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卓越英语专项突破  易混词语辨析
卓越英语专项突破  易混词语辨析

卓越英语专项突破 易混词语辨析PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张谦,流金主编
  • 出 版 社:长春:吉林教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7538342613
  • 页数:314 页
《卓越英语专项突破 易混词语辨析》目录

目录 1

A 1

a;one 1

a bit;a little 2

a few;few;a little;little 3

ago;before 4

a great(good)many;a great deal of;a lot of 5

a number of;the number of 6

about;on 6

ahove;over;on 6

accept;receive 8

achieve;earn;gain;get;obtain;take;win 9

across;through;over 10

act;action;deed 10

act;perform 11

affair;business;matter;thing 12

at the back of;in the back of;after;behind 12

affect;effect;influence 13

afford;supply;provide 14

age;period 14

almost;nearly 15

agree with;agree to;agree on/upon;agree to do sth 15

alive;living;live;lively 16

all;all of 17

allow;let;permit;promise 18

All right;That's right;That's all right;All is right;All are right 19

alone;lonely 21

aloud;loud;loudly 21

although;though;as 22

another;the other;others;other 23

anxious;eager 24

any;any other;all the;all the other 25

a part of;part of 25

appear;seem;look 25

argue;quarrel;discuss 27

around;round 28

arrive in(at);reach;get to 28

as;for 29

as;like 30

as…as possible和as…as sb.can 31

as far as;so far as 31

ask;beg;demand;request;require 32

ask for sth;ask for sb;ask sb.for sth 33

as though/if;even though/if 34

as many as;as much as 34

as well;as well as;either;also;too 35

as well;as well as 36

as well as;not only…but also 37

at;in;with;for;over 38

at last;in the end;finally 39

at night;on the night 40

attempt;try;manage 40

at the foot of;at the bottom of 40

at the corner;on the corner;in the corner 41

at the beginning(of);in the beginning(of) 41

at the end of;in the end;by the end of 41

at the top of;on the top of 42

at a time;at one time;at the time;at all time;at the same time 42

at this time of;at this time;this time 43

at present;recently;now;at the moment;at that moment;just then 44

at least;less than;not more than;below;under 44

add;add to;attach;increase 45

announce;declare;proclaim 46

answer;reply 46

avoid;escape;escape from 47

always;all the time 47

at the sane time;meanwhile 48

astonish;amaze;surprise;frighten;wonder 49

B 50

be about to do sth.;be going to do sth.;be to do sth 50

be covered with;be covered by 51

be afraid to do sth.;be afraid of sth./doing sth.;be afraid that 51

be angry at;be angry about;be angry with 52

base;basis;foundation 52

ban;forbid 52

be away;be out;be off 53

beard;moustache 53

beat;defeat;win 54

beat;hit;strike;knock 54

beautiful;good—looking;handsome;lovely;nice;pretty 55

be careful of;be careful with 56

be/get caught in;be trapped in 57

because;as;for;since 57

because of;because;due to;thanks to;as a result 58

become;get;go;grow;turn 59

be content to;be content with 60

(be)dangerous;(be)in danger;out of danger 60

be famous as;be famous for 61

before long;long before 61

begin;start 62

be going to do sth.;will 63

be good at;be good for;do sb./sth.good 64

be known as;be known for;be known to;be known in 65

belief;trust;faith 65

believe;believe in 66

be made of/from;be made into;be made up of 66

be of+n.;be of+adj.;be of+不定冠词+n 67

be sure about/of;be sure to do sth.;be sure that—clause 67

be tired of/be tired from(with);tire of;be tired out 68

between;among 68

be used to…;get/become used to;be accustomed to…;used to do sth.;would 69

blame…on;blame…for;to blame;to be blamed 70

borrow;lend;keep 70

both;both of;either;each 70

break out;happen;take place 72

break down;break up 72

break one's word;eat one's words 73

break into;break off;break down;break out;break up 73

bright;clever;wise 74

bring;take;fetch;carry 74

bring on;bring in;bring out 75

broad;wide 75

burn down;burn…to ground 76

build;found;set up 76

besides;but;except;except for 77

but for;but that 78

by;in;with 79

by;until 80

by all means;by any means;by no means;by this(that)means;by means of 80

by bus;on a bus;catch a bus 81

by oneself;for oneself;to oneself;of oneself 82

by the side of;on the side of;on the edge of 82

by then;by now 83

call for;call in;send for 84

calm;quiet;silent;still;noiseless 84

C 84

can(could);be able to 85

can have done;could have done 86

Can I help you?;How can I help you? 87

cap;hat 87

care about;care for 88

care;mind 88

carry on;carry out;carry through 89

cause;lead to 89

cause;reason;excuse 90

catch;catch up;catch up with 90

catch;hold;seize;catch(get,take)hold of 91

catch fire;(be)on fire;on a(the)fire;in a(the)fire;set fire to;get burnt 91

cease;leave off;stop;pause 92

certain;sure;be sure 93

certainly;surely;of course;exactly 93

centre;middle 95

Chinese,a Chinese;the Chinese 95

choose;select;pick out;elect 96

city;town 96

class;lesson 97

clean;tidy;neat 97

climate;weather 98

