- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王静萍著
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:2018
- ISBN:9787307205710
- 页数:209 页
ChapterOne Introduction 1
1.1 Need for the Study 1
1.2 Significance of the Study 4
1.2.1 Theoretical Significance 4
1.2.2 Pedagogical Significance 5
1.3 Overview of the Book 6
ChapterTwo Literature Review: Related Theories 7
2.1 Task-based Language Teaching Approach 7
2.1.1 Definition of Task 8
2.1.2 Definition of Complexity 9
2.2 L1 and L2 Writing Theories 10
2.2.1 L1 Writing Theories 10
2.2.2 L2 Writing Theories 16
2.3 The Limited Information-processing Theory 19
2.4 Skehan and Foster’s Limited Attentional Capacity Model and Robinson’s Cognition Hypothesis 20
2.4.1 Skehan and Foster’s Limited Attentional Capacity Model 22
2.4.2 Robinson’s Cognition Hypothesis 24
2.4.3 Similarities of the Two Models 28
2.4.4 Differences of the Two Models 28
2.5 Summary 30
ChapterThree Literature Review: Empirical Studies 32
3.1 Effects of Task Complexity on Learners’PerformancesAlong Resource-dispersing Dimension 32
3.1.1 Studies on Oral Production 33
3.1.2 Studies on Written Production 39
3.2 Effects of Task Complexity on Learners’ Performances Along Resource-directing Dimension 44
3.2.1 Studies on Oral Production 44
3.2.2 Studies on Written Production 46
3.3 Researches Combining Both Resource-dispersing Dimension and Resource-directing Dimension 49
3.3.1 Studies on Oral Production 49
3.3.2 Studies on Written Production 52
3.4 Studies on L2 Writing Process 54
3.5 Research Gaps 59
ChapterFour Methodology 63
4.1 Research Questions 63
4.2 Pilot Study 64
4.2.1 Methods 65
4.2.2 Results and Discussion 66
4.2.3 Summary of the Pilot Study 73
4.3 Setting 74
4.4 Participants 74
4.5 Instruments 76
4.6 Data Collection 79
4.7 Data Analysis 81
4.7.1 Text Analysis of Compositions 81
4.7.2 Analysis of Data from the Interviews 89
ChapterFive Results and Discussions: Effects of Task Complexity Along Resource-directing Dimension on Written Performance 94
5.1 Effects of Task Complexity (±Few Elements) on Fluency 94
5.2 Effects of Task Complexity (±Few Elements) on Accuracy 98
5.3 Effects of Task Complexity (±Few Elements) on Complexity 100
5.4 L2 Learners’ Attention Allocated in Writing 103
5.5 Discussions 105
ChapterSix Results and Discussions: Effects of Task Complexity Along Resource-dispersing Dimension on Written Performance 109
6.1 Effects of Task Complexity (±Planning Time) on Fluency 109
6.2 Effects of Task Complexity (±Planning Time) on Accuracy 112
6.3 Effects of Task Complexity (±Planning Time) on Complexity 113
6.4 L2 Learners’Strategy Use in and Attitudes Towards Pre-task Planning 116
6.4.1 Strategies Used in the Pre-task Planning 116
6.4.2 L2 Learners’ Attitudes Towards Pre-task Planning 118
6.5 Discussions 120
ChapterSeven Results and Discussions: Interactive Effects on Written Performance 128
7.1 Interactive Effects on Fluency 128
7.2 Interactive Effects on Accuracy 131
7.3 Interactive Effects on Complexity 133
7.4 Discussions 137
ChapterEight Conclusion 143
8.1 Summary of Major Findings 143
8.2 Theoretical and Pedagogical Implications 146
8.2.1 Theoretical Implications 146
8.2.2 Pedagogical Implications 147
8.3 Limitations and Suggestions 149
Appendix Ⅰ Studies Investigating the Effects of Strategic Planning on Fluency,Accuracy and Complexity 152
Appendix Ⅱ Writing Prompts 176
Appendix Ⅲ Guidelines for T-units,Clauses,Word Counts,and Errors 178
Appendix Ⅳ Error Classification System 181
References 183
后记 208
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