英语 理工科用 第三册(修订本)PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:复旦大学 上海科学技术大学
- 出 版 社:上海译文出版社
- 出版年份:1979
- 页数:259 页
目录 1
Lesson one 1
Text: Jets 1
Grammar:The Participle(Ⅰ) 1
Reading Material:You Push It,It Pushes You 1
Lesson Two 16
Text: Up…Up…and Away 16
Grammar:The Gerund (Ⅰ) 16
Reading Material: From Balloons to Rockets 32
Lesson Three 32
Text:Spaceship Earth 32
Grammar:The Attributive Clause(Ⅰ) 32
Reading Material:Changes in the Environment 32
Reading Material:River Life 47
Ⅱ.The Past Future Indefinite Tense 47
Grammar:Ⅰ.Direct and Indirect Speech 47
Text: A Tourist Guide 47
Lesson Four 47
Lesson Five 65
Text: Alexander Graham Bell 65
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Participle(Ⅱ) 65
Ⅱ.The Sequence of Tenses 65
Reading Material:Bell and the First Telephone 65
Lesson Six 83
Text:Paper and Its Uses 83
Reading Material:The World s First Compass 83
Lesson Seven 100
Text:Television:The Modern Wonder of Electronics 100
Grammar:The Infinitive(Ⅲ) 100
Reading Material:Color Television 100
Text:He Called It Penicillin 114
Lesson Nine 114
Grammar:The Attributive Clause (Ⅱ) 114
Reading Material:Beethoven 114
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Subject Clause 114
Ⅱ.The Predicative Clause 114
Text:The Laser 114
Lesson Eight 114
Reading Material:Lasers 114
Lesson Ten 148
Text:The Migration of Birds 148
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Attributive Clause(Ⅲ) 148
Ⅱ.The Appositive Clause 148
Reading Material:The Orientation Ability of Birds 148
Lesson Eleven 166
Text:A Real Flying Saucer 166
Grammar:The Article(Ⅱ) 166
Reading Material:Have You Ever Seen a Flying Saucer? 166
Text:The Changing World 185
Reading Material:How Is the Human Body Dif-ferent from a Machine? 185
Lesson Twelve 185
SuppIementary Readings 203
1.Unique Aircraft 203
2.The First Balloon Flight 203
3.The Mosques of Istanbul 203
4.Good Manners 203
5.The Telephone of Today and Tomorrow 203
6.Glass Goes Modern 203
7.Television 203
8.The Far-Out Laser:Souping Up a Light Beam 203
9.Galileo and the Lamps 203
10.Bacteria 203
11.What Helicopters Do for Us 203
12.Mass Production 203
Appendix 232
Vocabulary 232
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