- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(印)斯瓦米(K.S.K.Swamy)著
- 出 版 社:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- 页数:252 页
1.General Introduction 1
References 4
2.Laboratory Studies 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Infrared Spectroscopy 6
2.3 Mixed Ices 10
2.4 Silicate 17
2.4.1 Structure of Silicate 17
2.4.2 Silicate Studies 17 Condensation 19 Effect of Environment 20 Silicon Nano-crystals 22 Optical Constants 23
2.5 Carbon 23
2.5.1 Forms of Carbon 23
2.5.2 Carbon Studies 25
2.6 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) 27
2.6.1 Spectra 27
2.6.2 Mass Spectra 33
2.6.3 Steller Environment 33
2.6.4 Diffuse Interstellar Bands 37
2.7 Optical Properties of Materials 37
2.7.1 Theoretical Considerations 37
2.7.2 Laboratory Measurements 38
2.7.3 Mass Absorption Coefficient 41
2.7.4 Microwave Scattering 44
2.8 Microgravity Studies 45
2.9 Nucleation 48
2.10 Coagulation and Aggregation 49
2.11 Other Dust Studies 52
References 52
3.Interstellar Dust 57
3.1 Introduction 57
3.2 Estimate of Amount of Extinction 59
3.3 Effect on Derived Distances 62
3.4 Amount of Absorbing Material 63
3.5 Nature of Dust 64
3.5.1 Mean Interstellar Reddening Curve 64
3.5.2 Theoretical Extinction Curve 68
3.5.3 Variations in the Interstellar Extinction Curve 71
3.6 Interstellar Polarization 72
3.7 Scattered Light 73
3.7.1 Diffuse Galactic Light 73
3.7.2 Reflection Nebulae 75
3.7.3 The Extended Red Emission 77
3.8 Elemental Depletion 79
3.9 Diffuse Interstellar Bands 81
3.10 Infrared Spectral Features 82
3.10.1 Diffuse Interstellar Medium 82
3.10.2 HII Region 84
3.10.3 Reflection Nebulae 85
3.10.4 Molecular Clouds 86
3.10.5 Processes in Molecular Clouds 92
3.10.6 Young Massive Protostar 93
3.10.7 Star-Forming Regions 94
3.11 Galactic Centre 96
3.11.1 Extinction Law 99
3.12 Sources of Dust 101
3.13 Detection of Interstellar Dust:in-situ 103
3.13.1 Spacecraft Studies 103
3.13.2 Presolar Grains 105
References 107
4.Cometary Dust 111
4.1 Introduction 111
4.2 Dust Tails 114
4.2.1 Dynamics of Dust Tails 114
4.2.2 Dust Trail 116
4.3 Radiation Pressure Effects 117
4.4 Visible Continuum 118
4.5 Phase Function 119
4.6 Polarization 120
4.7 Infrared Observations 122
4.8 Albedo 124
4.9 Spectral Features in the Infrared 126
4.9.1 Spectral Features 126
4.9.2 Sizes of Grains 130
4.10 Organics 133
4.11 Water-Ice 137
4.12 Mineralogical Composition 138
4.13 Isotopic Studies 141
References 143
5.Interplanetary Dust 147
5.1 Introduction 147
5.2 Interplanetary Dust Particles 147
5.2.1 Morphology,Structure and Chemical Composition 147
5.2.2 Origin 153
5.3 Meteorites 156
5.3.1 Morphology,Structure and Chemical Composition 157
5.3.2 Presolar Grains 159
5.3.3 Time of Formation 163
5.4 Extraterrestrial Origin 164
5.4.1 Presolar Grains 165
References 167
6.Circumstellar Dust 169
6.1 Introduction 169
6.2 AGB Stars 169
6.3 Mass Loss from Stars 170
6.4 Theoretical Considerations 172
6.4.1 Dust Formation 172
6.4.2 Condensation of Dust 173 C/O<1(Oxygen-rich stars) 173 C/O>1(Carbon-rich stars) 176 C/O=1(S-Stars) 177
6.4.3 Circumstellar Chemistry 178
6.5 Observational Results 180
6.5.1 Carbon-rich Stars 180
6.5.2 Oxygen-rich Stars 182
6.5.3 S Stars 186
6.5.4 UIR Bands in Oxygen-rich Supergiants 186
6.5.5 Stars of Other Type 187 Herbig Ae/Be Stars 188 Vega-Type Stars 191
6.5.6 Planetary Nebulae 192
6.5.7 Novae 195
6.5.8 Supernovae 197
References 199
7.Extragalactic Dust 203
7.1 Introduction 203
7.2 Magellanic Cloud 205
7.2.1 Extinction Curve 206
7.2.2 Spectral Features 208
7.3 Normal Galaxies 209
7.4 Seyfert Galaxies 213
7.5 Starburst Galaxies 215
7.6 Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies 216
7.7 Merging Galaxies 217
7.8 Virgo and Coma Clusters 218
7.9 Quasars 219
7.9.1 Far-Infrared Radiation 219
7.9.2 Spectral Studies 221 Quasar Environment 222 Lyman α Forest 223 Damped Lyman α Systems 224
7.10 Intergalactic Dust 225
7.11 Intracluster Medium 226
7.12 Cosmic Background Radiation 228
7.12.1 Cosmic Infrared Background Radiation 228
7.12.2 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation 230
References 231
8.Epilogue 235
Appendix A H-R Diagram 239
Appendix B Stellar Evolution 241
Appendix C Nucleosynthesis 243
Appendix D Acronyms 245
Index 249
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