走向世界实用英语 英语成语妙译PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张雪 石晓杰 徐莹编著
- 出 版 社:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- 页数:171 页
1 a drop in the bucket 1
2 a drop in the ocean 1
3 about one's ears 1
4 above suspicion 1
A 1
5 absorb in 2
6 ace in the hole 2
7 act high and mighty 2
10 after one's own heart 3
11 all along 3
12 all dressed up 3
9 add insult to injury 3
8 add fuel to the flame 3
13 all ears 4
14 all eyes 4
15 all in one piece 4
16 all manner of 4
17 all of a sudden 4
18 all out 5
19 all-out effort 5
20 all over someone 5
21 all over the earth 5
22 All roads lead to Rome. 5
26 all the way 6
25 all talk and no action 6
24 all systems(are)go 6
23 all shook up 6
27 all thumbs 7
28 all tuckered out 7
29 all wet 7
30 all worked up over something 7
31 along for the ride 8
32 an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 8
33 angle for 8
34 annex to 8
35 ants in one's pants 8
37 apple-pie order 9
36 apple of one's eye 9
38 apple polishing 10
39 arm and a leg 10
40 arm in arm 11
41 around the clock 11
42 around the corner 11
43 as a duck takes to water 11
44 as an old shoe 11
45 as best one can 11
51 as different as night and day 12
50 as cool as a cucumber 12
49 as clear as mud 12
48 as busy as Grand Central Station 12
46 as big as life 12
47 as busy as a beaver 12
52 as easy as(apple)pie 13
53 as easy as duck soup 13
54 as far as anyone knows 13
55 as free as a bird 13
56 as full as a tick 13
60 as hard as nails 14
62 as hot as hell 14
61 as high as a kite 14
59 as happy as a lark 14
58 as happy as a clam 14
57 as good as one's word 14
63 as hungry as a bear 15
64 as if one has come out of a handbox 15
65 as light as a feather 15
66 as mad as a hatter 15
67 as mad as a hornet 15
68 as mad as a wet hen 16
69 as naked as a jaybird 16
70 as plain as day 16
71 as plain as the nose on one's face 16
72 as poor as a church mouse 16
77 as scarce as hen's teeth 17
76 as quiet as a mouse 17
78 as slick as a whistle 17
73 as pretty as a picture 17
74 as proud as a peacock 17
75 as quick as a wink 17
79 as slippery as an eel 18
80 as strong as an ox 18
81 as stubborn as a mule 18
82 as thick as thieves 18
83 as weak as a kitten 18
84 as wise as an owl 18
85 ask/cry for the moon 18
89 at all hazards 19
90 at any rate 19
86 asleep at the switch 19
88 at a snail's pace 19
87 at a blow/stroke 19
91 at arm's length 20
92 at bay 20
93 at both ends 20
94 at/on call 20
95 at cross purposes 20
99 at liberty 21
98 at large 21
96 at death's door 21
97 at hand 21
100 at loose ends 22
101 at one's beck and call 22
102 at one's ease 22
103 at one's fingertips 22
104 at one's leisure 23
105 at sea 23
106 at sixes and sevens 23
107 at stake 23
108 at swords points 23
111 avenge on 24
112 awake to 24
109 at the end of nowhere 24
110 at the end of one's rope/tether 24
113 ax to grind 25
B 26
114 babe in the wood(s) 26
115 baby kisser 26
116 back out 26
117 back to the wall 26
123 band together 27
122 banana oil 27
121 balk at 27
120 bag of tricks 27
118 backward(s)and forward(s) 27
119 bad-mouth someone 27
124 bang away 28
125 bang into 28
126 bark up the wrong tree 28
127 bark worse than one's bite 28
128 barter/bargain away 28
129 bat an eye(eyelash) 28
130 bats in one's the belfry 29
131 bawl out 29
132 be a cold fish 29
136 be a goner 30
138 be at a dead end 30
137 be above one's head 30
133 be a copy-cat 30
135 be a fan of someone 30
134 be a dead duck 30
139 be at a halt/standstill 31
140 be beneath contempt 31
141 be beside oneself 31
142 be beyond endurance 31
147 be careful 32
145 be beyond redemption 32
146 be bushed 32
143 be beyond one's ken 32
144 be beyond question 32
148 be done with somebody/something 33
149 be down to 33
150 be for the high jump 33
151 be half-hearted 33
152 be hip to 33
153 be in evidence 33
157 be of one mind 34
159 be on at 34
158 be on about 34
156 be in the public eye 34
155 be in the open 34
154 be in order 34
160 be out of someone's reach 35
161 be out of sorts 35
162 be out of the blue 35
163 be out of the picture 35
164 be over the moon 35
165 be poles apart 36
166 be the spit and image of someone 36
167 be up against it 36
168 be up in arms 36
169 be up to one's eyes in 36
174 beat a path to somebody's door 37
173 beat a dead horse 37
175 beat a retreat 37
170 be well up in 37
