1 Study 1
Why did you decide to become a student? 1
Are all your subjects interesting? 3
Do you study effectively? 5
2 Look after yoursellf 7
Looking after yourself 7
Deciding where to live 7
Looking after your money 8
Preface 9
Keeping fit for study 9
Keeping up-to-date with your work 9
Definition of terms 10
Acknowledgements 10
Asking for help with study problems 11
3 Friendship 13
Being yourself 14
Personal relationships 17
Coping with personal problems 19
4 Make good use of your time 21
Accept that learning is your responsibility 21
Organize your year 24
Organize your week 25
Exercise and health 30
Food and health 31
Sleep and health 31
Organize your day 32
Concentrate during hours of study 34
5 Make good lecture notes 40
Being there 41
The value of lectures in study 41
Make good notes during lectures 44
Creative pattern notes 47
Sequential notes 47
Other kinds of notes 49
Getinto the habit of asking good questions 51
After the lecture 52
Review 52
Revise 54
Get the most out of tutorials and seminars 54
Tutorials 54
Seminars 56
Writing paper and storage materials 57
Writing paper 57
Storing information 58
6 Think-organize-select-remember 59
Organize and select 59
How to remember 60
Revise regularly 61
Learn some things by heart 62
Use your knowledge 63
Plan answers to questions 64
Exercise your mind 68
7 Find out for yourself 70
Difficulties in the way of accurate observ2tion 71
Making and recording observations 76
Results of the analysis of data 76
Preparing a report on an investigation 77
8 Read and learn 79
Decide what to read 80
Preliminary survey 80
Decide how to read 81
Scanning 82
Skim reading 82
Rapid reading 83
Read crititcally 83
Make notes as you read 85
One set of notes 89
Understand and select 90
Comprehension tests 90
Writing a précis 90
Writing a summary 90
Get to know useful reference books 92
Other sources of information 94
Programmed learning 94
Computer assisted learning 95
9 Write and learn 98
Faults commonly encountered in students written work 99
Write answers to questions 104
Creativity 104
Write at one sitting 106
Use your topicoutline as a guide 107
Criticize the work of other writers 108
See how others write 109
Check your own work 111
How course work marks affect your grades 112
Writing and learning 114
10 Express yourself 116
Write in paragraphs 116
Write in sentences 117
Take an interest in words 119
Write in standard language 120
The Words used in questions 121
The words of your subject 122
Definitions 124
Avoid abbreviations 125
Write regularly and read good prose 126
Write legibly 126
11 Working on a special study 128
Selecting a subjcct for your special study 128
Assessing a special study 129
Reporting your work 131
Working on your own 131
Starting to write 134
Preparing diagrams and tables 137
Writing for your readers 137
Checking and typing 138
Check your completed composition 138
Typing 139
Consider what is expected of you 141
12 Preparing for examinations 141
Use appropriate textbooks 143
Look at the syllabus 143
Look at recent examination papers 143
Plan answers to examination questions 144
Prepare revision aids from your notes 145
Test yourself 147
The years before an examination 148
Plan your revision 148
The weeks before an examination 149
13 Taking examinations 152
Learn from other students mistakes 153
Learn from your own mistakes 162
Preparing for an examination 162
The day before an examination 162
The day of an examination 163
Taking examinations 164
Taking a theory examination 164
Taking a practical examination 167
Taking an oral examination 168
Failing examinations 169
Appendix A Choosing a course 170
Appendix B Books for your bookshelf 174
Index 176
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