英语说话力 美国人天天在说的原味口语 全美流行版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:叶正主编
- 出 版 社:中国水利水电出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- 页数:284 页
Part1 不出国也能说一口地道美语 2
UNIT 001 Why are you smiling from ear to ear? 2
UNIT 002 I have enough on my plate 3
UNIT 003 I need to answer the call of nature 4
UNIT 004 This food is out of this world 5
UNIT 005 She is a babe 6
UNIT 006 I was in a brown study 7
UNIT 007 Life isn’t always a bed of roses 8
UNIT 008 I’m walking on air 9
UNIT 009 You’re a sight for sore eyes 10
UNIT 010 It’s up in the air 11
UNIT 011 I think you’d better come down to earth 12
UNIT 012 Every dog has its own day 13
UNIT 013 It is raining cats and dogs 14
UNIT 014 Money talks 15
UNIT 015 Don’t beat around the bush 16
UNIT 016 I’ve got to hand it to him 17
UNIT 017 Such a chance comes once in a blue moon 18
UNIT 018 I can’t get a word in edgewise! 19
UNIT 019 She wears the pants in this family 20
UNIT 020 The house cost him an arm and a 21
UNIT 021 It’s the last straw that breaks the camel’s back 22
UNIT 022 I’m only able to scratch the surface 23
UNIT 023 He is really wet behind the ears 24
UNIT 024 He is all thumbs 25
UNIT 025 She was dressed up to the nines for the dinner party 26
UNIT 026 It’s no skin off my nose 27
UNIT 027 His bark is worse than his bite 28
UNIT 028 She is very fond of dishing the dirt on others 29
UNIT 029 I see eye to eye with you 30
UNIT 030 He fell head over heels in love with her 31
UNIT 031 You’re a real night owl 32
UNIT 032 Speak of the devil 33
UNIT 033 Look before you leap 34
UNIT 034 Traffic jams drive me nuts 35
UNIT 035 Goodnight,sleep tight! 36
UNIT 036 Don’t get in my hair 37
UNIT 037 Keep your shirt on 38
UNIT 038 It really made my hair stand on end 39
UNIT 039 Are you kidding me? 40
UNIT 040 It’s a steal 41
UNIT 041 It’s a fat chance 42
UNIT 042 It’s all Greek to me 43
UNIT 043 I looked high and low for my key 44
UNIT 044 It’s a piece of cake 45
UNIT 045 It’s my bread and butter 46
UNIT 046 You look down in the dumps 47
UNIT 047 She went steady with her boyfriend 48
UNIT 048 I’m pressed for time 49
UNIT 049 I just made a slip of the tongue 50
UNIT 050 Don’t jump the gun 51
UNIT 051 May I have a word with you? 52
UNIT 052 I’ve just got it through the grapevine 53
UNIT 053 Please get all your ducks in a row before you go 54
UNIT 054 Don’t be such a wet blanket! 55
UNIT 055 I’m a bit off color today 56
UNIT 056 It’s a long story 57
UNIT 057 To put it in a nutshell 58
UNIT 058 Don’t turn your back on me 59
UNIT 059 He is not my cup of tea 60
UNIT 060 Hang in there 61
UNIT 061 I’m going to drown my sorrows 62
UNIT 062 What’s the deal? 63
UNIT 063 You are an eager beaver 64
UNIT 064 Fair to middling 65
UNIT 065 He has a lot on the ball 66
UNIT 066 He is in the pink 67
UNIT 067 Why not come over and shoot the breeze? 68
UNIT 068 Let’s go for a joy ride 69
UNIT 069 We made it 70
UNIT 070 Save the sweet talk 71
UNIT 071 He is a workaholic 72
UNIT 072 I’ll give you a buzz later 73
UNIT 073 He is the man Friday of his boss 74
UNIT 074 You drag your feet in doing the work 75
UNIT 075 Let’s finish up 76
UNIT 076 Don’t take any chances 77
UNIT 077 I can’t keep it straight 78
UNIT 078 We were packed like sardines on the bus 79
UNIT 079 He is a bit set in his ways 80
UNIT 080 We’re on a first-name basis 81
UNIT 081 Today is a red-letter day 82
UNIT 082 Can I take a rain check? 83