172 bear the brunt of something 37
171 bear down on/upon 37
176 beat about the bush 38
177 beat all hollow 38
178 beat one's brains out 38
179 beat one's head against the wall 38
180 beat somebody to the draw/punch 38
181 beat/bring someone to his knees 38
185 Beggars can't be choosers. 39
184 beg the question 39
183 beg for the moon 39
182 beef up 39
186 begin to see daylight 40
187 begin to see the light 40
188 behind the eight-ball 40
189 bend/fall/lean over backwards 40
190 beside the point/question 41
191 bet on the wrong horse 41
192 bet one's boots/bottom dollar 41
193 bet one's life 41
198 betwixt and between 42
197 between two fires 42
196 between the devil and the deep blue sea 42
194 between a rock and a hard place 42
195 between life and death 42
199 beyond/out of one's depth 43
200 beyond one's means 43
201 beyond/without question 43
202 beyond the pale 43
203 beyond the shadow of a doubt 43
207 big frog in a small pond 44
209 Birds of a feather flock together. 44
208 big lie 44
206 big deal 44
205 big as life and twice as natural 44
204 bide one's time 44
210 birthday suit 45
211 bite off more than one can chew 45
212 bite one's nails 45
213 bite someone's head off 45
214 bite the dust 45
218 blend with 46
217 blaze up 46
219 blind alley 46
216 black sheep of the family 46
215 bite the hand that feeds one 46
220 blind leading the blind 47
221 blood freezes/runs cold/turns to ice 47
222 blood is thicker than water 47
223 blow a fuse/gasket 47
224 blow hot and cold 48
225 blow one's/sb's brain's out 48
226 blow one's/sb's mind 48
231 bluster it out 49
230 blow someone's cover 49
229 blow over 49
228 blow one's top 49
227 blow one's own horn/trumpet,toot one's own horn 49
232 boast of/about 50
233 body blow 50
234 boggle someone's mind 50
235 boggle the mind 50
236 bolt from/out of the blue 50
237 bone up on 51
238 born yesterday 51
239 borrow trouble 51
240 bound to 51
245 break up 52
244 break out into tears 52
246 breathe easily/freely 52
242 brain drain 52
241 bow and scrape 52
243 brave it out 52
247 breathe one's last 53
248 breeze through 53
249 bright and early 53
250 bring down the house 53
251 bring home to 53
254 bring together 54
255 bristle with 54
256 brood over/on/upon/about 54
253 bring to bay 54
252 bring something into sight/view 54
257 brown off 55
258 brush off 55
259 brush up against 55
260 buckle under 55
261 bug-eyed 55
262 build cas?es in the air/Spain 56
263 bump into 56
264 burn one's boats/bridges 56
265 burn one's fingers 56
266 burn oneself out 56
271 burst with joy 57
270 burst into tears/burst out crying 57
269 burst at seams 57
268 burnt child dreads tge fire 57
267 burn up t?e road 57
272 burst with pride 58
273 bury one's head in the sand 58
274 bury the hatchet/tomahawk 58
275 butter someone up 58
276 butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth 59
277 butterflies in one's stomach 59
278 button one's lip/mouth,zip one's lip 59
279 by a hair's breadth/whisker 59
283 by the sweat of one's brow/face 60
282 by leaps and bounds 60
281 by hook or by crook 60
280 by/to all appearances 60
C 61
284 call a spade a spade 61
285 call the tune/shots 61
286 can't see beyond the end of one's nose 61
287 cannot see the wood(s)/forest for the tree 61
288 carry coals to Newcastle 62
289 carry the ball 62
290 catch/take one's death of cold 62
291 catch one's eye 62
292 champ at the bit 62
297 close/shut one's eyes to 63
296 clip somebody's wings 63
294 chicken out 63
295 climb/jump on the bandwagon 63
293 chaw up 63
298 cock and bull story 64
299 come down in the world 64
300 come out in the wash 64
301 come/draw to a head 64
302 come to an untimely end 64
308 count one's chickens before they are hatched 65
307 compress into 65
306 common ground 65
305 comings and goings 65
304 come what may/will 65
303 come to nothing/naught 65
309 crack something wide open 66
310 crocodile tears 66
311 cross a bridge before one comes to it 66
312 cry before one is hurt 66
313 curl someone's hair 67
314 curry favor with someone 67
319 diamound in the rough,rough diamond 68
318 devil-may-care attitude 68
317 deliver the goods 68
315 dead tired 68
D 68
316 dead to rights 68
320 die a natural death 69
321 die in/with one's boots on 69
322 do a land-office business 69
323 do something hands down 69
