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符号学基础  第8版
符号学基础  第8版

符号学基础 第8版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)约翰·迪利(JOHN DEELY)著
  • 出 版 社:南京:南京师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2018
  • ISBN:7565136337
  • 页数:390 页
《符号学基础 第8版》目录

Chapter 1 Literary Semiotics and the Doctrine of Signs 1

Chapter 2 Semiotics: Method or Point of View? 10

Chapter 3 Semiosis: The Subject Matter of Semiotic Inquiry 23

Addendum to Chapter 3 The Interpretant as Such and the Idea as Sign 34

Chapter 4 Signs: The Medium of Semiosis 46

Addendum to Chapter 4 A Further Clarification of the Basic Contrast Between Ontological and Transcendental Relatives 63

Chapter 5 Zoosemiotics and Anthroposemiotics 69

1.The Content of Experience 70

2.Species-Specific Objective Worlds 78

3.Species-Specifically Human Semiosis 81

4.The “Conventionality” of Signs in Anthroposemiosis 85

5.Criticism as the Exploration of Textuality 91

6.A Matrix for All the Sciences 94

7.A Model for Discourse as Semiosis 98

8.Summation 101

Chapter 6 Physiosemiosis and Phytosemiosis 103

Addendum to Chapter 6 How Physiosemiosis Moved the Physical Universe Toward Life 126

Chapter 7 Retrospect: History and Theory Semiotics 130

1.Theory of Semiotics 130

2.History behind Semiotics 133

3.Rectifying the Terms “Semiotics” and “Semiology” 152

Chapter 8 Prospect: A New Begmin g for the Sciencss 163

1.Signifie as Object Signified 164

2.Objects and Semiosis 165

3.Semiotics vs.Modernity 166

4.Science as a Modality of Anthroposemiosis 168

5.Objects Presupposing Signs 170

6.Conclusion 173

Chapter9The Quasi-Error of the External World 174

1.Betwixt and Between 174

2.The Egg of Postmodernity 174

3.The Egg Hatches 178

4.Skirmishes on the Boundary 181

5.Reality Too Is a Word 184

6.A Modeling System Biologically Underdetermined 186

7.Blickwendung, or a Glance in the Rear-View Mirror 187

8.Updating the File 188

Chapter 10 How Semiotics Unifies Human Knowledge 192

1.Semiotics Embraces Human Knowledge in Its Full Extent 193

2.Semiotics and the Postmodern Destiny 202

Chapter 11 The Definition of Human Being as “Semiotic Animal” 204

1.The Quintessence of Modern Philosophy 204

2.The Semiotic Revolution 204

3.The Realism of Animals 205

4.The Crucial Realization 208

5.The Postmodern Definition of Human Being 215

Chapter12 Why the Semiotic Animal Needs to Develop a Semioethics 221

1.The Achilles Heel of Modern Philosophy 221

2.The Extent of Semiosis 222

3.The Animal Which Would Become Semiotic 224

4.Passing the Limits of Modern Thought 226

5.The Trajectory to Postmodernity 228

6.Semioethics Within Semiotics 229

7.A New Kind of Humanism 231

8.In Sum 232

Chapter 13 From Semiosis to Semioethics: The Full Vista of the Action of Signs 233

1.Why So Late? 234

2.The Difficulty of Realizing the Ubiquity of Signs in Human Awareness and in Nature 235

3.The Necessity of Linguistic Communication for Developing Any Science, including the Doctrine of Signs 246

4.In Search of the Broadest Sense of Sign 255

5.“Rendering Inefficient Relations Efficient” 266

6.A Final Frontier in Terrestrial Semiosis: The Semioethic Animal 271

Chapter 14 Historical Retrieve: Semiotics’ 20th Century Founding 272

1.Outline of the Framework 273

2.Overview of the Semiotic Development 281

3.Projecting What We Have Learned about Interdisciplinarity:From 330BC to 2075AD 308

4.Parting Summation 347

Appendix to Chapter 14 Sebeok’s Synthesis: the Tartu-Bloomington-Copenhagen School 348

References, Historically Layered 351