UNIT 083 Don’t give me a song and dance! 84
UNIT 084 Why did you stand me up? 85
UNIT 085 Please make yourself at home 86
UNIT 086 I have ants in my pants 87
UNIT 087 It might come in handy some day 88
UNIT 088 You should let your hair down 89
UNIT 089 He left us all in the dark 90
UNIT 090 I take forty winks after lunch every day 91
UNIT 091 I caught him red-handed 92
UNIT 092 He is a people person 93
UNIT 093 My mother always holds the purse strings in my family 94
UNIT 094 That’s where the shoe pinches 95
UNIT 095 We are out of stock 96
UNIT 096 I’ll get back to you as soon as I can 97
UNIT 097 It has never crossed my mind that 98
UNIT 098 He knows a thing or two about interpretation 99
UNIT 099 He is getting somewhere now 100
UNIT 100 You’re looking full of beans 101
UNIT 101 He has egg on his face 102
UNIT 102 A diploma is an open sesame to a well-paid job 103
UNIT 103 He’s certainly worth his salt 104
UNIT 104 He decided to mend his fences with his ex-wife 105
UNIT 105 I’ll never darken the door again 106
UNIT 106 His speech brought down the house 107
UNIT 107 I was sure that it’s a blind alley 108
UNIT 108 I bought it on the spur of the moment 109
UNIT 109 He helped me a lot when I was in a tight corner 110
UNIT 110 Let me spring for dinner 111
UNIT 111 His record will take some beating 112
UNIT 112 I’m all at sea as to how to set about them 113
UNIT 113 He got the sack 114
UNIT 114 I can pull wires for you 115
UNIT 115 You’re really good at blowing your own horn 116
UNIT 116 Don’t beat a dead horse 117
UNIT 117 I’ll get right on it 118
UNIT 118 Don’t play devil’s advocate 119
UNIT 119 Wow,that’s the icing on the cake 120
UNIT 120 Let’s go catch a flick 121
UNIT 121 Let’s go Dutch 122
UNIT 122 Come on!Over my dead body! 123
UNIT 123 I guess I’ll just have to play it by ear 124
UNIT 124 He is the last of big spenders 125
UNIT 125 I would play hooky every day if I could 126
UNIT 126 We are short of hands 127
UNIT 127 I only have eyes for you 128
UNIT 128 Easy does it 129
UNIT 129 She was almost beside herself 130
UNIT 130 He’s an old hand in handling such a matter 131
UNIT 131 I had to cool my heels for you 132
UNIT 132 She’s afraid of her own shadow 133
UNIT 133 I would never throw in the towel 134
UNIT 134 He is always trying to rock the boat 135
UNIT 135 Stick to your last 136
UNIT 136 Let’s pull out all the stops 137
UNIT 137 I will cross my fingers for you 138
UNIT 138 It slipped my mind 139
UNIT 139 Please give us a doggy bag 140
UNIT 140 A little bird told me 141
UNIT 141 Take it or leave it 142
UNIT 142 It makes sense 143
UNIT 143 He is one of my bosom friends 144
UNIT 144 Face the music 145
UNIT 145 We’ve already served him hand and foot 146
UNIT 146 You’re really asking for trouble 147
UNIT 147 He’s always on his high horse 148
UNIT 148 I’ll have a shot at it 149
UNIT 149 That’s a different kettle of fish 150
UNIT 150 It will whet your appetite 151
UNIT 151 I have other fish to fry 152
UNIT 152 Don’t dig up the past 153
UNIT 153 We’d better get the lay of the land 154
UNIT 154 I’m on my way 155
UNIT 155 He kept coming on to me all night 156
UNIT 156 You shouldn’t be pushing me around like this 157
UNIT 157 You are dead meat 158
UNIT 158 Oh no,my computer crashed 159
UNIT 159 Act your age 160
UNIT 160 It gave me the creeps 161
UNIT 161 Cross my heart, 162
UNIT 162 I smell a rat 163
UNIT 163 It can’t be helped 164