324 do something in vain 69
327 down on one's luck 70
329 downhill from here on 70
328 down to the wire 70
326 down in the dumps 70
325 down at the heels 70
330 drag one's feet/heels 71
331 drink something up 71
332 drive someone crazy/mad 71
333 drown one's sorrows/troubles 71
334 dry up 71
E 72
335 eat dirt/humble pie 72
336 eat/live high on the hog 72
337 end of one's rope 72
338 end of the road/line 72
341 eyes are bigger than one's stomach 73
342 eyes in the back of one's head 73
339 engross in 73
340 Every cloud has a silver lining. 73
F 75
343 face the music 75
344 fag out 76
345 fall about laughing,with laughter 76
346 fall apart 76
347 fall/drop by the wayside 76
348 fall flat on one's face 76
349 fall from grace 76
353 fat of the land 77
354 fear and trembling 77
350 fall in with 77
352 far cry from something 77
351 fall over each other/one another 77
355 feast one's eyes on 78
356 feather one's nest 78
357 feed/give somebody a line 78
358 feed up 78
359 feel one's oats 78
360 feet of clay 78
364 fine/pretty kettle of fish 79
363 fill in for someone 79
365 fish out of water 79
361 feet on the ground 79
362 fight someone/something hammer,tongs/tooth,nail 79
366 flat broke 80
367 flatter oneself 80
368 flip one's lid/wig 80
369 flirt with 80
370 fly in the ointment 80
371 flying high 81
372 foam at the mouth 81
373 fob off 81
374 follow/tread in sb's footsteps/steps 81
375 fool about/around 81
379 free rein 82
380 from scratch 82
377 force one's hand 82
378 four corners 82
376 for the worse 82
381 from the bottom of one's heart 83
G 84
382 game is not worth the candle 84
383 game is up 84
384 get a swelled head 84
385 get ants in one's pants 84
386 get away with it 84
392 get one's comeuppance 85
391 get off on the wrong foot,get off to a bad start 85
390 get in someone's way 85
389 get carried away 85
388 get by with something 85
387 get butterflies in one's stomach 85
393 gild the lily 86
394 give it to someone straight 86
395 Give one an inch and one will take a mile. 86
396 give oneself airs,put on airs 86
397 give sb./sth.a wide berth 86
402 give up the ghost 87
401 give the devil his/her due 87
400 give sb.tit for tat 87
399 give sb.the shirt off one's back 87
398 give sb.the eye 87
403 gloss over 88
404 go all/flat out 88
405 go down in history/the records 88
406 go downhill 88
407 go for broke 88
413 go to any length 89
412 go through the motions 89
411 go straight 89
410 go(off)scot-free 89
409 go into orbit 89
408 go from bad to worse 89
414 go to sb's head 90
415 go the whole hog 90
416 go without saying 90
417 grit one's teeth 90
422 hand in gloves 91
421 ham it up 91
420 hale and hearty 91
419 hair stand on end 91
418 hack around 91
H 91
423 handle with(kid)gloves 92
424 handwriting on the wall 92
425 hang back 92
426 hang by a hair/thread 92
427 hang in there 93
428 hang on sb's lips/words 93
429 harden to 93
430 haste makes waste 93
435 have/put all one's eggs in one baskec 94
434 have a fit 94
436 have an edge on 94
432 haul down one's colors/flag 94
431 hate one's guts 94
433 have a clean/clear conscience 94
437 have eyes only for 95
438 have it both ways 95
439 have kitten 95
440 have money to burn 95
441 have one's hands full 95
444 have one's heart in the right place 96
446 have one's nose in a book 96
445 have one's hide 96
443 have one's heart in one's boots 96
442 have one's head in the clouds 96
447 have one's nose in the air 97
448 have one's tail between one's legs 97
449 have a gift of gab 97
450 have them rolling in the aisles 97
451 have the time of one's life 98
452 have turned the corner 98
453 heart to heart 98
454 heavy-handed 98
455 hem/hum and haw 98
460 hit the ceiling/roof 99
459 hit below the belt 99
458 highway robbery 99
456 hide one's light under a bushel 99
457 high-handed 99
461 hit the nail on the head 100
462 hit the road 100
463 hitch one's wagon to a star 100
464 hoist with/by one's own petard 100
465 hold a candle to 101
466 hold out the olive branch 101
467 hold the stage 101
468 horns of a dilemma 101
470 hound out 102
471 hug oneself over/for 102
469 horse of a different color 102
I 103
472 idle about/around 103
473 in a fog 103
474 in a hole 103
475 in a quandary about 103
476 in a/one word 103
477 in a world of one's own 104
478 in cahoots with sb. 104
479 in fine/high/good/full feather 104
