中国传统民间寓言选 中英文对照版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张雪杉,刘士毅主编;唐再凤译
- 出 版 社:天津:百花文艺出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7530636170
- 页数:328 页
一、劝学类 1
卖油与射箭 1
The Oil Peddler and the Archer 2
骄傲的徒弟 4
The Proud Pupil 5
乌鸦为什么不会唱歌 7
Why Cant Crows Sing 7
鸡和鹰 9
Chicken and Eagle 10
小猫钓鱼 12
A Little Cat is Going Fishing 13
猴子的经验 15
The Experience of a Monkey 16
二、劝戒类 19
寒号鸟 19
Crying-cold Bird 20
白头翁 22
Chinese Bulbul 23
蜗牛和蚂蚁 25
Snail and Ant 26
三、智慧类 29
庖丁解牛 29
Paoding Butchers the Ox 30
晏子出使楚国 31
Yanzi on a Diplomatic Mission 32
狐狸和大雁 34
Fox and Wild Goose 35
狼吃老马 38
Wolf Tries to Eat Old Horse 38
老虎和螃蟹 40
Tiger and Crab 42
机智勇敢的山羊 46
A Wise and Brave Goat 47
四、团结类 49
折箭 49
Breaking Arrows 50
看这兄弟俩 51
Look at the Brothers 52
Foot and Eye 54
脚和眼睛 54
狮子和老鼠 56
Lion and Mouse 57
一个圈里的牛和羊 59
Ox and Sheep of the Same Fold 60
公鸡和捶衣棒 62
Cock and Clothes Beater 64
斑鸠的脚杆 67
Turtledove s Leg 68
蚂蚁和蚯蚓 70
Ant and Earthworm 70
蜜蜂和花朵 72
Bee and Flower 73
愚公移山 75
五、意志类 75
The Foolish Old Man Who Moved the Mountains 77
志向高尚的樵夫 80
The Noble Woodcutter 80
风和白露花 82
Wind and White Dew Flower 82
铁块 84
A Piece of Metal Block 85
六、风格类 86
孔雀的尾巴 86
The Tail of Peacock 87
乌鸦与喜鹊 89
Crow and Magpie 90
母鸡和奶牛 93
Hen and Cow 93
羊和它的邻居们 95
Sheep and its Neighbors 96
两只青蛙 99
Twp Frogs 100
鱼为什么没有腿 104
Why A Fish Has No legs 107
潭水和山泉 112
Pond Water and Mountain Spring 112
七、喻世类 114
唇亡齿寒 114
Lips and Teeth 116
Mending the Fold After the Sheep have been Stolen 119
亡羊补牢 119
塞翁失马 121
The Frontier Old Man Lost his Mare 121
鹬蚌相争 123
A Kingfisher and Oyster Locked in a Fight 123
少管别人的事 125
Dont Care About Other People s Business 125
八、辩证类 127
自相矛盾 127
Self-contradiction 128
药 129
Medicine 129
蝉和杜鹃鸟 131
Cicada and Cuckoo 133
鹿和角 136
Deer and its Horn 137
选拔能手 139
Selecting Talents 140
瘸猴和瞎驴 142
Limping Monkey and Blind Donkey 143
九、愚笨类 145
拔苗助长 145
Pulling up the Seedlings to Help them Grow 146
扁鹊治病 147
A Famous Doctor Treats the Sick 148
守株待兔 151
Waiting by the Stump for a Hare to Crash into it 151
愚人买鞋 153
A Fool Tried to Buy a Pair of Shoes 154
掩耳盗铃 156
Stealing the Bell by Covering his Own Ear 156
刻舟求剑 158
Marking in a Boat to Seek the Lost Sword 158
画蛇添足 160
Adding Claws to a Snake 161
南辕北辙 163
Driving North to go to the South 164
善人 166
A Kind Man 167
锯树赶乌鸦 168
Cutting a Tree to Rid the Crow 168
猴子和月亮 170
The Monkeys and the Moon 171
猴子摘苞谷 173
A Monkey Plucked an Ear of Corn 174
十、训诫类 176
东郭先生和狼 176
Mr.Dongguo and Wolf 178
黄鼠狼的誓言 182
A Weasel Made a Vow 183
母鸡和狐狸 185
Hen and Fox 186
猫教训老鼠 188
Cat gave Mouse a Lesson 189
东施效颦 191
十一、讽刺类 191
The Ugly Woman Imitated the Beauty 192
叶公好龙 193
Lord Ye s Love of Dragons 193
南郭先生 195
Mr.Nanguo Pretended to be Playing the Yu 196
疑人偷斧 198
The Neighbor is Under Suspicion 198
杯弓蛇影 200
Snake Image in Wine Cup 200
五十步笑百步 202
Fifty Paces Laughs at a Hundred Paces 203
狐假虎威 205
Fox Empowered by Tiger 206
十二、骄矜类 207
有勇无谋的狮子 207
The Lion Who is More Brave Than Wise 208
不打鸣的公鸡 211
The Cock that Refused to Crow 212
一只小喜鹊 215
A Little Magpie 215
百灵鸟评定得好 217
The Lark s Judgment 218
风筝 220
The Kite 221
十三、贪心类 224
老太婆和金鸡的故事 224
The Old Woman and the Gold Hen 226
狐狸的分配 229
The Allotment by the Fox 230
贪婪的狗 232
The Greedy Dog 232
蝙蝠 234
Bat 235
十四、欺诈类 238
披着羊皮的狼 238
The Wolf Covered with Sheep Hide 239
狐狸和狼 240
Fox and Wolf 241
Fox and Sheep 243
狐狸和羊 243
黄牛、水牛和豹子 245
Ox,Water Buffalo,and Leopard 246
螃蟹和蚯蚓 248
The Crab and EarthWorm 250
十五、报应类 253
两颗西瓜子 253
Two Watermelon Seeds 257
卖肉的人 264
The Meat Seller 264
丑陋的女皇 266
The Ugly Queen 267
水牛和老虎 270
Water Buffalo and Tiger 271
狐狸请客 274
Fox Treated its Guest 275
大象的死 278
The Death of Elephant 279
喜鹊和蛇攀亲 281
Magpie and Snake Claimed Kinship to Each Other 283
十六、离间类 286
狮子和犀牛 286
Lion and Rhino 288
两只狐狸的友谊 292
The Friendship Between two Foxes 294
蝙蝠的故事 297
The Story of Bat 299
没乘过船的王子 303
十七、其他类 303
A Prince Who Never Traveled by Ship 304
奶馕与项链 306
Milk Pancake and Necklace 307
不孝儿子不如狗 308
A Son who is not Filial is Inferior to a Dog 311
两只山羊 316
Two Goats 316
“咕咚” 318
“Plop” 320
海龟和井蛙 323
Sea Turtle and Well Frog 324
爱虚荣的乌鸦 326
A Vain Crow 327
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