王宽诚教育基金会学术讲座汇编 第30集 2009PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱伟长主编(上海大学)
- 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787811185232
- 页数:221 页
Magneto-transport Characteristics of Superconducting RBa2Cu3O7-δ Multilayers and Quasi-multilayers&CAI Chuan-bing,LIU Zhi-yong,PENG Lin,GAO Bo,YING Li-liang,LU Yu-ming,PAN Chen-yuan 1
Introduction to Game Theory and its Applications in Computer Networks&LUI John C S 8
基督教与中国新闻史之关系——一个澳门新闻史的角度&林玉凤 26
A Biomimetic Study of Discontinuous-Constraint Metamorphic Mechanism for Gecko-Like Robot&DAI Zhen-dong,SUN Jiu-rong 43
Effective Pest Control in Cucumber Bean Cabbage Fields with Chemically Modified Bt-based Pesticide&GONG Ai-jun,LI Hong-mei,QIU Li-na,CAO Yan-qiu 51
Dynamic Omni-directional Vision Localization using a Beacon Tracker Based on Particle Filter&CAO Zuo-liang,LIU Shi-yu 56
Identiffcation of Organosulfurs and Organonitrogens in the Extracts of Pocahontas No.3 Coal&CAO Jing-pei,ZONG Zhi-min,ZHAO Xiao-yan,LIU Chang-cheng,LIU Guang-feng,ZHANG Hong,LEE Chul-wee,WEI Xian-yong 66
诗话在乾嘉盛世——以法式善《梧门诗话》为例&张寅彭 75
中国传统诗学体例的分合问题&张寅彭 96
A Method for Evaluating the PIV Measurement Error in a Centrifugal Pump&YANG Hua,TANG Fang-ping,ZHOU Ji-ren,LIU Chao,YU Li-hong 103
庐山面目:论研究视野和模式的重要性&张隆溪 111
文学理论的兴衰&张隆溪 119
Cultural Rupture and Cultural Resilience&ZHANG Long-xi 124
G1obalization and English-medium Programmes—Stories of an International School&LUO Fei 131
Bond Activation with Metalloporphyrins&CHAN Kin-shing 139
Comparison of Three Intumescent Flame Retardant Polypropylene Systems Based on Different Caged Bicyclic Phosphates&PENG Hua-qiao,WANG Yu-zhong 158
Integrated Modeling Method for Dynamic Behavior of Ancient Pagodas&YUAN Jian-li,YAO Ling,LI Sheng-cai,ABRUZZESE Donato 165
Research on Some Problems of Nonlinear Operator&ZHU Chuan-xi 181
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis on Rubber-steel Sphere Bush with an Elliptical Surface Crack&YANG Xiao-xiang,LIU Xiao-ying,LIU Xiao-ming 187
Characterization of Sawdust Gasified Tar from Air-Steam Atmosphere in the Fluidized Bed&QIN Yu-hong,FENG Jie,LI Wen-ying 196
A Numerical Study on the Non-Newtonian Problem&HOU Lei,LIN De-zhi,QIU Lin 205
编后记 221
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