现代大学英语 阅读 4PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨立民总主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787560098562
- 页数:499 页
1.Fard 1
2.Cathedral 8
3.The Drunkard 26
4.The Duchess and the Jeweller 39
5.The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 48
6.The Summer My Grandmother Was Supposed to Die 55
7.The Value of Working 69
8.Timoshenko 76
9.Women 84
10.The Faltering Family 93
11.The Pursuit of Happiness:Then and Now 103
12.Just like Us? 117
13.Recollections of the Gas Buggy:Footnotes to an Era for the Future Historian 137
14.A Lovely Sort of Lower Purpose 144
15.Heroin/e 151
16.The Case for Censorship 165
17.Enemies 171
18.A New Declaration of Independence 186
19.Proxemics in a Cross-Cultural Context:Germans,English,and French 195
20.The Broken Boot 209
21.Marvin Smith:Undercover for the FBI 216
22.My Father 224
23.The Tortures of Weekend Visiting 235
24.The Most Dangerous Game 243
25.Thinking in Packages 265
26.The Tell-Tale Heart 271
27.The Affair at 7,Rue de M— 278
28.Brass Hats 288
29.In the Gloaming 298
30.The Fate of Thomas Paine 318
31.Long Day's Journey into Night 332
32.Androcles and the Lion 344
33.An Enemy of the People 386
Key to Exercises 479
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