习近平谈治国理政 第2卷 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:习近平
- 出 版 社:外文出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787119111636
- 页数:619 页
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the Chinese Dream 3
A Bright Future for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics&August 20,2014 3
CPC Leadership Is Essential to Chinese Socialism&September 5,2014-February 13,2017 18
Promote the Four-Pronged Strategy&December 13,2014 -January 29,2016 22
The Chinese Dream Is the People’s Dream&Setember 22,2015 29
Stay True to Our Original Aspiration and Continue Marching Forward&July 1,2016 32
Today We Must Succeed in a New “Long March”&October 21,2016 49
Complete a Moderately Prosperous Society and Realize the Chinese Dream&July 26,2017 62
Develop and Popularize Marxism in the Modern Chinese Context&September 29,2017 68
A Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects 73
The Decisive Stage in Achieving the First Centenary Goal&October 29,2015 73
How to Resolve Major Difficulties in Realizing the First Centenary Goal&October 29,2015 77
Take Targeted Measures Against Poverty&November 27,2015 87
Eliminate Poverty in Severely Impoverished Areas&June 23,2017 92
Deeper Reform 103
Make Solid Efforts to Advance Reform&August 18,2014 103
Implement the Free Trade Zone Strategy&December 5,2014 105
Give the People a Stronger Sense of Gain&February 27,2015-December 5,2016 109
Take Action on Reform&May 5,2015-August 29,2017 111
Make Targeted Efforts in Reform&January 4-6,2016 114
Further Reform Must Be Systematic,Integrated and Coordinated&June 26,2017 115
Rule of Law 119
Promote Socialist Rule of Law&October 23,2014 119
Officials Must Set a Good Example in Observing the Law&February 2,2015 136
Reform the Judicial System&March 24,2015 140
The Rule of Law and the Rule of Virtue&December 9,2016 144
Governing the Party with Strict Discipline 151
Be a Good County Party Secretary&January 12,2015 151
Observe Discipline and Rules&January 13,2015 164
Keep in Line with the CPC Central Committee&December 11,2015 171
Enhance Party Conduct,Uphold Clean Government,and Fight Corruption&January 12,2016 175
A National Supervision System Covering State Organs and Public Servants&January 12,2016 185
Stronger Discipline Inspection Tours Make for Stricter Party Self-Governance&January 12,2016 186
Study Is the Prerequisite and Action Is the Key&February 4,2016 and April 13,2017 189
Party Leadership Is the Unique Strength of SOEs&October 10,2016 192
Tighten Political Activities Within Our Party&October 27,2016 197
Reinforce the Party’s Internal Scrutiny&October 27,2016 203
The Four Consciousnesses and the Authority of the Central Committee&December 26-27,2016 207
Meet the Standards for Party Members&August 13,2017 211
New Development Concepts 217
Guide Development with New Concepts&October 29,2015 217
A Deeper Understanding of the New Development Concepts&January 18,2016 221
Implement the New Development Concepts&January 18,2016 241
The New Normal of Economic Development 251
Economic Work Should Be Adapted to the New Normal&December 9,2014 251
Three Initiatives for Balanced Regional Development&December 9,2014-February 23,2017 258
The New Normal:How to Respond and Adapt&December 18,2015 261
What Is the New Normal in China’s Economic Development?&January 18,2016 268
Promote Supply-Side Structural Reform&January 18,2016 274
Promote the Healthy Development of Diverse Forms of Ownership&March 4,2016 280
Build China into a World Leader in Science and Technology&May 30,2016 292
Sound,Circular and Healthy Development of the Economy and Finance&July 14,2017 304
Socialist Democracy 311
Confidence in the Political System of Chinese Socialism&September 5,2014 311
Broad,Multilevel,and Institutionalized Consultative Democracy&September 21,2014 318
CPC Policies on Ethnic Affairs and Religion&September 28,2014 and Apnl22,2016 327
Improve the Work of the United Front&May 18,2015 331
The Party’s Work with Social Organizations&July 6,2015 334
Cultural Confidence 341
