Unit 1
1.Welcome back! 1
2.How do you come to school? 11
3.Mid-Autumn Day 22
4.We’re going to work on a farm! 34
5.Working hard on the farm 46
6.Shall we go to the park? 57
7.Mainly revision 67
Mid-term examination (Units 1~7) 77
8.Where do you sit? 86
9.Find the right place! 95
10.Home and work 104
11.Keep healthy! 113
12.Which is your favourite? 122
13.Where were you born? 131
14.Mainly revision 142
Terminal examination (Units 8~14) 151
15.Thanks for the message! 161
16.The seasons of the year 172
17.What’s the weather like today? 182
18.Come to the party! 192
19.A weather report 203
20.What do English people eat? 213
21.Mainly revision 223
Mid-term examination (Units 15~21) 234
22.What a good, kind girl! 245
23.You mustn’t play on the road! 254
24.What do you have to do? 265
25.The visit to Monkey Island 275
26.A good doctor 285
27.Ling Feng’s diary 296
28.Mainly revision 308
Terminal examination (Units 22~28) 317
Terminal examination (Units 1~28) 327
答案及重点难点误点点拨 337
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