- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭尚兴编著
- 出 版 社:河南大学出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- 页数:284 页
1.Garden of Eden 1
2.as old as Adam 1
3.not know somebody from Adam 1
4.bone of one's bone and flesh of one's flesh 2
5.forbidden fruit 2
6.by/in the sweat of one's brow/face 2
7.raise Cain 6
8.brand/mark of Cain 6
9.the land of Nod/nod 6
10.as old as Methuselah 9
11.hold out the olive branch 10
12.before the Flood/flood 11
13.an ark 11
14.(come)out of the ark 11
15.the tower of Babel 14
16.a babel/Babel 15
17.lift up one's voice 16
18.apple of Sodom/a Dead sea apple 19
19.curious as Lot's wife 19
20.a rescue like Isaac's 23
21.a Rebecca/Rebekah at the well 25
22.sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage 27
23.a Laban 29
24.Joseph's coat 34
25.wear a Joseph's coat 36
26.bow/bend the knee before/to 37
27.corn in Egypt 38
28.one's bowels yearn over/upen/towards 41
29.a land of milk and honey 46
30.milk and honey 46
31.make bricks without straw 50
32.Aaron's serpent 52
33.the/a promised land/the land of promise/the land of the covenant 53
34.spoil the Egytians 56
35.the flesh-pots(of Egypt) 57
36.manna from heaven 58
37.take one's name in vain 60
38.an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 63
39.worship the golden calf 64
40.the golden calf 65
41.a Bezaleel 67
42.a scapegoat 68
43.set one's face against 71
44.man cannot live by bread alone 72
45.the apple of one's eye 73
46.hewers of wood(and drawers of water) 74
47.a Joshua 77
48.astute and wise as Deborah 79
49.a resistence as Gideon's army did 81
50.an Abimelech 84
51.smite hip and thigh 85
52.a Samson 85
53.Samsonian strength 85
54.as one man 93
55.take thought for 96
56.after one's own heart 99
57.David and Jonathan 100
58.in high places 106
59.smite somebody under the fifth rib 108
60.a/one's ewe lamb 110
61.a man of blood 113
62.set/put one's house in order 116
63.lift up/put forth/raise/stretch forth one's hand against 118
64.on the wings of wind 119
65.as wise as Solomon 121
66.under one's own vine and fig-tree 124
67.chastise with scorpions 125
68.a covenant of salt 126
69.the/a still small voice 127
70.bow the knee to Baal/baal 128
71.Naboth's vineyard 131
72.draw a bow/do something at a venture 133
73.the mantle of Elijah 134
74.one's mantle falls on somebody 135
75.inherit/take over the mantle of somebody 135
76.the widow's cruse 137
77.death in the pot 138
78.bow down in the house of Rimmon 139
79.beat swords into ploughshares 143
80.grind the faces of 144
81.eat the fruit of one's own doings 144
82.a drop in the bucket/ocean 145
83.a word in season 146
84.see eye to eye with 146
85.the land of the living 146
86.a broken/bruised reed 149
87.lean on a broken reed 150
88.change one's skin 151
89.feet of clay 153
90.the saving of Shadrach 156
91.handwriting/finger/writing on the wall 158
92.be weighed in the balance,and found wanting 158
93.wheels within wheels 160
94.at the parting of the ways 162
95.a law/the laws of the Medes and Persians 164
96.sackcloth and ashes 166
97.poor as Job 171
98.the patience of Job 171
99.as the sparks fly upward 174
100.swallow/eat one's words 174
101.condemn oneself out of one's own mouth 175
102.clean hands 176
103.escape/get off by/with the skin of one's teeth 177
104.by the skin of one's teeth 177
105.darken counsel 178
106.gird up one's loins 179
107.find favour with somebody/in somebody's eyes 181
108.out-herod Herod 181
109.a voice(crying)in the wilderness 184
110.lay the axe to/at the root of 184
111.come to light 186
112.the salt of the earth 188
113.hide one's light under a bushel 189
114.not a/one jot/tittle 189
115.turn the other cheek 191
116.do as you would be done by 191
117.blow/sound one's own trumpet/horn 192
118.kingdom come 193
119.blow/send to kingdom come 193
120.someone's daily bread 193
121.mammon of unrighteousness 195
122.serve two masters 195
123.Abraham's bosom 197
124.a great gulf fixed 197
125.a/the beam in one's own eye 199
126.a mote in somebody's eye/one's brother's mote 199
127.cast/throw pearls before swine 200
128.nothing seek,nothing find 200
129.build on sand 201
130.gnash one's teeth at/over 202
131.put/set one's hand to the plough 204
132.set/put one's hand to 204
133.let the dead bury their dead 204
134.their name is legion 205
135.between the devil and the deep/blue sea 206
136.new wine in old bottles 207
137.in fear and trembling 209
138.shake the dust off/from one's feet 211
139.proclaim/cry/publish/shout from/on the house tops 212
140.pass by on the other side 213
141.a good Samaritan 214
142.a house divided against itself cannot stand 215
143.fall/drop by the wayside 217
144.fall on stony ground 217
145.separate/sift the wheat/grain from the tares 219
146.sow tares among someone's wheat 219
147.a grain of mustard seed 220
148.a prophet is not without honor save in his own country and in his house 221
149.loaves and fishes 222
150.if the blind lead the blind,both shall fall into the ditch 224
151.the blind leading the blind 225
152.a millstone about/round one's neck 226
153.kill the fatted calf 227
154.safe and sound 228
155.cast/throw the first stone at 230
156.at the eleventh hour 231
157.strain at a gnat and swallow a camel 233
158.strain at a gnat 233
159.swallow a camel 233
160.a whited/painted sepulchre 233
161.fill(up)the measure of 234
162.a widow's mite 236
163.possess one's soul/mind in patience 236
164.separate/tell the sheep from the goats 238
165.break bread with 241
166.drink/drain the cup/something to the bottom/dregs 241
167.the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak 241
168.a Judas kiss 242
169.kiss of death 242
170.a Judas 243
171.wash one's hand of 245
172.bear one's/a cross 247
173.a doubting Thomas 248
174.an Ananias 249
175.have neither part nor lot in 251
176.kick against the pricks 253
177.remove the scale from someone's eyes 253
178.be no respecter of persons 256
179.a labour of love 258
180.be all things to all men 260
181.beat the air 260
182.in the flesh 262
183.the powers that be 263
184.a/the stumbling block 263
185.call in/into question 265
186.a thorn in the flesh/sides 267
187.filthy lucre 268
188.money is the root of all evil 269
189.a Paul before Agripa 271
190.hole and corner/hole-and-corner/hole-in-corner 271
Index 276
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