- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:许渊冲译;照君注音
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7301030258
- 页数:377 页
Introduction [前言] 1
Han Dvnasty(206 BC-AD 220) [汉诗] 16
Liu Bang(256-195 BC) [刘邦] 16
1.Song of the Great Wind [大风歌] 16
Xiang Yu(232-202 BC) [项羽] 18
2.Xiang Yu's Last Song [垓下歌] 18
Lady Yu(?-202 BC) [虞姬] 20
3.Reply to Xiang Yu [和项王歌] 20
Liu Che(156-87 BC) [刘彻] 22
4.Song of the Autumn Wind [秋风辞] 22
5.Songs of the Lute [琴歌二首(其一)] 24
Si-ma Xiang-ru(179一118 BC) [司马相如] 24
Li Yan-nian(?-87 BC) [李延年] 26
6.Song of the Northern Beauty [北方有佳人] 26
Lady Ban [班婕妤] 28
7.To an Autumn Fan [怨歌行] 28
Xin Yan-nian [辛延年] 30
8.Captain of the Guard [羽林郎] 30
Su Wu(?-60 BC) [苏武] 34
9.Su Wu to His Wife [苏武诗四首(其三)] 34
10.Fighting South of the Town [战城南] 36
11.I Long for One [有所思] 40
12.The Pledge [上邪] 44
13.Gathering Lotus [江南] 46
14.East of the Tomb [平陵东] 48
15.The Roadside Mulberry [陌上桑] 50
16.A Slow Song [长歌行] 56
17.Song of the East Gate [东门行] 58
18.A Longing Wife [饮马长城窟行] 62
19.On Her Deathbed [妇病行] 64
20.Song of a Roamer [艳歌行] 66
21.Song of the White Hair [白头吟] 68
22.Song of a Butterfly [蜨蝶行] 70
23.Song of a Crow [乌生八九子] 72
24.Song of a Dried Fish [枯鱼过河泣] 74
25.A Song of Grief [悲歌] 76
26.A Pair of Peacocks Southeast Fly [孔雀东南飞] 78
27.You travel on and on [行行重行行] 94
28.Green,green riverside grass [青青河畔草] 96
29.Green,green the tombside cypresses [青青陵上柏] 98
30.We keep a feast in spirits high [今日良宴会] 100
31.In northwest there's a tower proud [西北有高楼] 102
32.I gather lotus blooms across the stream [涉江采芙蓉] 104
33.The moon shines bright at dead of night [明月皎夜光] 106
34.Frail.frail the lonely bamboo's root [冉冉孤儿竹] 108
35.A rare tree stands in courtyard quiet [庭中有奇树] 110
36.Far,far away the Cowherd Star [迢迢牵牛星] 112
37.I turn my carriage and set out [回车驾言迈] 114
38.The eastern wall stands long and high [东城高且长] 116
39.I drive my car through Upper Eastern Gate [驱车上东门] 118
40.The bygone times are gone farther away [去者日以疏] 120
41.Few live as long as a hundred years [生年不满百] 122
42.Cold,cold the end of year draws near [凛凛岁云暮] 124
43.In early winter the cold air comes forth [孟冬寒气至] 126
44.A guest who came from afar said [客从远方来] 128
45.Hwo bright are moonbeams shed [明月何皎皎] 130
46.The Old wife and the New [上山采蘼芜] 132
47.I stroll out of the east gate [步出城东门] 134
48.Homecoming after War [十五从军征] 136
49.Graveyard Song [蒿里行] 138
Cao Cao(155-220) [曹操] 138
50.A Short Song [短歌行] 140
51.Song of the Cold Endured [苦寒行] 144
52.The sea [观沧海] 148
53.Indomitable Soul [龟虽寿] 150
Wang Can(177-217) [王粲] 152
54.Seven Sorrows [七哀诗] 152
Chen Lin(?-217) [陈琳] 156
55.I water my steed [饮马长城窟行] 156
Liu Zhen(?-217) [刘祯] 160
56.The Pine-to My Cousin [赠从弟三首(其二)] 160
57.A Wife's Thoughts [室思六首(其三)] 162
Xu Gan(170-217) [徐斡] 162
Po Qin(?-218) [繁钦] 164
58.A Woman's Love [定情诗] 164
Cao Pi(187-226) [曹丕] 170
59.Song of a Lonely Wife [燕歌行二首(其一)] 170
Cao Zhi(192-232) [曹植] 174
60.Song of the Harp [箜篌引] 174
61.Song of the Capital [名都篇] 178
62.Song of a Beauty [美女篇] 182
63.Song of the White Horse [白马篇] 186
64.Song to the Prince of White Horse [赠白马王彪] 190
65.Parting with Ying at Luoyang [送应氏二首(其一)] 196
66.Seven Poems(Ⅳ)[杂诗七首(其四)] 198
67.Lament [七哀] 200
68.Written While Taking Seven Paces [七步诗] 202
Ji Kang(223-262) [嵇康] 204
69.To My Brother Giving up the Pen for the Sword (Ⅸ)[赠兄秀才从军(其九)] 204
Ruan Ji(210-263) [阮籍] 206
70.71.Reflexions(Ⅰ)(Ⅲ) [咏怀诗(其一、三)] 206
Xuan(217-278) [傅玄] 210
72.The carriages roll [车遥遥篇] 210
Zhang Hua(232-300) [张华] 212
73.74.Love Poems [情诗五首(其三、五)] 212
Pan Yue(247-300) [潘岳] 216
75.Elegy on my Wife [悼亡诗三首(其一)] 216
