- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)B.D.Hames,(英)N.M.Hooper著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7030109619
- 页数:422 页
Section A - Cell organization 1
A1 Prokayotes 1
A2 Eukaryotes 4
Abbreviations 8
Preface 10
A3 Microscopy 10
A4 Cellular fractionation 15
Section B - Amino acids and proteins 19
B1 Amino acids 19
B2 Acids and bases 23
B3 Protein structure 27
B4 Myoglobin and hemoglobin 36
B5 Collagen 43
B6 Protein putification 50
B7 Chromatogyaphy of proteins 54
B8 Electrophoresis of proteins 58
B9 Protein sequencing and peptide synthesis 63
Section C - Enzymes 69
C1 Introduction to enzymes 69
C2 Thermodynamics 76
C3 Enzyme kinetics 81
C4 Enzyme inhilition 87
C5 Regulation of enzyme activity 90
Section D - Antibodies 97
D1 The immune system 97
D2 Antibody structure 101
D3 Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies 105
D4 Antibody synthesis 107
D5 Antibodyies as tools 112
Section E - Membranes 117
E1 Membrane lipids 117
E2 Membrane protein and carbohydrate 124
E3 Membrane transport,small molecules 131
E4 Membrane transport:macromolecules 136
E5 Signal transduction 141
Section F - DNA structure and replication 147
F1 DAN structure 147
F2 Chromosomes 153
F3 DNA replication in bacteria 157
F4 DNA replication in eukaryotes 162
Section G - RNA synthesis and processing 167
G1 RNA structure 167
G2 Transcription in prokaryotes 169
G3 The lac operon 173
G4 The trp operon 177
G5 Transcription in eukaryotes:an overview 181
G6 Transcription of protein-coding geies in eukaryotes 183
G7 Regulation of transcription by RNA PolⅡ 187
G8 Processing of eukaryotic pre-mRNA 195
G9 Ribosomal RNA 203
G10 Transfer RNA 209
Section H - Protein symthesis 215
H1 The genetic code 215
H2 Translation in prokaryotes 219
H3 Translation in eukaryotes 227
H4 Protein targeting 230
H5 Protein glycosylation 238
I1 Restriction enzymes 243
Section I - Recombinant DNA technology 243
I2 Nucleic acid hybridization 248
I3 DAN cloning 251
I4 Viruses 256
I5 DNA sequencing 260
I6 Polymerase chain reaction 263
Section J - Carbohydrate metabolism 267
J1 Monosaccharides and disaccharides 267
J2 Polysaccharides and oligosaccharides 274
J3 Glycolysis 278
J4 Gluconeogenesis 289
J5 Pentose phosphate pathway 298
J6 Glycogen metabolism 302
J7 Control of glycogen metabolism 305
Section K - Lipid metabolism 311
K1 Structures and roles of fatty acids 311
K2 Fatty acid breakdown 315
K3 Fatty acid synthesis 322
K4 Triacylglycerols 328
K5 Cholesterol 333
K6 Lipoproteins 339
Section L - Respiration and energy 343
L1 Citric acid cycle 343
L2 Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation 347
L3 Photosynthesis 359
Section M - Nitrogen metabolism 369
M1 Nitrogen fixation and assimilation 369
M2 Amion aciid metabolism 373
M3 The urea cycle 380
M4 Hemes and chlorophylls 386
Section N - Cell specialization 391
N1 Muscle 391
N2 Cilia and foagella 397
N3 Nerve 400
Futther reading 405
Index 413
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