- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)J.辛克莱(John Sinclair)著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7810465740
- 页数:179 页
Introduction 1
1 Corpus creationIntroduction 13
Who should design a corpus? 13
A general corpus 13
Outline of corpus creation 14
Electronic form 14
Design 15
Spoken and written language 15
ContentsThe author and series editors 15
Permissions 15
Quasi-speech 16
Formal and literary language 16
Foreword 17
Typicality 17
Design criteria 17
Period 18
Overall size 18
Whole documents 19
Sample size 19
Minimal criteria 20
Provisional corpus 20
Processing 20
Clean-text policy 21
Basic provision 22
Database 22
Maintenance 22
Sample corpora 23
Different kinds of corpora 23
Monitor corpora 24
Features of a monitor corpus 25
2 Basic text processingIntroduction 27
Input 28
Words and word-forms 28
Text and vocabulary 29
Frequency list—first occurrence 30
Frequency list—alphabetical 31
Frequency list—frequency order 31
KWIC(Key Word in Context) 32
Word frequency profiles 32
Concordances 32
Longer environments 33
Ordering within concordances 33
Concordance processing 34
Text analysis statistics 34
Selective information 35
Intermediate categories 35
New approaches 36
Existing descriptions 37
3 The evidence of usageIntroduction 37
Native-speaker introspections 39
Language in use 39
Word-forms and lemmas 41
Concordances 42
Concordance evidence:an example 44
Sense 1:to refuse 47
Other senses 49
Evidence:main senses 53
4 Sense and structure in lexisIntroduction 53
Evidence:minor senses 55
Counter-examples:general 56
Counter-examples:first sense 57
Yield with an object 58
Yielding with an object 59
Yielded with an object 60
Descriptive and prescriptive study 60
Yield as transitive verb 61
Counter-examples:second and third senses 61
Doubtful cases 62
First minor sense 63
Conclusion 65
5 Words and phrasesIntroduction 67
Phrasal verbs 67
Some numerical facts 68
Combinations of set+particle 69
The combination set in 70
Sense (ⅰ) 72
Sense(ⅱ) 72
Verbs 72
Nouns 72
Minor senses 73
Sundry idioms 73
Setin as a phrasal verb 73
Word-forms 74
Subjects 74
A dictionary entry 75
Other phrasal verbs with set 75
Conclusion 78
6 The meeting of lexis and grammarIntroduction 81
What is said about of 81
A corpus view of of 82
Frequency 84
Of outside nominal groups 85
Of in nominal groups 85
Conventional measures 85
Less conventional measures 86
The status of headword 86
Focus on a part 87
Focus nouns 87
Focus on a component,aspect,or attribute 88
Focus on a specialized part 88
Support 89
Metaphor 90
Double-headed nominal groups 90
Titles 90
Nominalizations 91
Modification of first noun(N1) 93
Fixed phrases 94
Miscellaneous 94
Superlative adjectives 94
Mopping up 94
Evaluation 95
Analysis of examples in Table 1 96
Non-nominalinstances of of 96
Nominal group 96
Conclusion 98
7 Evaluating instancesIntroduction 99
Throw away your evidence 99
Text and language 102
Meaning and structure 104
Procedure 105
Findings 107
Conclusion 108
8 CollocationIntroduction 109
Two models of interpretation 109
The open-choice principle 109
The idiom principle 110
Evidence from long texts 112
Collocation 115
Collocation of back 116
Analysis of the collocational pattern of back 117
Upward collocates:back 117
Downward collocates:back 118
Conclusion 121
9 Words about wordsIntroduction 123
Structure 124
About the word itself 126
What people mean 126
Variation in co-text 126
Structure:verb explanations 127
Animate subjects 127
Inanimate subjects 129
Mixed subjects 130
Operators 130
Summary 132
Analysis of the second part 132
First chunk 132
Discussion 134
Second chunk 134
Applications 135
Inferences and implications 135
Conclusion 136
Summing up 137
Appendix Ⅰ 139
Appendix Ⅱ 150
Appendix Ⅲ 154
Bibliography 165
Glossary 169
Index 177
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