clock;watch 98

close;shut;shut off;turn off;turn down;turn on;turn up 99

cloth;clothes;clothing;dress 101

cold;cool 102

coast;shore;bank;beach;seaside 102

collect;gather;round up 103

college;university;institute 103

combine;connect;join;unite 104

come into being;found;appear 105

company;firm;corporation 105

compare…to…;compare…with 106

competition;match;game 107

complete;finish;end 107

complete;entire;whole;total;all;full 108

composition;article;passage 109

conference;meeting;party 110

cost;price;value;worth;expense 110

country;nation;state 111

cry;weep;sob;sniffle 112

crop;harvest;get in 112

custom;habit 113

cut down;cut up;cut away;cut out;cut off 113

D 115

damage;destroy;ruin 115

damp;wet 116

dark;darkness;in the dark 116

day;date 117

day after day;day by day 117

dead;die;death 118

decide;determine;make up one's mind;make a decision 118

delay;put off 119

desk;table 119

desert;give up 120

die from;die of;die out 120

difficulty with;with difficulty 121

difficulty in;in difficulty 121

difficult;hard 121

dialogue;conversation 122

different;various 122

disclose;expose 123

discover;find;invent 123

disease;illness;sickness 124

divide…into;separate…from 124

do research;make researchs 125

do so;do that(it) 126

drawing;picture;painting;photo;portrait 127

drill;exercise;practise;train 127

drink;have;take 128

drive;ride 129

drop;fall;sink;set 129

during;during the course of;in course of 130

E 131

each;every 131

emotion;feeling 131

empty;blank;hollow;vacant 132

encourage;cheer;take heart 132

escape;escape from;flee;run away 133

especially;specially;peculiar;particular 134

examine;check;look over;inspect 135

examination;test;quiz 136

excited;exciting 136

extend;spread;scatter 137

every four years;every fourth year 137

either…or…;neither…nor 138

everyday;daily;every day 138

factory;plant;mill;works 140

face-to-face;face to face 140

F 140

fairly;rather;quite 141

fall asleep;go to sleep;go to bed;(be)in bed 142

fall off;fall over;fall down 143

fair;just 143

far;far away;distant 144

fast;quick;quickly;rapid;swift 145

fasten;fix;tie 147

fault;mistake;shortcoming;wrong 148

fear;afraid;frighten;terrify 148

fee;fare;charge 149

feed…to;feed…on(with);feed on 149

feel;sense 150

fight;struggle 151

field;fields;farm 151

find;find out;look for;discover 152

fill…with;be filled with;be full of 153

fit;be fit for;suit 153

flat;level;smooth;even 154

force;make;oblige;compel 155

force;energy;power;strength 155

for example;for instance;such as;like;and so on 156

for a moment;for the moment;in a moment 157

for no reason;for some reason;for the reason of health;for no good reason 157

for sale;on sale 157

form;organize 158

form;shape;figure 158

final;last 159

foolish;stupid;silly 159

for the first time;the first time 160

for one thing,for one thing…for another(thing);at first 160

forest;wood;jungle;brush 161

forget doing sth.;forget to do sth 162

forget;leave 162

free;liberate;release 162

fresh;new 163

from far;far from 163

from…to;from…till 164

funny;interesting;amusing 164

fur;skin;hide;leather 165

G 166

gate;door 166

gaze;glance;glare;stare 166

get ready;prepare;prepare for 167

get into the habit of;get sb.into the habit of 167

get back;come back 167

give birth to;be born 168

glad;happy;pleasant;merry;gay 168

gift;present 169

gift;talent;genius 170

globe;earth;world 170

gold;golden 171

go on doing sth.;go on to do sth.;go on with sth 171

good luck to;good luck with 172

go out;be out;put out 172

H 173

hand down;hand in;hand on;hand over;hand up;hand to 173

hard work;work hard 174

hate;dislike 174

have;there be 174

have;own;belong to;possess;go to 175

have a cold;catch a cold 175

have sb.do sth.;have sb./sth.doing sth;have sth.done 176

have to;must 177

help;aid;assist 178

help…out;help…with 178

hill;mountain 179

hire;rent;let;employ;engage 179

home;house;family 180

honor;admire;respect 180

hope;expect;wish;desire;long;want;look forward to 181

host;master;owner 183

How long…?;How soon…?;How often…?;How far…? 184

however;but;while;and 185

hurry;speed 186

hour;o'clock 186

hurt;injure;wound;harm 187

I 189

idea;opinion;advice suggestion;view 189

ill;sick 190

in;after;later;within 190

in a flash;in a moment 191

in a distance of;in the distance;at a distance 191

in all;in total;altogether 192

in all;at all;after all 192

in a(one)word;in other words;in word;by words;with words 192

include;including;included 193

including;besides;except 194

in future;in the future;for the future;in the near future 194

in the way;in a way;in this way;in no way;on the way to;by the way 195

indeed;really;actually;in fact 196

in case;in case of;in the case of;in any case 196

in actual fact;in fact;as it is(was);as a matter of fact;on fact 197

information;news;massage 198

