, by the end of 33
attractable, attractive 34
attribute, contribute, distribute 34
author, writer 34
autumn, autumnal 35
avenge, revenge 35
avocation, vocation 36
awake, awaken, wake, waken 36
award, reward 37
B 37
barbarian, barbaric, barbarous 37
bare, naked 37
barely, hardly 38
base, basis, foundation 38
be about to, be going to, be not about to 39
beach, coast, shore 39
beat, hit, pound, strike 39
beat, win 40
because of, due to, owing to, thanks to 41
be certain of doing sth, be certain to do sth 41
be concerned about, be concerned in, be concerned with 41
before long, long before 42
believe, believe in 42
beloved, loved, lovable, lovely 43
below, beneath, under 43
beneficent, beneficial, profitable 44
be over, be up 44
be prepared to do sth, be preparing to do sth. 44
be seized by, be seized with 45
beside, besides 45
be tired of, be tired out, be tired with 45
be welcome, be welcomed 45
beyond control, out of control 46
biannully, biennially 46
blush, flush 46
bloom, blossom, flower 47
border, boundary, bound 47
born, borne 48
breeze, gale, wind 48
bring forth, bring forward 49
brutal, brute, brutish 49
build, build up 49
burn down, burn out, burn up 50
but too, none too, only too, too to do 50
buy, purchase 50
by all means, by any means, by no means 51
by day, by the day 51
by oneself, for oneself, on one's own 51
by origin, in origin 52
bY the name of, in the name of 52
by the light of, in the light of 52
by turns, in turns 53
C 53
calendar, calender, colander 53
call sb. names, call sb. by name 53
call for, call on, call up 54
cannon, canon 54
capital, capitol 54
care, care about, care for 54
careen, career 55
careful, cautious, wary 55
carry on, carry out 56
carton, cartoon 56
cast, caste 56
catalogue, category 57
cause, reason 57
censor, censure 57
Center, middle, midst 58
ceremonial, ceremonious 58
certainly, surely 59
chance, opportunity 59
character, characteristic(s), nature 60
cheat, deceive 60
childish, childlike 61
choose, elect, pick, select 61
circumstances, envionment, surroundings 62
cite, site 62
clash, crash, crush 62
classic, classical 63
climate, weather 63
cloth(s), clothes, clothing 63
coarse, course 64
coherence, cohesion 64
combine, connect, link 64
comfortable, comforting 65
commence, commerce 65
comic, comical 66
commission, committee 66
compare, contrast 66
comparable, comparative 67
compare to, compare with 67
complement, compliment 67
complement, supplement 68
complex, complicated 68
comprehensible, comprehensive 68
compose, comprise, consist of 69
compulsive, compulsory 69
concrete, specific 69
conference, congress 70
confidant, confident, confidential 70
confirm, conform 71
conscience, conscientious, conscious 71
conserve, preserve, reserve 71
consider, regard 72
considerable, considerate 72
consist, constitute 72
consist in, consist of, consist with 73
consistently, constantly 73
constructional, constructive 73
contact, contract 74
contemptible, contemptuous 74
contend, content 74
continual, continuous 75
contrary, opposite 75
convention, conviction 75
convince, persuade 76
cook, cooker, cookery 76
cooperation, corporation 76
cope with, deal with 76
corespondent, correspondent 77
correspond to, correspond with 77
costly, dear, expensive 77
costume, custom 78
council, counsel 78
credible, creditable, credulous 79
crowded, packed 79
cry, sob, weep 79
curable, curative 80
cure, heal, remedy 80
cureless, incurable 80
D 81
daily, dairy, diary 81
damage, damages 81
danger, hazard, risk 81
dangerous, in danger 82
deadly, deathly 82
deceit, deception 82
decent, descent, dissent 83
decide, decide on 83
decline, refuse, reject 83
defective, deficient 84
defensible, defensive 84
definite, definitive 84
delay, postpone 85
delighted, delightful 85
delusion, illusion 85
depart, part 86
dependant, dependent 86
deserts, desert, dessert 86
desirable, desirous 86
despair, desperation 87
determinedly, determinately 87
devote oneself to, be devoted to 88
die from, die of 88
differ from, differ with, vary from 88
difficulty, dilemma 89
digestible, digestive 89
disable, unable 89
disability, inability 90
disappear, vanish 90
disbelief, unbelief 90
discomfortable, uncomfortable 91
discover, invent 91
disinterested, uninterested 91
dissatisfied, unsatisfied 91
distinct, distinctive, distinguished 92
distinction, distinctness 92
distinguish, extinguish 92
distrust, mistrust 93
disuse, misuse 93
doctor, physician, surgeon 93
doubt, suspect 94
dress, put on, wear 94
drunk, drunken 94
E 95
each other, every other, one another 95
earthly, earthy 95
ease, easiness 95
eatable, edible 95
economic, economical 96
educational, educative 96
effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient 96
