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朝花惜拾  中国文学书系  古代诗歌卷
朝花惜拾  中国文学书系  古代诗歌卷

朝花惜拾 中国文学书系 古代诗歌卷PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:中国文学出版社编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国文学出版社;北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7507104753
  • 页数:295 页
《朝花惜拾 中国文学书系 古代诗歌卷》目录

(春秋)诗经 Book of Songs 2

关睢/Crying Ospreys 2

伐檀/Chop,Chop,We Cut Elms 4

硕鼠/Field Mouse 8

氓/A Simple Fellow 10

七月/In the Seventh Month 16

(战国)屈原 Qu Yuan 24

湘夫人/The Lady of the Xiang 24

哀郢/Mourning the Lost Capital 28

(汉)乐府民歌 Yuefu Songs of Han Dynasty 34

上邪/A Pledge 34

陌上桑/By the Roadside Mulberry 36

东门行/The Eastern Gate 42

孔雀东南飞/The Bride of Jiao Zhongqing 44

(汉)古诗十九首(选二) Nineteen Ancient Poems 74

冉冉孤生竹/To a Husband Far Away 74

迢迢牵牛星/Parted Lovers 76

(汉)曹操 Cao Cao 78

短歌行/A Song 78

观沧海/Gazing Out Across the Ocean 82

龟虽寿/Though the Tortoise Lives Long 84

(汉)王粲 Wang Can 86

七哀诗(其一)/Laments 86

(魏)曹植 Cao Zhi 88

美女篇/The Fair Maiden 88

(晋)陶渊明 Tao Yuanming 92

归园田居(其一)/On Returning to Live in the Countryside 92

饮酒(其五)/On Drinking Wine 94

挽歌诗/My Funeral Song 96

(南朝)谢朓 Xie Tiao 98

晚登三山还望京邑/Ascending Mountains and Gazing at the Capital 98

(北朝)乐府民歌 Yuefu Songs of Northern Dynasties 100

木兰诗/The Song of Mulan 100

(唐)骆宾王 Luo Binwang 106

在狱咏蝉/A Poem About a Cicada Written in Prison 106

(唐)王勃 Wang Bo 108

滕王阁诗/Pavilion of Prince Teng 108

送杜少府之任蜀州/Bidding Deputy Magistrate Du Farewell 110

(唐)杨炯 Yang Jiong 112

从军行/Following the Army to the Frontier 112

(唐)王维 Wang Wei 114

观猎/Watching the Hunt 114

使至塞上/My Mission to the Frontier 116

鹿柴/The Deer Enclosure 118

送元二使安西/Seeing Yuan the Second off on a Mission to Anxi 120

(唐)李白 Li Bai 122

蜀道难/The Sichuan Road 122

行路难(其一)/Travelling Is Hard 128

梦游天姥吟留别/A Visit to Sky-Mother Mountain in a Dream 130

黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵/Seeing Meng Haoran Off from Yellow Crane Tower 136

(唐)高适 Gao Shi 138

塞上听吹笛/On Hearing a Flute Melody in the Borderlands 138

(唐)杜甫 Du Fu 140

兵车行/The Army Carts 140

石壕吏/The Shihao Official 144

春夜喜雨/A Welcome Rain One Spring Night 148

茅屋为秋风所破歌/My Thatched Hut Wrecked by the Autumn Wind 150

(唐)岑参 Cen Shen 152

白雪歌送武判官归京/Song of White Snow on Secretary Wu's Return to Capital 152

(唐)张籍 Zhang Ji 154

野老歌/The Old Peasant 154

(唐)王建 Wang Jian/ 156

水夫谣/The Boatman's Song 156

(唐)刘禹锡 Liu Yuxi 158

西塞山怀古/Recalling the Past at Mount Xisai 158

酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠/A Reply to Bai Juyi's Poem at Our Meeting in Yangzhou 160

