- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:狄艳华编著
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7538424725
- 页数:229 页
Part Ⅰ Understanding Culture 1
1.Definitions of Culture 1
2.Characteristics of Culture 2
3.Basic Functions of Culture 7
Part Ⅱ Paradox of Culture 9
1.Time and Space Systems 10
2.Consistency of life 17
3.High Low Contexts 20
4.Situational Frames in Culture 24
5.Covert Culture and Action Chains 25
6.Culture and Education 29
7.Culture as an Irrational Force 32
8.Culture as Identification 37
Part Ⅲ American Cultural Patterns 41
1.Cross-Cultural Problems 42
1) Aspects of Cross-cultural Interactions 42
2) Assumptions and Values 44
2.Cultural Patterns of Perception and Thinking 46
1) Sensation,Perception and Patterns of Thinking 47
2) The American Model of Perception and Thinking 48
3) The American View of Facts and Pragmatism 51
4) Negative Reasoning and Implied Agent in American Tinking 53
3.Mode of Activity 54
1) Orientation to Action 55
2) Doing Not Being 58
3) Orientation Toward Time 59
4) Individual Achievement 61
4.Form of Social Relations 62
1) Equality 62
2) Obligation 64
3) Directness and Informality 65
4) Friendship and popularity 66
5) Cooperation and Competition 68
5. Perception of the World and the Self 69
1) Human Relationship to Nature 70
2) Materialism and Progress 71
3) Dimensions of the Self 76
4) Individualism and Self-Reliance 78
5) Cultural Change 81
6. Aspects of Intercultural Communication 85
1) Emotion in Communication 86
2) Style of Communication and Public Behavior 87
3) Implications of American Ethnocentrism 94
Part Ⅳ Theme-based Topics on American Culture 98
1. Basic American Values and Assumptions 98
1) Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance 99
2) Equality of Opportunity and Competition 101
3) Material Wealth and Hard Work 103
4) Goodness of Humanity and Improvement 104
5) Time and Efficiency 105
6) Assertiveness 106
1) The Frontier Heritage 107
2. The Impact of Historical Heritages on America 107
2) The Heritage of Abundance 111
3) The Protestant Heritage 113
3. Wilderness and the American Mind 116
1) Old World Roots of Opinion 116
2) A Wilderness Condition 120
3) The American Wilderness 124
4) Preserve the Wilderness and Wilderness Preserved 125
5) The Wilderness Cult 129
6) A Philosophy of Wilderness 130
7) A Future for Wilderness 135
4. Strong Religious Influence 137
1) General Introduction of Religious Situation 137
2) Do Americans Believe in God? 138
3) Different Religions and Regional Differences 139
4) Christianity in the United States 141
5) Religion and Individual Americans 142
5. Political Systems and Presidential Election 143
1) The Constitution and Federalism 143
2) American Government and Political Parties 144
3) The Voting System and Presidential Elections 149
6. The Free Enterprise Economy 159
1) The Free Enterprise System 159
2) Economic Changes over Time 160
3) The Situation Today 160
4) Views Toward Management and Standard Negotiation Practices 162
5) Domestic Business Context 163
7. American Education 166
1) An Overview of the Ideals that Guide American Educational System 168
2) The Impact of New England Puritanism and Development in Education 170
3) The Educational Ladder 173
4) The Burdened Responsibilities of Public Schools 176
5) The Money Value of Education and Social Forces 178
6) Multicultural Education in the United States 179
8. Assimilation of Various Ethnic Groups 186
9. Social Security and It s Future 192
1) The Philosophy of Social Security 193
2) Medicare 195
3) The Future of Social Security 196
5) The Budget Surplus 198
4) The Problems 198
10. American Social Life 199
1) Social Relations 199
2) Family Life 202
3) Recreational Life 206
4) Transportation 209
5) Environment and Conservation 212
11. Social Problems 215
1) Crimes in the United States 215
2) Child Abuse 217
3) Homelessness 221
Bibliography 223
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