elder, older 97
electric, electrical 97
elemental, elementary 98
emerge, immerge 98
emergence, emergency 98
emigrate, immigrate 98
emotion, feeling, passion 99
encounter, meet 99
ended, ending 99
entrance, entry 100
envelop, envelope 100
envy, jealousy 100
equable, equitable 101
equal, equalize, equate, equivalent 101
error, fault, mistake 101
escape, flee, run away 102
especial, special 103
everyday, every day 103
exceed, excel 103
exceedingly, excessively 104
except, except for, but for 104
exceptional, exceptionable 104
excitable, exciting 105
exhaustible, exhausting, exhaustive 105
expand, expend, extend 105
expectable, expectant 105
expectancy, expectation 106
extensive, intensive 106
F 107
fail, failing, failure 107
fair, fare 107
fairly, pretty, quite, rather 107
fall, fell 108
fall back, fall back on 108
familiar to, familiar with 108
famous as, famous at, famous for 109
famous, notorious, well-known 109
far and away, far and near, far and wide 109
fatal, fateful 110
favorable, favorite 110
fee, pay, salary, wage(s) 110
feel, feel like, look like 111
feel bad, feel badly 111
feel good, feel well 111
female, feminine 111
fictional, fictitious 112
find, find out 112
fit, suitable 112
flash, flush 112
flatter, flutter 113
flea, flee 113
fleshly, fleshy 113
foolish, silly, stupid 113
for a moment, for the moment 114
forceful, forcible 114
for fear of, in fear of 114
forgetful, forgettable 115
formal, formative 115
formation formulation 115
formally, formerly 115
forth, fourth 116
foreword, forward 116
G 116
genial, genuine 116
genius, genus 117
get ahead, go ahead 117
get into trouble, go to trouble 117
gift, present 117
give away, give way 118
give in, give up 118
give off, give out 118
give oneself up(to), give sb. up 119
glance, glimpse 119
glide, slide 120
glimmer, glisten, glitter 120
gold, golden 120
good at, good for, good to, good with 120
go on doing, go on to do 121
go to bed, go to sleep 121
go to rest, go to one's rest 121
graceful, gracious 122
grief, grievance 122
H 122
habit, hobby, custom 122
had better, had rather 123
hand on, on hand 123
hanged, hung 123
hardly when, no sooner than, scarcely when, as soon as 123
have a fancy for, have a fancy that 124
have a heart, have the heart 124
have a seat, take a seat, take one's seat 124
have a word with, have words with sb. 125
have sth. in mind, have sth. on mind 125
healthful, healthy 125
hear about, hear from, hear of 125
height, highness 126
heroin, heroine 126
high, highly 126
hire, rent 127
historic, historical 127
hold on, hold on to 127
holey, holy, wholly 128
honorable, honorary 128
human, humane 128
hurt, injure, wound 128
hypercritical, hypocritical 129
I 129
if only, only if 129
imaginable, imaginary, imaginative 129
immature, premature 130
imperial, imperious 130
impressible, impressive 130
in a hole, in the hole 130
in a way, in one's way, in the way 131
in business, on business 131
in case of, in the case of 131
in charge of, in the charge of 132
incomparable, incompatible 132
in course of, in the course of 132
industrial, industrious 133
in (the)face of, on the face of 133
in favour of, in favour with 133
in front of, in the front of 134
in future, in the future 134
ingenious, ingenuous 134
in number, in numbers 134
in one, in ones 135
in one's face, to one's face 135
in order, on order 135
in part, in paris 135
in place, in places 136
in place of, instead of 136
in possession of, in the possession of 136
in principle, of principle, on principle 137
in repair, under repair 137
in secret, in the secret 137
in sight, in sight of 137
insist on, persist in 138
institute, institution 138
instructional, instructive 138
intellectual, intelligent, intelligible 139
intense, intensive 139
interfere in, interfere with 139
in the (a) corner, on the (a) corner, at the (a)corner, round the corner 139
in the air, on the air 140
in the dark, in the darkness 140
in the east, on the east, to the east 140
in the midst of, in the middle of 141
in the open, in public 141
in the sun, under the sun 141
intolerable, intolerant 142
introduce into, introduce to 142
irritable, irritant 142
J 143
join, join in 143
judicial, judicious 143
just now, right now 143
journey, travel, trip, voyage 144
K 144
keep house, keep the house 144
keep pace with, keep up with 145
kind, sort 145
known as, known for, known to 145
L 146
lack of, short of 146
last, latest 146
late, lately, later, later on 146
laudable, laudatory 147
laugh, laughter 147
lawful, legal 147
lay, place, put, set 147
lengthy, long 148
liable for sth., liable to do sth., liable to sth. 148
lighted, lit 149
lightening, lightning 149
listen for, listen to 149