杨柳枝词(其一)/A Willow Ballad 162

(唐)白居易 Bai Juyi 164

卖炭翁/The Old Charcoal Seller 164

长恨歌/Song of Eternal Sorrow 166

琵琶行/Song of the Lute Player 182

钱塘湖春行/Walking by Qiantang Lake in Spring 190

(唐)李贺 Li He 192

雁门太守行/The Governor of Yanmen 192

金铜仙人辞汉歌/Song of the Bronze Statue 194

(唐)杜牧 Du Mu 196

江南春绝句/Spring in the Yangtze Delta 196

山行/Travelling in the Mountains 198

(唐)温庭筠 Wen Tingyun 200

菩萨蛮(小山重叠金明灭)/To the Tune of Pu Sa Man 200

梦江南(梳洗罢)/To the Tune of Meng Jiang Nan 202

(唐)李商隐 Li Shangyin 204

锦瑟/The Gorgeous Zither 204

蝉/Cicada 206

无题二首(其一)/Untitled 208

(五代)李煜 Li Yu 210

虞美人(春花秋月何时了)/To the Tune of Yu Mei Ren 210

浪淘沙(帘外雨潺潺)/To the Tune of Lang Tao Sha 212

(宋)柳永 Liu Yong 214

雨霖铃(寒蝉凄切)/To the Tune of Yu Lin Ling 214

望海潮(东南形胜)/To the Tune of Wang Hai Chao 216

八声甘州(对潇潇暮雨洒江天)/To the Tune of Ba Sheng Can Zhou 218

(宋)晏殊 Yan Shu 220

蝶恋花(槛菊愁烟兰泣露)/To the Tune of Die Lian Hua 220

(宋)欧阳修 Ouyang Xiu 222

踏莎行(候馆梅残)/To the Tune of Ta Sha Xing 222

(宋)王安石 Wang Anshi 224

河北民/North of the Yellow River 224

书湖阴先生壁/Written on the Wall for Master Huyin 226

(宋)晏几道 Yan Jidao 228

临江仙(梦后楼台高锁)/To the Tune of Lin Jiang Xian 228

(宋)苏轼 Su Shi 230

水调歌头(明月几时有)/To the Tune of Shui Diao Ge Tou 230

念奴娇·赤壁怀古/To the Tune of Nian Nu Jiao 232

江城子·密州出猎/To the Tune of Jiang Cheng Zi 234

惠崇春江晚景/Monk Huicong's Painting"Dusk on the Spring River" 236

(宋)秦观 Qin Guan 238

浣溪沙(漠漠轻寒上小楼)/To the Tune of Huan Xi Sha 238

(宋)周邦彦 Zhou Bangyan 240

苏幕遮(燎沉香)/To the Tune of Su Mu Zhe 240

过秦楼(水浴清蟾)/To the Tune of Guo Qin Lou 242

(宋)李清照 Li Qingzhao 244

渔家傲(天接云涛连晓雾)/To the Tune of Yu Jia Ao 244

如梦令(昨夜雨疏风骤)/To the Tune of Ru Meng Ling 246

永遇乐(落日熔金)/To the Tune of Yong Yu Le 248

(宋)陆游 Lu You 250

游山西村/A Visit to a Village West of the Mountains 250

关山月/Moonlight Over the Mountain Pass 252

十一月四日风雨大作/The Great Storm on the Fourth of the Eleventh Month 254

示儿/To My Son 256

(宋)范成大 Fan Chengda 258

四时田园杂兴(其二十二)/On Country Life 258

缫丝行/Reeling Silk 260

(宋)辛弃疾 Xin Qiji 262

水龙吟·登建康赏心亭/To the Tune of Shui Long Yin 262

西江月·夜行黄沙道中/To the Tune of Xi Jiang Yue 266

永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古/To the Tune of Yong Yu Le 268

南乡子·登京口北固亭有怀/To the Tune of Nan Xiang Zi 272

(宋)姜夔 Jiang Kui 274

扬州慢(淮左名都)/To the Tune of Yang Zhou Man 274

疏影(苔枝缀玉)/Dappled Shadows 278

(元)萨都剌 Sadula 282

过嘉兴/Passing Jiaxing 282

满江红(六代繁华春去也)/To the Tune of Man Jiang Hong 284

(清)纳兰性德 Nalan Xingde 288

长相思(山一程)/To the Tune of Chang Xiang Si 288

如梦令(万帐穹庐人醉)/To the Tune of Ru Meng Ling 290

(近代)龚自珍 Gong Zizhen 292

己亥杂诗(其一百二十四)/An Invocation to Heaven 292

(近代)秋瑾 Qiu Jin 294

杞人忧/Groundless Fear 294