480 in name only 104
481 in rags 104
485 in the clear 105
484 in the bag 105
486 in the clouds 105
482 in seventh heaven 105
483 in step(with) 105
487 in the lap of the gods 106
488 in the same boat 106
489 it figures 106
490 it never rains but it pours 106
J 107
491 jaws tight 107
492 jostle with someone 107
493 jump on the bandwagon 107
494 jump out of one's skin 107
495 jump the track 107
497 just what the doctor ordered 108
496 jump through a hoop/hoops 108
K 109
498 kangroo court 109
499 keep a civil tongue in his head 109
500 keep a stiff upper lip 109
501 keep his chin up 109
502 keep one's own counsel 110
503 keep one's words 110
504 keep pace with somebody 110
505 keep up with the Joneses 110
506 kick against the pricks 111
509 knit one's brow 112
507 kill the goose that laid the golden egg 112
508 kill two birds with one stone 112
510 knock-out 113
511 know-it-all 113
L 114
512 lard with 114
513 laugh in one's sleeve 114
514 laugh someone/something out of court 114
515 lay an egg 114
518 leave one to one's fate 115
520 let one's hair down 115
519 leave someone high and dry 115
517 leave hanging in the air 115
516 lay one's cards on the table 115
521 let sleeping dogs lie 116
522 lick one's chops 116
523 lie in ruins 116
524 like looking for a needle in a haystack 116
525 the line of least resistence 117
526 line one's pockets,line one's purse 117
527 linger about/around 117
528 liquor up 117
529 live and let live 117
534 look ahead 118
533 look a gift horse in the mouth 118
531 live in a fool's paradise 118
532 live out of a suitcase 118
530 live high,live high off the hog 118
535 look daggers at someone 119
536 look like a million dollars 119
537 look the otherway 119
538 loosen up 119
539 love at first sight 119
540 low man on the totem pole 120
541 lump in one's throat 120
545 make a mountain out of a molehill 121
544 make a long story short 121
543 make a fuss about 121
542 make a clean breast of something 121
M 121
546 make an example of someone 122
547 make good something 122
548 make light work of 122
549 make one's blood boil,make the blood boil 122
550 make one's way 122
551 make oneself at home 122
552 make the fur fly 123
553 miss the boat 123
554 mug up something 123
558 neck and neck 124
557 natural born 124
N 124
555 nail one's colors to the mast 124
556 nasty nice 124
559 new deal 125
560 nice Nelly/Nellie 125
561 no great shakes 125
562 no two ways about it 125
563 nobody home 125
566 not have a care in the world 126
568 not move a muscle 126
567 not know where to turn,not know which way to turn 126
565 not to give anyone the time of day 126
564 not a leg to stand on 126
569 nothing ventured/gained 127
570 number one 127
571 nurse a grudge against someone 127
O 128
572 odds-on 128
573 of all the nerve 128
574 off his field 128
575 off one's chest 128
580 on foot 129
578 on an even keel 129
579 on a pedestal 129
576 old story 129
577 on active duty for 129
581 on one's back 130
582 on one's feet 130
583 on one's high horse 130
584 on one's knees 130
585 on pins and needles 130
586 on record 131
587 on the fly 131
588 on the shelf 131
589 on the spur of the moment 131
590 on the string 131
594 one in a thousand 132
596 one's number is up 132
595 one up on someone 132
591 on thin ice 132
593 once in a blue moon 132
592 on tiptoe 132
597 only have eyes for someone 133
598 open one's heart to someone 133
599 out-and-out 133
600 out of a clear blue sky,out of the blue 133
601 out of the frying pan into the fire 133
605 over the hump 134
604 over the hill 134
603 out on a limb 134
602 out of touch with someone or something 134
P 135
606 pair off with someone 135
607 pale beside/before 135
608 palm off 135
609 pass as someone/something 135
610 pass through someone's mind 135
613 pay the piper 136
614 peck at 136
615 pelt down 136
612 pay lip service to something 136
611 pause on/upon 136
616 persevere in/at sth 137
617 pick up the pieces 137
618 place a strain on someone/something 137
619 play both ends against the middle 137
620 play fast and loose with someone/something 137
621 play it cool 138
622 play the field 138
623 play up something 138
624 plod along/on 138
625 poles apart 138
630 press something forward 139
629 preen oneself on something 139
627 pour money down the drain 139
626 pop one's cork 139