insist;persist;stick 199

instead;instead of;take the place of;in place of 200

interested;interesting 201

interview;meet;meeting 201

in time;on time 202

introduce…to;introduce…into 202

introduce;recommend 203

J 204

job;task;labour;work 204

journey;travel;trip;tour;voyage 204

judge by;judge from 205

just;just now;just as 206

K 207

keep doing sth.;keep on doing sth 207

keep;hold;preserve 207

keep in touch with sb.;get in touch with sb.;keep up;keep up with 208

keep one's balance;hold the balance;on balance;in the balance 208

kill;murder 209

kind;type;sort 209

knock off;knock at;knock into 210

know;know about;recognize 210

L 212

land;earth;soil;ground 212

last;endure;continue 212

late;later;lately 214

lead;guide;direct;show 214

lie;lie;lay 215

leave a message;send a message;take a message 215

like;love;enjoy;be fond of;prefer 216

line;queue 218

look;see;watch;notice;observe 218

lost;missing;gone 219

M 221

make sb.understand;make oneself understood 221

make up one's mind;decide;determine 221

manner;means;way;method 222

many more;much more 222

market;fair 223

meet;meet with 223

matter;substance;material;physical 224

mix…with…;mix…in with…;mix…into 225

most;at(the)most;almost;mostly 226

movement;motion;move;activity 227

N 229

natural;native;normal;man—made 229

necessary;need;require 229

need do;need to do;need doing 230

nervous;tight;anxious 231

no more than;not more than 231

next to;near to 232

Never mind.;It doesn't matter 232

noisy;sound;voice;noise 232

none;no one;nobody 233

not…any more/no more;not…any longer/no longer 234

nothing but;anything but 234

notice;pay attention to 235

O 236

of which;whose 236

only if;only when;if only 237

older;elder 237

once;if 238

once again;once and again;over and over again;repeat 238

on one's/the holiday;for one's/the holiday 238

on the air;in the air 239

on the radio;over the radio;from the radio 239

on the board;on the boards;on board;above board 240

on the point of;in point(of);to the point(of) 240

operate;manage 240

outdoor;outdoors 241

outside;out of 241

out of question;out of the question 242

path;road;way 243

personal;private;individual 243

P 243

persuade;advise 244

pick;pick up 245

please;pleased;pleasant;pleasure;pleasing 245

pleasure;delight;joy;fun 246

polite;good manner 247

point at;point to 247

print;publish 247

put;place;lay 248

purpose;aim;goal 248

Q 250

question;problem 250

R 251

recently;lately;presently 251

recently;at present;at that moment 251

reasonable;suitable 252

rapid;fast;quickly;soon 252

reduce;decrease;drop away/off;cut down 253

reduce…to…;reduce by 253

rely;depend 253

remain;stay 254

remember;recall;remind 254

remember sb.as;remember sb.for 255

room;place 255

repair;mend;fix 256

research;study;learn 256

return;be back 257

run out;run out of 257

S 258

save;rescue 258

seat;sit 258

set off;set out 259

scream;shout;call;cry 259

settle;solve 260

shade;shadow 260

should;ought to 260

sign;signal;mark 261

simple;easy 262

since;for;from 262

so far;so far as;by far 263

so that;in order to(that) 263

so;such 264

some;certain 266

sometimes;some times;sometime;some time 266

so do I;so I do;I do so 266

sorry;excuse;pardon;forgive 267

speech;address;lecture;talk 268

sound;sound like 268

station;stop 269

steam;vapour 270

still;already;yet 270

stop to do sth.;stop doing sth 270

story;tale;novel 271

strike;impress;touch;move 272

struggle against;struggle for 272

suggest;advise;propose;offer 272

suitable;proper;fit 273

sweet;sugar 274

take photographs of;take photographs for 275

take off;undress 275

take care of;take care;look after 275

T 275

take part in;join;join in;attend;go in for 276

talk;speak;say;tell 277

talk about;talk of;talk to/with 278

telephone;ring;ring up 278

that;this 279

that;which 279

the rest;the rest of 282

the same as;such…as…;the same…as;the same…that 282

thin;lean 283

think about;think over;think of 284

This is because…;This is why 284

this once;this time 285

to do with;to deal with 285

too;too much;much too 286

topic;subject;title 287

too;very;quite 287

trade;exchange 288

try to do sth.;manage to do sth 288

turn;turn out 289

U 290

unhappy;unfortunate;unlucky 290

unless;if…not 290

unsuccessful;failure 291

V 292

valuable;expensive;priceless;dear 292

victory;success;achievement 292

visit;call on;drop in;pay a visit to 293

weak;fragile 295

wealthy;rich 295

W 295

wedding;marriage 296

What be sth.like?;What be sb.like? 296

what…for;why 296

whether;if 297

while;when;as 298

wish…every success;may…succeed 300

with sorrow;in sorrow 300

with the purpose of;for the purpose of;in order to 301

work at;at work;work on;work out 301

worth;worthy;worthwhile 302

would rather;rather than;prefer 303

Y 305

year after year;year by year 305

附录 306

英语词语辨析方法 306
