语言测试实践 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)L.F.巴奇曼(LyleF.Bachman),(美)A.S.帕尔默(AdrianS.Palmer)著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7810465724
- 页数:377 页
PART ONE Conceptual bases of test development 3
1 Objectives and expectations 3
2 Test usefulness:Qualities of language tests 17
3 Describing tasks:Language use in language tests 43
4 Describing language ability:Language use in language tests 61
PART TWO Language test development 85
5 Overview of test development 85
6 Describing,identifying,and defining 95
7 Developing a plan for the evaluation of usefulness 133
8 Identifying,allocating,and managing resources 157
9 Operationalization:Developing test tasks and blueprints 171
10 Preparing effective instructions 181
11 Scoring method 193
12 Language test administration 231
PART THREE Illustrative test development projects 253
Project 1 High-stakes selection and placement test for students entering a university writing program 253
Project 2 Selection/placement test for telephone company employees 285
Project 3 Sylla bus-based diagnostic achievement test for students in an ESP program 291
Project 4 Exit test for students in an adult education conversation course for immigrants 298
Project 5 High-stakes ESP screening test for making hiring and training decisions 308
Project 6 Placement test for an ESL reading course 317
Project 7 Employment/placement/achievement test for immigrants in a government-funded vocational training ESL course 325
Project 8 Classroom achievement test for an introductory German course 335
Project 9 Classroom achievement test for the reading component of the Korean-English two-way bilingual immersion program 345
Project 10 Syllabus-based EFL progress test for primary school children 354
References 366
Index 371
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