建筑抗震设计规范 GB50011-2001 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国工程建设标准化协会组织翻译
- 出 版 社:中国建筑工业出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- 页数:336 页
Chapter 1 General 1
Chapter 2 Definitions and notations 2
2.1 Definitions 2
2.2 Main Notations 3
Chapter 3 Basic requirements of seismic design 5
3.1 Classifications of seismic fortification and corresponding criterion 5
3.2 Seismic influences 6
3.3 Site and subsoil 6
3.4 Regularity of architectural design and structural design 7
3.5 Structure system 9
3.6 Structure analysis 10
3.7 Nonstructural components 11
3.8 Seismically isolation and energy-dissipating design 12
3.9 Structural materials and construction 12
3.10 Seismic response observation system of buildings 14
Chapter 4 Site,Subsoil and Foundation 15
4.1 Site 15
4.2 Natural subsoil and foundations 18
4.3 Liquefaction and soft subsoil 19
4.4 Pile foundation 24
Chapter 5 Seismic action and seismic checking for structures 27
5.1 General 27
5.2 Calculation of horizontal seismic action 31
5.3 Calculation of vertical seismic action 36
5.4 Seismic check for load-bearing capacity of structural members 37
5.5 Seismic check for deformation 38
Chapter 6 Multi-story and tall reinforeed concrete buildings 42
6.1 General 42
6.2 Essentials in calculation 47
6.3 Details of seismic design for framed structures 53
6.4 Details of seismic design for the wall structures 58
6.5 Details of seismic design for frame-wall structures 61
6.6 Seismic design requirements for slab-column-wall structures 62
6.7 Seismic design requirements for tube structures 63
Chapter 7 Multi-story Masonry Buildings and Multi-story Brick Buildings with Bottom-frame or Inner-frame 65
7.1 General 65
7.2 Essentials in calculation 69
7.3 Details of seismic design for multi-story clay brick buildings 74
7.4 Details of seismic design for multi-story small-block buildings 80
7.5 Details of seismic design for multi-story buildings with bottom-frame 82
7.6 Details of seismic design for multi-story buildings with inner-frames 84
Chapter 8 Multi-story and tall steel structure buildings 86
8.1 General 86
8.2 Essentials in calculation 88
8.3 Details of seismic design for steel framed structures 94
8.4 Details of seismic design for steel frame-epicenter-braced structures 97
8.5 Details of seismic design for steel frame-eccentric-braced structures 99
Chapter 9 Single-story factory buildings 102
9.1 single-story factory buildings with reinforced concrete columns 102
9.2 single-story steel structure factory buildings 112
9.3 single-story factory buildings with brick columns 115
Chapter 10 Single-story spacious buildings 120
10.1 General 120
10.2 Essentials in calculation 120
10.3 Details of seismic design 121
Chapter 11 Earth,wood and stone houses 123
11.1 Unfired earth houses in villages and towns 123
11.2 Wood houses 124
11.3 Stone buildings 125
Chapter 12 Seismic-isolation and seismic-energy-dissipating design 127
12.1 General 127
12.2 Essentials in design of seismic-isolation buildings 128
12.3 Essentials in design of seismic-energy-dissipated buildings 134
Chapter 13 Nonstructural components 138
13.1 General 138
13.2 Basic requirements for calculation 138
13.3 Basic seismic-measures for architectural nonstructural members 141
13.4 Basic seismic-measures for the supports of mechanical and electrical devices 144
Appendix A The fortification intensity,design basic accelerations of ground motion and design earthquake groups of main cities and towns in China 146
Appendix B Requirements for seismic design of high strength grades concrete structures 164
Appendix C Seismic design requirements for prestressed concrete structures 166
Appendix D Seismic check for the core zone of the frame ioints 168
Appendix E Seismic design requirements for the transition-stories 172
Appendix F Seismic design for reinforced concrete small-sized bollow block wall buildings 174
Appendix G Seismic design for multi-story steel structure factory buildings 180
Appendix H Seismic effect adjustment for transversal planar-bent of single-story factory 183
Appendix J Longitudinal seismic check for single-story factory with reinforced concrete columns 187
Appendix K Modifying stiffness method of longitudinal seismic analysis for single-story factory with brick columns 192
Appendix L Simplified calculation for seismic-isolation design and seismic-isolation measures of masonry structures 194
Explanation of words in this code 200
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