Unit 1: Internet Era and Electronic Business 1
Lesson 1: What is electronic business (EB) 1
Lesson 2: What is Internet? 5
Lesson 3: Do business in the Internet era 9
Reading Material 1: The development of EB in Internet era 13
Unit 2: The Important Premise and Conditions of EB 16
Lesson 4: The Internet service provider 16
Lesson 5: What is Web? 19
Lesson 6: The software for further exploring of Web 23
Lesson 7: The EB environment 27
Reading Material 2: Log-on speed and band-wide 32
Unit 3: The Security of EB 34
Lesson 8: Something worried in EB application 34
Lesson 9: Firewall 38
Lesson 10: Encryption and authentication 43
Reading Material 3: The countermeasures of EB security 47
Unit 4: The Mechanism for Internet Payments 50
Lesson 11: The Internet payment and the SET protocol 50
Lesson 12: E-Bank 55
Reading Material 4: Why isn t E-cash a common currency? 58
Unit 5: B2C E-Business 62
Lesson 13: E-commerce and its customers 62
Lesson 14: The market strategies of E-shops 67
Reading Material 5: Two pieces of news about e-commerce 73
Unit 6: B2B E-Business 75
Lesson 15: Intranet, extranet and virtual enterprises 75
Lesson 16: The development of Intranet software 79
Reading Material 6: The management of on-line customer asset and the sales force automation 84
APPENDIX 1课文参考译文 87
APPENDIX 2 Vocabulary 123
参考书目 127
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