Transform and Boost Traditional Culture in a Creative Way&September 24,2014 341
The Literature and Art of the People&October 15,2014 343
When the People Are Firm in Their Convictions,the Nation Will Flourish&February 28,2015 352
Uphold and Consolidate the Party’s Ideological Leadership&May 18,2015-May 17,2016 354
Improve All Aspects of the Party’s Media Leadership&February 19,2016 359
Let a Healthy Internet Guide and Reflect Public Opinion&April 19,2016 363
Develop Philosophy and Social Sciences with Chinese Features&May 17,2016 366
Confidence in Chinese Culture&November 30,2016 378
Family Values,Family Education and Family Tradition&December 12,2016 382
The Wellbeing of the People 389
Improve the Wellbeing of the People&March 9,2015-May 25,2016 389
Address the People’s Most Immediate Concerns&April 28,2015-December 31,2016 392
Expanding the Middle-Income Group&May 16,2016 397
Promote a Healthy China&August 19,2016 399
Secure the People’s Basic Needs&October 27,2016 404
Towards World-Class Universities and Disciplines&December 7,2016 406
Keep Hold of the Strategic Initiative for Our National Security&February 17,2017 411
Social Governance Under Socialism with Chinese Characteristics&September 19,2017 414
Beautiful China 421
Promote Ecological Progress and Reform Environmental Management&October 26,2015 421
Eco-Environmental Protection Is an Integral Component of Development&August 24,2016 425
Clear Waters and Green Mountains Are Invaluable Assets&November 28,2016 426
Green Development Model and Green Way of Life&May 26,2017 428
Carry Forward the Spirit of Saihanba,a Model in Afforestation&August 14,2017 432
Military Development 435
Strengthen and Improve the Political Work of the Military&October 31,2014 435
Strengthen the Armed Forces Through Reform&November 24,2015 441
Deeper Civil-Military Integration&June 20,2017 448
Continue to Strengthen Our Military&August 1,2017 452
One Country,Two Systems 459
Progress in Practicing “One Country,Two Systems” in Macao&December 20,2014 459
Join Hands to Consolidate Peace and Development in Cross-Straits Relations&November 7,2015 465
“One Country,Two Systems”:Long-Term Prosperity and Stability for Hong Kong&July1,2017 471
China’s Diplomacy as a Major Country 479
China’s Diplomacy Must Befit Its Major-Country Status&November 28,2014 479
Remember the Past and Our Martyrs,Cherish Peace,and Build a New Future&September 3,2015 484
Improve Our Ability to Participate in Global Governance&September 27,2016 487
Peaceful Development and Cooperation with Other Countries 493
Asia-Pacific Partnership of Mutual Trust,Inclusiveness,Cooperation,and Win-Win Progress&November 11,2014 493
Towards a China-EU Partnership for Peace,Growth,Reform and Civilization&May 6,2015 495
A New Era of China-Africa Cooperation and Common Development&December 4,2015 496
Increase Sino-Arab Dialogue and Expand Common Ground&January 21,2016 502
A Brighter Future for China-Russia Relations&June 25,2016 508
Build an Innovative,Invigorated,Interconnected,and Inclusive World Economy&September 4,2016 513
Shoulder the Responsibilities of Our Time and Promote Global Growth Together&January 17,2017 519
There Are a Thousand Reasons to Make the China-US Relationship a Success&April 6,2017 533
Usher in the Second Golden Decade of BRICS Cooperation&September 4,2017 535
The Belt and Road Initiative 543
The Belt and Road Initiative and Connectivity Are Mutually Reinforcing&November 8,2014 543
Promote the Belt and Road Initiative,Extend Reform and Development&April29,2016 546
The Belt and Road Initiative Benefits the People&August 17,2016 549
Work Together to Build the Belt and Road&May 14,2017 553
A Community of Shared Future 569
A New Partnership of Mutual Benefit and a Community of Shared Future&September 28,2015 569
Build a Win-Win,Equitable and Balanced Governance Mechanism on Climate Change&November 30,2015 576
Work Together to Build a Healthy Cyberspace&December 16,2015 582
Towards a Community of Shared Future for Mankind&January 18,2017 588
Index 603
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