新思路大学英语课程 听力专项训练PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:姜海燕,田明莉著
- 出 版 社:北京:华文出版社
- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:173 页
Chapter Ⅰ Fill in the blanks of the sentences. 1
Unit 1 1
Unit 2 1
Unit 3 1
Unit 4 1
Unit 5 2
Unit 6 2
Unit 7 2
Unit 8 2
Unit 9 3
Unit 10 3
Chapter Ⅱ Listen to the following passages,Try to complete the missing words. 3
1.Address to the Millennium Summit 3
2.Are You Grown up Yet? 4
3.Beauty Contestant Fights For Right of Self.Improvement 5
4.Conference on Bird Flu Draws Pledges of $ 1.9 Billion 6
5.Duty,Honor,Country 7
6.Einstein’s View of Life 8
7.Michael Jordan’s Retirement Speech 9
8.Remarks by Former President of the United States -Richard Nixon at the University of International Business and Economics 9
9.The Four Freedoms 10
10.This Is a Historic Occasion 11
11.Enemies Turned to Be Friends 12
12.How Do Animals Show Their Love? 12
13.English Around the World 12
14.My Life with Computer 13
16.English A Crazy Language 13
17.Economic Development Vs Environmental Protection 14
18.A Movement That Gives A Healthier Life Style to the Youth 14
19.Education and Success 14
20.A Big Stir Made by Wal-Mart in A Quiet Town 15
21.English Everywhere 15
22.Racial Discrimination in America 15
23.the Same Gene Between Humans and Chimpanzees 16
24.Barbie Doll 16
25.Skiing 16
26.Do Something to the Museums 17
27.How to Use a Library 17
28.Self-discipline 17
29.Campus Announcement 17
30.Air Tickets Becoming Electronic 17
31.Causes of Drug Abuse 18
32.Mohammed Arafat 18
33.Bjork 19
34.Herry Ford 19
35.Jeorge Gordon Byron 19
36.Bill Gates 20
37.Diana 20
38.Baron Pierre de Coubertin 20
39.Charlie Chaplin 21
40.How to Lessen the Damage Made by Earthquakes 21
41.Aphasics 22
42.Superstitions About Numbers 22
43.Blue Jeans 23
44.The Temple of Heaven 23
45.Alzheimer’s disease 23
46.American National Flags 24
47.Fresh Water from Icebergs 24
48.Animal Communication 24
49.Story of the Taj Mahal 25
50.What Caused Cold? 25
Chapter Ⅲ Now you will hear a passage followed by five questions. 26
1.A Day to Remember 26
2.A Famous Woman Pilot 26
3.An Amusing Acting 27
4.Behaviour of Babies 28
5.Chance in a Blue Moon 28
6.Examination 29
7.How to help Children to Read 29
8.Living With Parents 30
9.Say No to Your Kids 30
10.Students in American Universities 31
11.Taking Spares With You 31
12.The Benefit of Stock Exchange 32
13.The Best Way to Avoid Aging 33
14.The Changes in Job-hunting 33
15.The Invention of Money 34
16.The Real Happiness 34
17.The Respect for Cats 35
18.The sixth Sense 36
19.We Have Our Own Way of Education 36
20.Women’s Liberation 37
Chapter Ⅳ VOA News Items Listen to the following passages,Try to complete the missing words. 37
1.Presidents Radio Address 37
2.农业报道Agriculture Report-Food Safety After a Flood 38
3.American Christmas Traditions 39
4.经济报道Economics Report-Fed Cuts Short-Term Rates to Nearly Zero; Now What? 41
5.教育报道Education Report-Foreign Student Series:Admissions Tests 41
6.教育报道Foreign Student Series:The SAT and the ACT 42
7.健康报道Health Report-Study Looks at Mental Disorders in College-Age Adults 43
8.健康报道Health Report-Simple Measures Can Prevent Injuries to Children 43
9.VOA健康报道Health Report-How Strangers Can Make You Happy 44
10.万花筒More and More Bloggers Are Expressing Their Thoughts and Opinions 45
11.In the News-Between Political Left and Right,Obama Is Urged to Seek the Middle Ground 47
12.In the News-Kenya Puts 150 Million Estimate on Payments to Somalia’s Pirates 48
13.时事新闻Similarities,but Also Big Differences,Between Today 49
14.India Works to Gather Evidence in Deadly Attacks in Mumbai 49
15.In the News-America Welcomes a New President 50
16.Franklin Roosevelt:One of the Greatest Presidents in American History 51
17.美国人物Shirley Horn,1934-2005:One of the Great Jazz Singers of the 1950s and 1960s 53
18.标准英语UN Calls For Investigation Into Nepal Disappearances 55
19.标准英语World Stock Prices Fall Over Automaker Losse 56
20.科学报道Science in the news-Adding Up the Many Dangers of Tobacco 57
Chapter Ⅴ.English Songs Please enjoy the songs.Fill in the blanks while listening. 60
Chapter Ⅵ.Lines from Movies Now listen to dialogs from the movies and fill in the blanks according to what you hear. 67