literal, literary, literate 149
livelihood, living 150
look over, look through 150
loose, loosen 150
lovable, lovely 151
luxuriant, luxurious 151
machine, machinery 151
magic, magical 151
make from, make of 152
make one's bed, make the bed(s) 152
make up for, make up to 152
male, manly, mannish 152
manner, manners 153
masterful, masterly 153
material, matter, substance 153
may as well, may well 154
maybe, may be 154
mean, means 154
mechanic, mechanical 155
meet, meet with 155
mend, patch, repair 155
militant, military 156
minute, minute 156
moan, mourn 156
momentary, momentous 156
moral, morals, morale 157
motion, movement 157
much too, too much 157
namely, by name 158
nearby, near by 158
necessary, necessity 158
need doing, need to do 158
negligent, negligible 159
no better than, not better than 159
no joke, not a joke 159
no less than, not less than 160
no less than, not less than 160
no more than, not more than 160
no other than, no other than 160
not a bit, not a little 161
notable, noted, noticeable 161
notice, pay attention to 161
not so much as, notsomuchas 162
O 162
object, objective 162
observable, observant 162
observance, observation 163
occupancy, occupation 163
off guard, off one' s guard 164
officer, official 164
official, officious 164
on board, on the board 164
on earth, on the earth 165
on fire, on the fire 165
on foot, on one's feet 165
on occasion, on the occasion(of) 166
on purpose, to the purpose 166
on watch, on the watch 166
original, originative 166
originate from (in), originate with (from) 167
out of question, out of the question 167
P 167
package, packet, parcel 167
part, portion 168
partly, partially 168
peace'able, peaeeful 169
penalty, punishment 169
percent, percentage 169
permanent, perpetual 170
permissible, permissive 170
personal, personnel 170
persuadable, persuasive 171
piteous, pitiable, pitiful 171
pleasant, pleased, pleasing 171
politic, political 172
politician, statesman 172
populace, population 172
possible, probable 173
potent, potential 173
practicable, practical 174
precede, proceed 174
precedence, preeedent 174
prepare sth., prepare for sth. 174
presen t, presently 175
pretence, pretension 175
prevail on, prevail over 175
price, prise, prize 175
primal, primary 175
principal, principle 176
produce, product, production 176
progress, progression 177
purposefully, purposely 177
R 177
racial, racist 177
rash, rush 178
rebellion, revolt 178
recover, re-cover 178
refrain, restrain 178
regrettable, regretful 179
relation, relative 179
remediable, remedial 179
replace, substitute 180
respectable, respectful 180
respectfully, respectively 180
responsible, responsive 180
result from, result in 181
run after.run behind 181
run out of, run short, run short of 181
S 182
same, similar 182
satisfactory, satisfied, satisfying 182
scene, scenery 182
search, search for 183
seashore, seaside 183
second, secondary 183
sensible, sensitive 183
sensual, sensuous 184
sentiment, sentimentality 184
settle down, settle down to 184
shade, shadow 185
shrunk, shrunken 185
sick, sickly 185
significance, signification 185
silk, silken 186
skilled, skillful 186
smell bad, smell badly 186
smile at, smile on 186
so as to, so... as to 187
so far, so far as 187
sociable, social 187
some, somehow, somewhat 187
sometime, some time, sometimes 188
spiritual, spirituous 188
spoiled, spoilt 188
stand beside, stand by 189
stand for, stand up for 189
stimulant, stimulus 189
subconscious, unconscious 189
successful, successive 190
suitable for, suitable to 190
T 190
take a chair, take the chair 190
take after sb., take to sb 191
take care, take care of 191
tasteful, tasty 191
technique, technology 192
temporal, temporary 192
tense, tensile 192
term, terminology 192
terrible, terrific 193
think about, think of 193
tired, tiring, tiresome 193
to the (a) day, to this day 194
to death, to the death 194
tolerable, tolerant 194
tortuous, torturous 195
tremble for, tremble with 195
triumphal, triumphant 195
U 195
unbelievable, unbelieving 195
understandable, understanding 196
usable, useful 196
usage, use 196
V 197
valuable, valued 197
variance, variation 197
virtual, virtuous 197
W 197
whatever, what ever 197
whoever, who ever 198
womanish, womanly 198
wonder, wonder at 198
wooden, woody 198
woolen, woolly 199
worth, worthwhile, worthy 199
Y 200
young, youthful 200
二、练习 201
三、练习答案 235
四、索引 240
五、主要参考书目 265
- 《词语翻译丛谈》陈忠诚著 1983
- 《最有趣的词语故事》吴庆芳编著 2014
- 《唐代墓志文化词语专题研究》姜同绚著 2019
- 《翦伯赞全集 第10卷 中外历史年表 主编》翦伯赞著 2008
- 《看拼音写词语生字注音组词》上海元远教育 2019
- 《汉语词语的时空域及喻域研究 以“上”“旁”“大”“来”等词语为例》顾倩著 2018
- 《唐文 小学生多功能词语词典 彩色版》唐文辞书编委会编 2017
- 《看拼音写词语生字注音组词 二年级 下》上海元远教育 2019
- 《公路工程造价员》陈楠主编 2013
- 《农网配电营业技师培训教材》王金笙主编 2010