雅思考试 IELTS 听说并进PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡敏主编;( )Nevin Blumer著;北京新东方学校雅思考试培训部编
- 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7506249790
- 页数:277 页
Contents of the Dialogues 2
Unit 1 Confirming Information 2
1A Just call me Jack 2
1B Could I have your ID? 4
Unit 2 Work & Study 8
2A The student teacher 8
2B The computer website designer 11
2C The bored student 14
2D The lawyer 17
Unit 3 Hometown & Weather 21
3A My hometown is quite small 21
3B My favourite season 24
3C It's a good place to live 27
3D Winter is freeing 30
Unit 4 Future 34
4A I want to immigrate 34
4B I think England is beautiful 37
4C I have many goals 40
Unit 5 Language 44
5A English is getting more popular 44
5B I find grammar difficult 47
5C English is key to our careers 50
Unit 6 Free Time & Travels 54
6A In my spare time I just relax 54
6B My favourite hobby is joke telling 57
6C My favourite place is Xinjiang 60
6D my dream holiday 63
Unit 7 Food & Restaurants 67
7A People like spicy dishes 67
7B A dish I like to eat 70
7C Diets are changing 73
7D My favourite restaurants 76
Unit 8 Family & Friends 79
8A My parents 79
8B My different relative 82
8C My friends and I often go hiking 84
8D My most clever friend 86
Unit 9 Technology & Skills 90
9A My mobile phone is useful 90
9B Technology improves our lives 93
9C A skill I have learned 96
9D Upgrading our skills is necessary for survival 98
Unit 10 Wildlife & Environment 102
10A My favourite animal 102
10B Animals do have rights 104
10C A place of natural beauty 107
10D The environment is a big concern 109
Unit 11 Festival & Experience 113
11A A plpular festival 113
11B Festivals are important 115
11C My best day at school 118
Unit 12 Gifts & Chinese Art 121
12A A gift I won't forget 121
12B A gift symbolizes friendship 123
12C Something I made at school 126
12D Creativity should be encouraged 129
Unit 13 Transportation & Traffic 133
13A I usually go by bus 133
13B My favourite transportation 135
13C The traffic jams are terrible 138
Unit 14 Shopping 142
14A The prices are reasonable 142
14B My favourite shopping place 145
14C Is advertising necessary? 148
Unit 15 Clothing 152
15A I usually wear casual clothing 152
15B I like the Qi pao 155
15C Clothing gives you status 157
Unit 16 Home & Housing 161
16A My apartment is on the fourth floor 161
16B My home 164
16C The housing situation in China 166
Unit 17 Architecture & Building 170
17A many buildings have been built 170
17B The capital library 173
17C Traditional architecture 175
Unit 18 Music, Movies & Reading 179
18A I love ghost movies 179
18B My favourite story 182
18C Entertainment is changing 185
18D I like hard rock 188
18E Music soothes the beast 191
Unit 19 Sports 195
19A I like playing tennis 195
19B A sport I learned when young 198
19C China is sports crazy 200
Unit 20 Society Changes 204
20A My hometown has changed 204
20B The biggest difference 207
20C China needs to develop even faster 210
Dialogue Transcripts 213
1A Just call me Jack 213
1B Could I have your ID? 213
2A The student teacher 214
2B The computer website designer 214
2C The bored student 215
2D The lawyer 215
3A My hometown is quite small 216
3B My favourite season 217
3C It's a good place to live 217
3D Winter is freezing 218
4A I want to immigrate 219
4B I think England is beautiful 219
4C I have many goals 220
5A English is getting is beautiful 221
5B I find grammar difficult 221
5C English is key to our careers 222
6A In my spare time I just relax 223
6B My favourite hobby is joke telling 224
6C My favourite place is Xinjiang 224
6D My dream holiday 225
7A People like spicy dishes 226
7B A dish I like to eat 227
7C Diets are changing 228
7D My favourite restaurants 229
8A My parents 230
8B My different relative 230
8C My friends and I often go hiling 231
8D My most clever friend 232
9A My mobile phone is useful 233
9B Technology improves our lives 234
9C A skill I have learned 235
9D Upgrading our skills is necessary for survival 236
10A My favourite animal 237
10B animals do have rights 238
10C A place of natural beauty 239
10D The environment is a big concern 240
11A A popular festival 241
11B Festivals are important 242
11C My best day at school 243
12A A gift I won't forget 244
12B A gift symbolizes friendship 245
12C Something I made at school 246
12D Creativity should be encouraged 247
13A I usually go by bus 247
13B My favourite transportation 248
13C The traffic jams are terrible 249
14A The prices are reasonable 250
14B My favourite shopping place 250
14C Is advertising necessary? 251
15A I usually wear casual clothing 252
15B I like the Qi Pao 253
15C Clothing gives you status 254
16A My apartment is on the fourth floor 255
16B My home 255
16C The housing situation in china 256
17A many buildings have been built 257
17B The capital library 258
17C Traditional architecture 258
18A I love ghost movies 259
18B my favourite story 260
18C Entertainment is changing 261
18D I like hard rock 261
18E Music soothes the beast 262
19A I like playing tennis 263
19B A sport I learned when young 263
19C China is sports crazy 264
20A My hometown has changed 265
20B The most important change 266
20C China needs to develop even faster 267
Answer Key 269
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