76.Song of the Bright Lady [王明君辞] 220
Shi Chong(249-300) [石崇] 220
Lu Ji(261-303) [陆机] 224
77.On My Way to Luoyang [赴洛道中作二首(其二)] 224
Zuo Si(250-305) [左思] 226
78.79.On History(Ⅰ)(Ⅱ) [咏史八首(其一、二)] 226
Zhang Han [张翰] 230
80.Thinking of the Eastern Stream [思吴江歌] 230
Zhang Zai [张载] 232
81.Song of Seven Sorrows [七哀诗二首(其一)] 232
Su Bo-yu's Wife [苏伯玉妻] 234
82.Letter to Su Bo-yu [盘中诗] 234
83.Riding the Wind [扶风歌] 238
Liu Kun(271-318) [刘琨] 238
Guo Pu(276-324) [郭璞] 242
84.Song of Immortals [游仙诗十四首(其一)] 242
Wang Xi-zhi(321-379) [王羲之] 244
85.In Orchid Pavilion [兰亭诗六首(其三)] 244
Xie Dao-yun [谢道韫]等 246
86.Snow [咏雪联句] 246
Gu Kai-zhi(345-406) [顾恺之] 248
87.Spirit of the Four Seasons [神情诗] 248
Tao Qian(365-427) [陶潜] 250
88.89.Spring Excursion [时运] 250
90.91.Return to Nature [归园田居五首(其三)] 252
91.Begging for Food [乞食] 254
92.Moving House [移居二首(其一)] 256
93.Drinking Wine [饮酒二十首(其五)] 258
94.Bhming Sons [责子] 260
95.A Poor Scholar [咏贫士七首(其一)] 262
96.An Elegy for MyseIf [拟挽歌辞三首(其一)] 264
Xie Ling-yun(385-433) [谢灵运] 266
97.Passing My AncestraI Estate [过始宁墅] 266
98.On Poolside Tower [登池上楼] 268
99.Written on the Lake,Returning from Stone Cliff [石壁精舍还湖中作] 272
100.The Year's End [岁暮] 274
101.102.Exchange of Verse on the Stream [东阳溪中赠答二首] 276
103.Song of Northern Frontier [代出自蓟北门行] 278
Bao Zhao(414-466) [鲍照] 278
104.In Imitation of the Weary Way [拟行路难(其四)] 280
105.The Mume Blossoms [梅花落] 282
106.Farewell to Secretary Fu [赠傅都曹别] 284
Xie Tiao(464-499) [谢脁] 286
107.Grief of a Lonely Palace Maid [玉阶怨] 286
108.A Longing Wife [王孙游] 288
109.Excursion on Eastern Fields [游东田] 290
110.River Journey from the West to the Capital [暂使下都夜发新林至京邑赠西府同僚] 292
111.Gazing at Dusk on the Capital from the Three Peaks [晚登三山还望京邑] 294
Xiao Yan(464-549) [萧衍] 296
112.113.Midnight Songs [子夜歌二首] 296
114.Song of the Southern Shore [江南弄] 298
115.Moored at New Tower [之零陵郡次新亭] 300
Fan Yun(451-503) [范云] 300
116.Farewell Town [别诗] 302
Jiang Yan(444-505) [江淹] 304
117.After Parting [古离别] 304
Shen Yue(441-513) [沈约] 306
118.On the Height [临高台] 306
119.Night after Night [夜夜曲] 308
120.Wild Geese on the Lake [咏湖中雁] 310
121.Lament for Xie Tiao [伤谢脁] 312
122-125.Six Recollections [六忆诗四首] 314
126.A Southern Song [江南曲] 318
Liu Yun(465-517) [柳恽] 318
He Xun(?-518) [何逊] 320
127.Reply to Fan Yun [酬范记室云] 320
128.At Parting [相送] 322
Wu Jun(469-520) [吴均] 324
129.Song of Spring [春咏] 324
Wang Ji(6th century) [王籍] 326
130.On River Yoya [入若耶溪] 326
Yin Keng(?-565) [阴铿] 328
131.Crossing Green Grass Lake [渡青草湖] 328
132.Leaving New Tower at Dusk [晚出新亭] 330
133.Blooming Jade Trees in the Backyard [玉树后庭花] 332
Chen Shu-bao(553-604) [陈叔宝] 332
Xu Ling(507-583) [徐陵] 334
134.The Moon over the Mountain Pass [关山月二首(其一)] 334
Wei Ding(515-593) [韦鼎] 336
135.On Hearing a Blackbird in the North [长安听百舌] 336
Wang Bao(513-576) [王褒] 338
136.Crossing the Yellow River to the North [渡河北] 338
137.Seeing a Friend Off South [入关故人别] 340
Yu Xin(513-581) [庾信] 342
138.Reffections [拟咏怀二十七首(其二十六)] 342
139.The Moon Viewed from the Boat [舟中望月] 344
140.Parting again with Secretary Zhou [重别周尚书二首(其一)] 346
141.The River on a Moonlit Night in Blooming Spring [春江花月夜(其一)] 348
Yang Guang(569-618) [杨广] 348
142.A Field View [野望] 350
Folk Songs of Southerm and Northern Dynasties [南北朝民歌] 354
Anonymous [无名氏] 354
143.Midnight Song [子夜歌] 354
144.Spring Song [子夜四时歌·春歌] 356
145.Summer Song [子夜四时歌·夏歌] 358
146.Autumn Song [子夜四时歌·秋歌] 360
147.Winter Song [子夜四时歌·冬歌] 362
148.Song of the Western Islet [西洲曲] 364
149.Song of Mu-lan [木兰诗] 368
150.A Shepherd's Song [敕勒歌] 376
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