知识表示 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)索沃著
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:711112149X
- 页数:594 页
1.1 Historical Background 1
1.3 Varieties of Logic 18
1.4 Names, Types, and Measures 29
1.5 Unity Amidst Diversity 39
CHAPTER TWO Ontology 51
2.1 Ontological Categories 51
2.2 Philosophical Background 55
2.3 Top-Level Categories 67
2.4 Describing Physical Entities 78
2.5 Defining Abstractions 89
2.6 Sets, Collections, Types, and Categories 97
2.7 Space and Time 109
CHAPTER THREE Knowledge Representations 132
3.1 Knowledge Engineering 132
3.2 Representing Structure in Frames 143
3.3 Rules and Data 156
3.4 Object-Oriented Systems 169
3.5 Natural Language Semantics 178
3.6 Levels of Representation 186
CHAPTER FOUR Processes 206
4.1 Times, Events, and Situations 206
4.2 Classification of Processes 213
4.3 Procedures, Processes, and Histories 217
4.4 Concurrent Processes 223
4.5 Computation 232
4.6 Constraint Satisfaction 239
4.7 Change 245
CHAPTER FIVE Purposes, Contexts, and Agents 265
5.1 Purpose 265
5.2 Syntax of Contexts 274
5.3 Semantics of Contexts 284
5.4 First-Order Reasoning in Contexts 297
5.5 Modal Reasoning in Contexts 307
5.6 Encapsulating Objects in Contexts 321
5.7 Agents 330
CHAPTER SIX Knowledge Soup 348
6.1 Vagueness, Uncertainty, Randomness, and Ignorance 348
6.2 Limitations of Logic 356
6.3 Fuzzy Logic 364
6.4 Nonmonotonic Logic 373
6.5 Theories, Models, and the World 383
6.6 Semiotics 394
7.1 Sharing Ontologies 408
CHAPTER SEVEN Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing 408
7.2 Conceptual Schema 417
7.3 Accommodating Multiple Paradigms 427
7.4 Relating Different Knowledge Representations 438
7.5 Language Patterns 445
7.6 Tools for Knowledge Acquisition 452
APPENDIX A Summary of Notations 467
A.1 Predicate Calculus 467
A.2 Conceptual Graphs 476
A.3 Knowledge Interchange Format 489
APPENDIX B Sample Ontology 492
B.1 Principles of Ontology 492
B.2 Top-Level Categories 497
B.3 Role and Relation Types 502
B.4 Thematic Roles 506
B.5 Placement of the Thematic Roles 510
C. 1 Hotel Reservation System 513
APPENDIX C Extended Example 513
C.2 Library Database 515
C.3 ACE Vocabulary 518
C.4 Translating ACE to Logic 518
Answers to Selected Exercises 522
Bibliography 549
Name Index 574
Subject Index 579
Special Symbols 594
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