UNIT 164 In that case,let’s split the difference 165
UNIT 165 I’m set on going to graduate school 166
UNIT 166 I got called on the carpet for being late 167
UNIT 167 He has a screw loose somewhere 168
UNIT 168 I’ll keep you posted 169
UNIT 169 I hope it will go off without a hitch 170
UNIT 170 We are in the same boat 171
UNIT 171 We’ve horsed around long enough 172
UNIT 172 Do you mind if I pick your brains? 173
UNIT 173 I have a bone to pick with you 174
UNIT 174 I won’t let the cat out of the bag 175
UNIT 175 The proposal found wide acceptance 176
UNIT 176 He would carry a torch for a girl like that 177
UNIT 177 He makes eyes at every girl he meets 178
UNIT 178 Let’s go out to take the air 179
UNIT 179 We’ve got the match in the bag 180
UNIT 180 I take a bath before I go to bed every day 181
UNIT 181 You smoke like a chimney 182
UNIT 182 He has made a dog’s breakfast 183
UNIT 183 I’m in the market for a new car 184
UNIT 184 Please take charge of business when I am away 185
UNIT 185 Don’t take it out on me 186
UNIT 186 Don’t give me a hard time! 187
UNIT 187 He poured his heart out to me 188
UNIT 188 He arrives on the dot 189
UNIT 189 You don’t pull the wool over my eyes 190
UNIT 190 We have been working under the gun 191
UNIT 191 He is always kissing the manger’s ass 192
UNIT 192 It’s up to the minute 193
UNIT 193 He had vanished into thin air 194
UNIT 194 You scared the shit out of me 195
UNIT 195 The weather makes me as dry as a bone 196
UNIT 196 It’s as plain as the nose on one’s face! 197
UNIT 197 I beat my brains out to hunt(for)a job 198
UNIT 198 I can feel it in my bones 199
UNIT 199 He sat there like a bump on a log 200
UNIT 200 He is gifted with a silver tongue 201
UNIT 201 Come again? 202
UNIT 202 Long time no see 203
UNIT 203 The sky’s the limit 204
UNIT 204 I didn’t commit what he said to memory 205
UNIT 205 It happens nine times out of ten 206
UNIT 206 Something has cropped up at work 207
UNIT 207 You’d better clean up your act 208
UNIT 208 He twisted my arm to go there 209
UNIT 209 She decided to keep him at arm’s length 210
UNIT 210 I have an ace up my sleeve 211
UNIT 211 Mine is out of action! 212
UNIT 212 We go back a long way 213
UNIT 213 Sometimes you can’t jump on the bandwagon 214
UNIT 214 I’ll solve this problem by hook or by crook 215
UNIT 215 I have given you up as a bad job 216
UNIT 216 He was only a flash in the pan 217
UNIT 217 Don’t put all your eggs in one basket 218
UNIT 218 He always blows hot and cold about doing something 219
UNIT 219 I don’t have all day 220
UNIT 220 We’ll have a ball 221
UNIT 221 I can’t go on like this 222
UNIT 222 He was running like a bat out of hell 223
UNIT 223 I am as hungry as a bear now 224
UNIT 224 The movie went like a bomb 225
UNIT 225 The job is tailor-made for you 226
UNIT 226 It’s on the tip of my tongue 227
UNIT 227 We get off to a flying start 228
UNIT 228 He doesn’t even lift a finger 229
UNIT 229 You’d better lose those love handles fast 230
UNIT 230 He’s living on easy street 231
UNIT 231 It’s a far cry from what I expected 232
UNIT 232 He’s become a couch potato 233
UNIT 233 I’m strapped for cash 234
UNIT 234 I’ve gotten carried away 235
UNIT 235 He goes his own way 236
UNIT 236 It makes a big splash at home and abroad 237
Part2 地道美语黄金实用句 240
串烧一 日常生活实用句 240
串烧二 职场商务实用句 254
串烧三 社交娱乐实用句 270
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