628 predestine for/to 139
631 pride oneself on something 140
632 pull oneself up by one's own bootstraps 140
633 pure and simple 140
634 put on airs 140
635 put something on the line,put something plainly 140
636 put words into one's mouth 141
638 quake with 142
639 quick on the draw,quick on the trigger 142
637 quailat prospect/possibility 142
Q 142
R 143
640 rack one's brain 143
641 railroad someone mto something 143
642 rainy day 143
643 raise one's sights 143
644 ?se one's voice to someone 143
645 raise someone from the dead 144
646 raise the devil with someone/something 144
647 rate among,rank among 144
648 reach for the moon 144
649 reach one's stride 144
653 refine on 145
652 rebound on somcone,redound on someone 145
650 read mind 145
651 reason into something 145
654 reflect cr?t/honor/diseredit/dishonor on someone/something 146
655 regain from someone/something 146
656 regain one's composure 146
657 rejoice at something 146
658 remain up 146
661 retire into 147
662 revel in something 147
663 revert to 147
660 repine against something 147
659 rend to pieces 147
664 rhapsodize about/over something/someone 148
665 ride high 148
666 ride out 148
667 ride roughshod over someone 148
668 riding for a fall,ring for a fall 148
669 ring out the old year 149
670 rise against/up 149
671 rise in someone's estimation/opinion 149
672 rise in the world 149
673 rise to the surface 149
678 roll off 150
677 roll in 150
674 rivet on someone/something 150
675 rivet someone to the ground/spot 150
676 roll back 150
679 root in 151
680 rough-and-ready 151
681 rough it 151
682 rub off on/onto someone 151
683 rub through 151
686 run a risk of something 152
688 run sb.close 152
687 run a tight/taut ship 152
685 rummage about/around 152
684 ruminate about something 152
689 run counter to something 153
690 run off with 153
691 run over something 153
692 run scared 153
S 154
693 safe and sound 154
694 save the day 154
695 say something right to someone's face 154
696 scratch the surface 154
701 shine up to someone 155
700 shake someone/something down 155
702 shirk one's duty 155
698 seize with illness 155
697 second to none 155
699 shake in one's boots 155
703 shoot one's mouth off 156
704 shoot the works 156
705 sign one's own death warrant 156
706 sit back and let something happen 156
707 sit idly by 156
711 survival of the fittest 157
713 strapped for something 157
712 swim against the tide,swim against the current 157
710 stand still for someone/something 157
709 square one's shoulders 157
708 stand one's ground 157
T 159
714 take one's time 159
715 take the rap 159
716 talk in circles 159
717 talk through one's hat 159
718 tempest in a teapot 159
722 to the wall 160
721 tighten one's belt 160
723 toe the mark 160
720 throw in ones lot with 160
719 think twice before doing something 160
724 too big for one's britches 161
725 turn a deafear to something 161
726 turn one's back on someone/something 161
727 turn one's nose up at someone/something 161
728 turn the other cheek 161
729 turn the tide 161
730 turn the trick 162
731 twiddle one's thumbs 162
735 up the creek without a paddle 163
734 up one's sleeve 163
733 under one's own steam 163
732 under one's breath 163
U 163
V 164
736 vacillate between 164
W 165
737 wag one's chin 165
738 wail over someone/something 165
739 wait-and-see attitude 165
740 walk on eggs 165
741 walk the chalk 165
746 weigh one's words 166
745 weasel out of something 166
743 waste one's breath 166
742 walls have ears 166
744 water over the dam 166
747 wet behind the ears 167
748 what's done is done 167
749 When in Rome do as the Romans do 167
750 whistle for 167
751 win out 167
752 wind up nowhere 167
755 with a heavy heart 168
757 with bells on one's toes 168
756 with a whole skin 168
754 wipe off old scores,wipe out old scores 168
753 wink at something 168
758 wither on the vine 169
759 wobble about/around 169
760 won't hold water 169
761 work one's way through college 169
762 work one's way up 169
763 work together 170
764 work up on appetite for something 170
765 world without end 170
766 write against 170
Z 171
767 zonk out 171
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- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《大学物理简明教程 下 第2版》施卫主编 2020
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