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中国反洗钱报告  2010
中国反洗钱报告  2010

中国反洗钱报告 2010PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:中国人民银行反洗钱局编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国金融出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787504962652
  • 页数:112 页
图书介绍:本书为《中国反洗钱报告. 2010》的英文版,对我国2010年的反洗钱状况进行了全面回顾,包括反洗钱制度建设、反洗钱协调机制、反洗钱监管、反洗钱监测分析、洗钱案件查处、反洗钱国际合作以及反洗钱宣传与研讨培训等。同时指出,中国未来的反洗钱工作将以科学发展为引领,统筹考虑社会发展与法制意识进步等多重因素,大胆设想、谨慎求证、稳步推进,推动构建和完善国家洗钱风险防御体系,维护经济金融秩序的稳定。 本报告数据精确翔实,案例栩栩如生。报告中大量洗钱案件的侦破和查处彰显了我国的反洗钱手段的丰富齐备和反洗钱技术的突飞猛进。尤其是,鲜活生动的案例如同在昨,必能警惕读者远离洗钱陷阱,增强反洗钱意识,积累反洗钱经验,如此看来,本报告颇具教化意义和社会效益。
《中国反洗钱报告 2010》目录

ChapterⅠ Major Development of China's AML Efforts 1

ChapterⅡ AML Supervision 19

ChapterⅢ AML Monitoring,Analysis,Investigation and Penalty 29

ChapterⅣ ML Typologies and Case Studies 39

Appendix 65

AppendixⅠ Highlights of China's AML Effort in 2010 65

AppendixⅡ AML Legislations and Documents Issued in 2010 72

AppendixⅢ Notice of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security on Issuing the Provisions(Ⅱ)of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security on the Standards for Filing and Prosecuting Criminal Cases under the Jurisdiction of the Public Security Organs(excerpts) 74

AppendixⅣ Circular of the People's Bank of China on Implementing the Circular of Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Implementing Relevant Resolutions of UN Security Council 77

AppendixⅤ China Money Laundering Risk Assessment Report 81

Statistics 111

StatisticsⅣ ML/TF cases Prosecuted by the People's Procuratorates(2003—2010) 111

StatisticsⅤ ML-Related Case Convicted by the People's Courts(2010) 112
