- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:魏葆霖主编
- 出 版 社:上海:华东师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7561731175
- 页数:237 页
第一章 语言功能(Communicative Functions) 1
1. Willingness 1
2. Certainty 2
3. Uncertainty 4
4. Worry 5
5. Prediction 7
6. Obligation 9
7. Suggestion 10
8. Intention 13
9. Determination 14
10. Decision 16
11. Doubt 18
12. Blame 19
13. Cause and Effect 21
14. Concession 23
15. Conclusion 24
16. Exemplification 26
17. Supposition 28
18. Frequency 30
19. Distance 31
20. Length and Height 33
21. Permission 34
22. Request 36
23. Command and Advice 38
24. Narrating 40
25. Describing 42
26. Explaining 45
27. Clarifying 48
28. Happiness and Unhappiness 50
29. Negation 51
30. Possibilities and Impossibilities 53
31. Reminding 55
32. Promising 57
33. Interest and Desire 58
34. Interpreting 60
35. Generalizing 62
36. Aim and Purpose 64
37. Parts and Whole 66
38. Demonstrating 68
39. Annoyance and Anger 71
40. Sympathy 73
41. Agreement and Disagreement 74
42. Comparison and Contrast 77
43. Complaint 79
44. Disappointment 82
45. Judgment 84
46. Like and Dislike 87
47. Opinions 88
48. Preference 91
49. Satisfaction 93
50. Similarity and Difference 96
一、家乡(Hometown) 99
1. A Coastal City 99
第二章 口试话题(Topic Areas) 99
2. City Life and Country Life 101
3. People in My Hometown 104
4. Leisure Life in My Hometown 107
5. Traffic in My Hometown 109
6. Changes in My Hometown 112
7. Local Food 115
8. Scenic Spots in My Hometown 118
9. Climate in My Hometown 121
10. Folk Customs 123
二、社会问题(Social Problems) 126
1. Desertification 126
2. Demolition of Old Buildings 129
3. Lotteries 132
4. Aging Society 135
5. Private Cars 139
6. Sex Education 142
7. Human Cloning 145
8. Fake Commodities 148
9. Adolescent Crime 152
10. University Student Marriage 154
三、 教育、学校和学校生活(Education, School and School Life) 157
1. Ways of Communicating with Friends 157
2. A School Dormitory 160
3. More Courses or Fewer Courses 163
4. Doing Part-time Jobs on Campus 165
5. Problems Resnlting from the Enlarged Enrollment 168
6. Activities Organized by the Student Union 170
7. Alternative Ways of Receiving Higher Education 172
8. Studying Overseas 174
9. Advantages of Seminars 177
10. Should Examinations Be Abolished? 179
四、休闲、爱好、偏爱和经历(Leisure time, Hobbies,Preference and Experiences) 181
1. Physical Exercise—Outdoors or Indoors? 181
2. Advantages and Disadvamages of Watching TV for News 183
3. Working for a Big Company or a Small One? 186
4. Job-hunters 188
5. My View on Week-long Holidays 191
6. The Mid-autumn Festival and Thanksgiving Day 193
7. Package Tour 196
8. Fast-food Restaurants 198
9. A Good Place for Shopping 200
10. College Students Should Give Up Smoking 202
五、人物、人际关系及相关评论(People, Human Relationship and Relevant Comment) 205
1. Friends 205
2. My Parents 207
3. Pop Stars and Idols 210
4. To Be or Not to Be a Celebrity 213
5. Be an Optimist 215
6. A Teacher in My Memory 218
7. Be a Good College Student 220
8. Life of a Disabled Person, Stephen Hawking 223
9. Lei Feng 226
10. Praise, Lubricant in Human Relationship 228
附: 大学英语口语考试的评分标准 232
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