纳米相和纳米结构材料应用 1 手册 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王中林主编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7302057346
- 页数:397 页
1 Clusters 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Cluster Syntheses and Characterizations 5
1.2.1 Sputtering/SIMS 6
1.2.2 Supersonic Jet/Gas Condensation 7
1.2.3 Laser Ablation and Vaporization 9
1.2.4 Mass Spectrometers 11
1.3 Stability and Magic Numbers 16
1.3.1 Position Ordering and Momentum Ordering 17
1.3.2 Inert Element Clusters——Mackay lcosahedron 18
1.3.3 Alkali Halide Clusters 22
1.3.4 Semiconductor Clusters 24
1.3.5 Metal Clusters 29
1.4 Physical Properties 34
1.4.1 Size Effect of Electronic Properties 34
1.4.2 Lattice Dynamics and Phase Change 41
1.4.3 Optical Properties 53
1.4.4 Magnetism 58
1.4.5 Electronic Conductance 67
1.5 Perspectives 75
References 76
2.1 Introduction 85
2 Semiconductor Nanoparticles 85
2.2 Synthesis of Semiconductor Nanoparticles 86
2.3 Characterization 89
2.3.1 Spectroscopy 89
2.3.2 Microscopy 90
2.3.3 X-ray Techniques 91
2.4 Theory 92
2.4.1 Quantum Size Confinement 92
2.4.2 Ionization Potential and Coulomb Blockade 96
2.5 Surface Modification 97
2.5.1 Influence of Surface and Surface Modification 97
2.5.2 Core/Shell and Coupled Semiconductor Nanoparticles 99
2.6 Phase Transitions 101
2.7 Nanocrystal Superlattices/Self-Assembly 104
2.8 Applications 106
2.9 Concluding Remarks 108
References 109
3 Electrochemical Self-Assembly of Ordered Quantum Dot and Wire Arrays 121
3.1 Introduction 121
3.2 Fabricating Quantum Dots:Self-Assembly 122
3.3 Electrochemical Self-Assembly 124
3.3.1 Self-Assembling a Mask for Qrdered Quantum Dot and Wire Arrays by Electropolishing Aluminum 124
3.3.2 Theory of Pattern Formation during Electropolishing 130
3.4 Quantum Dots Produced by Filling Nanopores in Anodic Alumina 134
3.4.1 Theory of Pore Formation 135
3.4.2 Filling the Pores by Electrodeposition 136
3.5 Characterization of Quantum Dots Self-Assembled by Pore Filling 138
3.5.1 Linear Optical Properties 139
3.5.2 Non-linear Optical Properties 141
3.5.3 Nanomagnetic Properties 143
3.5.4 Electronic Bistability in Self-Assembled Quantum Dots and lts Circuit Applications 144
3.6 Conclusion 146
References 146
4.1 Introduction to Nanowires 150
4 Semiconductor Nanowires 150
4.2 Methods of synthesis of the Nanowires 151
4.2.1 Chemical Vapor Deposition(CVD) 151
4.2.2 Laser Ablation 152
4.2.3 Carbon Nanotube Confined Reaction 153
4.2.4 Vapor Phase Evaporation 155
4.2.5 Electrochemical Deposition—Template Approach 157
4.3 Growth Mechanism of Nanowires 159
4.3.1 Vapor-Liquid-Solid(VLS)Growth 159
4.3.2 Solution-Liquid-Solid(SLS)Growth 163
4.3.3 Vapor Phase Epitaxy 163
4.4.1 Silicon and Germanium Nanowires 165
4.4 Nanowire Systems 165
4.4.2 Semiconductor Compound Nanowires 179
4.4.3 Metal Nanowires 186
4.4.4 Oxide Nanowires 187
4.4.5 Other Nanowires 197
4.5 Physical Property Study of the Nanowires 198
4.5.1 Photoluminescence of the SiNW’s 198
4.5.2 Raman Spectroscopy 204
4.5.3 Nano-electronics 208
4.6 Conclusion 210
References 210
5.1 Introduction 215
5 Magnetic Nanocrystals and Arrays 215
5.2 Theory 217
5.3 Processing 221
5.3.1 Lithography 221
5.3.2 Atomic-Beam Holography 224
5.3.3 Scanning Probe-Assisted Patterning 224
5.3.4 Self-Assembling 226
5.4 Characterization 229
5.4.1 Physical Structure Characterzation 229
5.4.2 Magnetic Structure 231
