- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李正栓主编
- 出 版 社:保定:河北大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7810288210
- 页数:231 页
Part I 理论分析 1
一、中英文作文差异 3
1、东西方思维模式差异 3
2、遣词造句方面的差异 6
3、布局谋篇方面的差异 7
4、写作技巧方面的差异 8
二、如何把握写作文的几个环节 11
1、谋篇 11
2、组段 12
3、造句 14
4、遣句 15
5、成篇 16
三、文章的种类 18
1、记叙文 18
2、描写文 19
3、说明文 20
4、议论文 23
Part II 实战学习 27
1、 Sports and Health 29
2、 Wealth and Happiness 29
4、 Advantages of Living in a Small Town 30
3、 Generation Gap 30
5、 Opportunity 31
6、 Computer 31
7、 A Modern Student 32
8、 Are Pets Good for People? 32
9、 Is TV Good or Bad? 33
10、 Newspapers 33
11、 Friendship 34
12、 Exams 34
14、 Money 35
13、 How to Solve the Problems of Heavy Traffic 35
15、 Smoking 36
16、 Unemployment 36
17、 The Differences between High School and College 37
18、 Should Students Take Part-time Job? 37
19、 Contact Lenses and Eyeglasses 38
20、 China s Spring Festival 38
21、 Politeness 39
22、 On Struggle 39
23、 Opportunity and Success 40
24、 On Beauty 40
26、 On Open Policy 41
25、 Nuclear Power Station 41
27、 Preserving the Environment 42
28、 Keeping a Diary in English 42
29、 How to Use a Library 43
30、 The Preservation of Wild Life 43
31、 Trains in China 44
32、 Early Rising 44
33、 Time IS Money 45
34、 The Choice of Books 45
36、 On High Technology 46
35、 Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports 46
37、 Should We Clone Human Beings? 47
38、 Going Abroad 47
39、 On Solution to Pollution 48
40、 Microwave Ovens 48
41、 Tourism 49
42、 The Return of Macao 49
43、 Advertisement Pamphlet Sheet 50
44、 Reform in the Free Medical Care System 50
45、 China Signs WTO Deal 51
46、 Shall We Skip Breakfast? 51
48、 Science has made life easier 52
47、 Water and Human life 52
49、 The career I d like to take 53
50、 The value of modesty 53
51、 Jobs for graduates 54
52、 Television programs and children 54
53、 travel 55
54、 housing problem 55
55、 music 56
56、 on dieting 56
57、 on teacher-student relationship 57
58、 women drivers 57
60、 swimming 58
59、 popular music 58
61、 the 21st century 59
62、 study abroad 59
63、 state firms throw off the iron rice bowls 60
64、 ideals 60
65、 water pollution 61
66、 choosing an occupation 61
67、 good books and us 62
68、 hobbies 62
69、 diligence 63
70、 love 63
72、 my picture of the world n the 21st century 64
71、 chinese soccer 64
73、 china s education in the 21st century 65
74、 separation 65
75、 laziness 66
76、 trees 66
77、 advertisement 67
78、 depend on yourself 67
79、 happiness 68
80、 the ways of studying 68
Part III 参考范文(含点评、注释及译文) 69
1、 Sports and health 71
2、 Wealth and happiness 73
3、 Eneration gap 75
4、 Advantages of living in a small town 77
5、 opportunity 79
6、 computers 81
7、 a modern student 83
8、 are pets good for people? 85
9、 Is tv good or bad? 87
10、 newspaers 89
11、 friendship 91
12、 exams 93
13、 how to solve the problem of heavy traffic 95
14、 money 97
15、 smoking 99
16、 umemloyment 101
17、 the differences between high school and college 103
18、 should students take part-time job? 105
19、 Contact lenses and eyeglasses 107
20、 China s spring festival 109
21、 politeness 111
22、 on struggle 113
23、 opportunity and success 115
24、 on beauty 117
25、 nuclear power station 119
26、 on open policy 121
27、 preserving the environment 123
28、 keeping a diary in english 125
29、 how o use a libaray 127
30、 the preservation of wild life 129
31、 trains in china 131
32、 early rising 133
33、 time is money 135
34、 the choice of books 137
35、 positive and negative aspects of sports 139
36、 on high technology 141
37、 should we clone human beings? 143
38、 Going abroad 145
39、 On solution to pollution 147
40、 Microwave ovens 149
41、 tourism 151
42、 the return of macao 153
43、 advertisement pamphlet sheet 155
44、 reform in the free medical care system 157
45、 china signs wto deal 159
46、 shall we skip breakfast? 161
47、 Water and human life 163
48、 Science has made life easier 165
49、 The career I d like to take 167
50、 The value of modesty 169
51、 Jobs for graduates 171
52、 Television programs and children 173
53、 travel 175
54、 housing problem 177
55、 music 179
56、 on dieting 181
57、 on teacher-student relationship 183
58、 women drivers 185
59、 popular music 187
60、 swimming 189
61、 the 21st century 191
62、 study abroad 193
63、 state firms throw off the iron rice bowls 195
64、 ideals 197
65、 water pollution 199
66、 choosing and occupation 201
67、 good books and us 203
68、 hobbies 205
69、 diligence 207
70、 love 209
71、 chinese soccer 211
72、 my picture of the world in the 21st century 213
73、 china s education in the 21st century 215
74、 separation 217
75、 laziness 219
76、 trees 221
77、 advertisement 223
78、 depend on yourself 225
79、 happiness 227
80、 the ways of studying 229
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