- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:洪范编;任宝祥校
- 出 版 社:西南师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:1989
- 页数:686 页
Part One 1
1. Education 1
Ⅰ.Education 1
Ⅱ.Education and Schooling 6
Ⅲ. Schooling 8
2. Education and Social Development 10
Ⅰ .Education's Importance 10
Ⅱ .Education and Economic Growth 14
Ⅲ .How Does Education Contribute to Develop-ment 18
3. Teachers and Instruction 22
Ⅰ .Teachers and Their Survivors 22
Ⅱ. A Beginning Teacher 27
Ⅲ .The Characteristics of the Competent Teacher in Harford County 34
Ⅳ .Method, Technique and Devices 41
4. Student and Learning 46
Ⅰ .Students' Learning Styles 46
Ⅱ .Pra?tice Makes Perfect 59
Ⅲ .Learner Characteristics Today 65
5. Curriculum 75
Ⅰ .School Curricula 75
Ⅱ .Curriculum Areas 77
Ⅲ .Time to Rediscover the Needs of Youth 84
6. Moral Education 91
Ⅰ Character Education 91
Ⅱ .Moral and Values Education 96
Ⅲ .Values Education in Chinese PrimarySchools 101
7. Intellectual Education 110
Ⅰ . Intelligence 110
Ⅱ .The Nature and Theories of Intelligence 116
Ⅲ .Computer and School 125
8. Health and Physical Education 128
Ⅰ .Why Should You Study Health Science 128
Ⅱ .Hygiene and Physical Education 133
Ⅲ .Mental Health versus Mental Illness 137
Ⅳ . Self-actualization 141
9. Aesthetic Education 144
Ⅰ . Aesthetic Education 144
Ⅱ.Art in Man's Life 157
Part Two 163
10. Preschool Education and Kindergarten 163
Ⅰ .The Changing Scope and Nature of Early Childhood Programs 163
Ⅱ .The First Infant School in Great Britain 173
Ⅲ .Nursery School and Kindergarten 176
11. Primary and Secondary Education 180
Ⅰ .Elementary Education and Elementary School 180
Ⅱ .Secondary Education 186
12. Higher Education 196
Ⅰ .The Worldwide Higher Education 196
Ⅱ .Higher Education 199
Ⅲ .American Higher Education 203
13. Teacher Education 208
Ⅰ .Teacher Education 208
Ⅱ .Normal School and Teachers College 218
Ⅲ .Teachers in the Computer Age 222
14. Vocational and Technical Education 230
Ⅰ .Vocational and Industrial Education 230
Ⅱ .Facing Technology 238
Ⅲ .Vocational Education and General Educa-tion 243
15. Special Education 252
Ⅰ .Today's Definition of Special Education 252
Ⅱ .Answers to Frequently Asked Questions 256
Ⅲ .Vocational and Industrial Education for Special Groups 260
16. Adult Education 267
Ⅰ .Adult Education And Continuing Study 267
Ⅱ .Providers of Adult Education 272
Ⅲ .The Concept and the Future of Life-long Education 275
17. Education in China 281
Ⅰ .Education in Ancient China 281
Ⅱ .Education in Modern China 284
Ⅲ .The Development of Education in Recent China 290
Ⅳ .Education Reform 306
Ⅴ .Basic Education in Sichuan 310
18. Education in the U. S. A. 321
Ⅰ .American Education Week 321
Ⅱ .The Outlook for the American Professo- riate 325
Ⅲ .Moral Education in the United States 335
19. Education in the U. S. S. R. 343
Ⅰ .The General Principles of the Constitution of the Middle-General-Education School 343
Ⅱ .Professional Polytechnical School 348
Ⅲ .Structure and Organization of the Public Education System 354
20. Education In Japan 360
Ⅰ .Education in Japan 360
Ⅱ .Japan's Smart Schools 368
Part Three 379
21. Educational Psychology 379
Ⅰ .What Educational Psychology is 379
Ⅱ .The Functions of Educational Psychology 384
Ⅲ.Early Contributors to Educational Psychology 389
22. Educational Sociology 393
Ⅰ .Educational Sociology 393
Ⅱ .Schools and Their Functions 397
23. Philosophy of Education 400
Ⅰ .Philosophy of Education 400
Ⅱ .Philosophies of American Education 404
24. History of Education 408
Ⅰ .History of Western Education 408
Ⅱ .History of British Education 414
Ⅲ .History of American Education 422
Ⅳ .Development of World Education(1960-1981) 429
25. Economics of Education 436
Ⅰ .What is Economics of Education 436
Ⅱ .Economics of Educational Technology 441
Ⅲ .Economics of Education 445
26. Comparative Education 448
Ⅰ .The Development of Comparative Education 448
Ⅱ .Comparative Education 452
27. Library 455
28. Educational Evaluation 468
Ⅰ .Educational Evaluation 468
Ⅱ .Roles for the Evaluator 475
Ⅲ .Program Evaluation 479
29. Educational Management 482
Ⅰ .Management Education and Training 482
Ⅱ .Preparation Programs for Educational Administrators 487
Ⅲ .School Administration 491
30. Theories of Learning 496
Ⅰ .Why Theories of Learning 496
Ⅱ .What is Learning Theory 501
Ⅲ .How is Learning Theory Evaluated 505
31. Educational Facilities 509
Ⅰ School Building 509
Ⅱ .The Effects of School Lighting on Achie- vement and Behavior 513
Ⅲ. Microteaching 521
Part Four 521
32. Educators ( 1 ) 529
33. Educators ( 2 ) 557
34. My Pedagogic Creed 575
35. After John Dewey, What? 594
36 Teaching From 8 to 3 620
37. The Free and Happy Student 622
38. Education andthe Good Life 638
39. Making Teaching an Art 646
40. Educational Implications and Directions: 1980-2000 656
Ⅰ . Educational Guidelines: 1980 and Beyond 656
Ⅱ. Organization, Methods, and the Content of Instruction 661
Appendix 671
Ⅰ. A list of Names 671
Ⅱ References Bibliogra phy 681
Postface in Chinese 685
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