5.4.3 Magnetic Measurements 232
5.5.1 Effect of Particle Size on Magnetic Properties 234
5.5 Properties,Applications and Materials 234
5.5.2 Applications 237
5.5.3 Materials Systems 237
5.6 Concluding Remarks 239
References 240
6 Nanostructured Soft and Hard Magnetic Materials 244
6.1 Introduction 244
6.2 Nanostructured Soft Magnetic Materials 245
6.2.1 Development of Soft Magnetic Materials 245
6.2.2 Relationship between the Grain Size and the Coercivity 247
6.2.3 Novel Nanostructured Soft Magnetic Materials 249
6.3.1 History of Permanent Magnetic Materials 251
6.3 Nanostructured Permanent Magnetic Materials 251
6.3.2 Theoretical Outline of Exchange-Coupled Nanocomposite Magnets 253
6.3.3 Preparation and Characterization of the Materials 256
6.4 Nanomagnets 263
6.5 Concluding Remarks 264
References 265
7 Nanomaterials for Information Storage 269
7.1 Introduction 269
7.2 Magnetic Recording Media 270
7.2.1 Introduction 270
7.2.2 Requirements for High-Density-Recording Media 271
7.2.3 Structure and Magnetic Properties of Recording Media 276
7.2.4 New Media Development 285
7.3 Magnetic Recording Heads 297
7.3.1 Introduction 297
7.3.2 Materials Requirements for Recording Head Applications 300
7.3.3 GMR Effect 302
7.3.4 Exchange Coupling between Ferro-and Antiferromagnetic Films 307
7.3.5 Magnetostriction 315
7.3.6 Future Trends of Recording Head Research 318
7.3.7 Perspective and Limitation of Magnetic Recording Technology 319
7.4 Magnetic Random Access Memory 320
7.4.1 Introduction 320
7.4.3 Basic Principle of a PSV Cell 321
7.4.2 MRAM Operations 321
7.4.4 A Single-Domain Model for PSV Cell 323
7.4.5 Micromagnetic Simulations 326
7.4.6 Bit End Designs 327
7.4.7 MRAM Materials 328
7.4.8 A SDT Cell 329
7.4.9 A Vertical GMR Cell 330
7.4.10 Switching Speed 331
7.4.11 Perspective 332
References 332
8.1 Introduction 337
8 Magnetic Liquids 337
8.2 Synthesis Processes 338
8.2.1 Magnetic Particles 338
8.2.2 Carrier Liquid and Surfactant 340
8.3 Properties of Magnetic Liquids 341
8.3.1 Stability of Magnetic Liquids 341
8.3.2 Magnetic Properties 344
8.3.3 Ferrohydrodynamics 346
8.3.4 Optical Properties 348
8.3.5 Ultrasonic Properties 352
8.4 Applications 353
8.4.1 Dynamic Process Seal 354
8.4.2 Magnetic Liquid Film Bearing 356
8.4.3 Magnetic Liquid Separators 357
8.4.4 Magnetic Liquid Damper 358
8.4.5 Magnetic Liquid Loudspeaker 360
8.4.6 Magnetic Liquid Switch 361
8.4.7 Magnetic Liquid Grinding 362
8.4.8 Magnetic Liquid Sensors 363
8.4.9 Magnetic Liquid Printing 365
8.4.10 Biological and Medical Applications 365
8.4.11 Other Applications 367
8.5 Prospects 368
References 369
9 Functional Oxide Nanocrystals 374
9.1 Introduction 374
9.2 Transition and Rare Earth Metal Oxides 374
9.3 Properties and Devices 376
9.3.1 Sensoring 377
9.3.2 Catalysis 379
9.3.3 Actuating 379
9.4 Silicates 380
9.5 Nanocomposites 381
9.6.1 Surface Atom Mobility and surface Reactivity 382
9.6 Special Effects of Nanosize Oxides 382
9.6.2 From Nanosize Crystals to Nanostructured Materials 384
9.7 Self-Assembly of Oxide Nanocrystals 385
9.7.1 Nanoparticles and Clusters 385
9.7.2 From Nanocrystals to Films 386
9.8 Meso-and Macroporous Oxides 388
9.8.1 Structural Cavity 389
9.8.2 Texture Porosity 391
9.9 Biomimetic Mineralization 392
9.10 Conclusion 393
References 394
Index 396
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