1.Jane Fyre(简爱) 67
2.Gone with the Wind(乱世佳人) 68
3.Waterloo Bridge(魂断蓝桥) 69
4.Titanic(泰坦尼克号) 70
5.The Lion King(狮子王) 72
6.Casablanca(卡萨布兰卡) 72
7.Forrest Gump(阿甘正传) 73
8.Pride and Prejudicel(傲慢与偏见) 74
9.Roman Holiday(罗马假日) 75
10.Shankespeare in Love(莎翁情史) 76
11.Sound of Music(音乐之声) 78
12.The Bridges of Madison County(廊桥遗梦) 79
13.Saving Private Ryan(拯救大兵瑞恩) 80
14.A Walk in the Clouds(云中漫步) 81
15.Bathing Beauty(出水芙蓉) 82
Chapter Ⅶ.Movie Dictation Watch the short movie and fill in the blanks 83
1.The Twilight Saga:New Moon 83
2.Toy Story 3 84
4.A Christmas Carol 85
5.Gamer 86
Answer 87
Chapter Ⅰ 87
Chapter Ⅱ 91
1.Address to the Millennium Summit 91
2.Are You Grown up Yet? 92
3.Beauty Contestant Fights For Right of Self.Improvement 92
4.Conference on Bird Flu Draws Pledges of $1.9 Billion 93
5.Duty,Honor,Country 93
6.Einstein’s View of Life 94
7.Michael Jordan’s Retirement Speech 94
8.Remarks by Former President of the United States -Richard Nixon at the University of International Business and Economics 95
9.The Four Freedoms 95
10.This Is a Historic Occasion 96
11.Enemies Turned to Be Friends 96
12.How Do Animals Show Their Love? 97
13.English Around the World 97
14.My Life with Computer 98
15.Changes Happened to Hal Manwaring 98
16.English-A Crazy Language 98
17.Economic Development Vs Environmental Protection 99
18.A Movement That Gives A Healthier Life Style to the Youth 99
19.Education and Success 99
20.A Big Stir Made by Wal-Mart in A Quiet Town 100
21.English Everywhere 100
22.Racial Discrimination in America 100
23.The Same Gene Between Humans and Chimpanzees 101
24.Barbie Doll 101
25.Skiing 101
26.Do Something for the Museums 102
27.How to Use a Library 102
28.Self-discipline 102
29.Campus Announcement 103
30.Air Tickets Becoming Electronic 103
31.Causes of Drug Abuse 103
32.Mohammed Arafat 104
33.Bjork 104
34.Henry Ford 105
35.Jeorge Gordon Byron 105
36.Bill Gates 105
37.Diana 106
38.Baron Pierre de Coubertin 106
39.Charlie Chaplin 106
40.How to Lessen the Damage of Earthquakes 107
41.Aphasics 107
42.Superstitions about Numbers 108
43.Blue Jeans 108
44.The Temple of Heaven 109
45.Alzheimer’s disease 109
46.American National Flags 109
47.Fresh Water from Icebergs 110
48.Animal Communication 110
49.Story of the Taj Mahal 111
50.What Caused Cold? 111
ChapterⅢ 112
1.A Day to Remember 113
2.A Famous Woman Pilot 114
3.An Amusing Acting 114
4.Behaviour of Babies 115
5.Chance in a Blue Moon 115
6.Examination 115
7.How to help Children to Read 116
8.Living With Parents 116
9.Say No to Your Kids 117
10.Students in American Universities 117
11.Taking Spares With You 117
12.The Benefit of Stock Exchange 118
13.The Best Way to Avoid Aging 118
14.The Changes in Job-hunting 119
15.The Invention of Money 119
16.The Real Happiness 120
17.The Respect for Cats 120
18.The sixth Sense 120
19.We Have Our Own Way of Education 121
20.Women’s Liberation 121
Chapter Ⅳ 121
1.Presidents Radio Address 121
2.农业报道 Agriculture Report-Food Safety After a Flood 123
3.American Christmas Tradition 123
4.经济报道Economics Report-Fed Cuts Short-Term Rates to Nearly Zero;Now What? 125
5.教育报道Education Report-Foreign Student Series:Admissions Tests 126
6.教育报道Foreign Student Series:The SAT and the ACT 127
7.健康报道Health Report-Study Looks at Mental Disorders in College-Age Adults 127
8.健康报道Health Report-Simple Measures Can Prevent Injuries to Children 128
9.VOA健康报道Health Report-How Strangers Can Make You Happy 129
10.万花筒More and More Bloggers Are Expressing Their Thoughts and Opinions 130
11.In the News-Between Political Left and Right,Obama Is Urged to Seek the Middle Ground 132
12.In the News-Kenya Puts 150 Million Estimate on Payments to Somalia’s Pirates 133
13.时事新闻Similarities,but Also Big Differences,Between Today 134
14.India Works to Gather Evidence in Deadly Attacks in Mumbai 135
15.In the News-America Welcomes a New President 135
16.Franklin Roosevelt:One of the Greatest Presidents in American History 136
17.美国人物Shirley Horn,1934-2005:One of the Great Jazz Singers of the 1950s and 1960s 139
18.标准英语UN Calls For Investigation Into Nepal Disappearances 141
19.标准英语World Stock Prices Fall Over Automaker Losse 142
20.科学报道Science in the news-Adding Up the Many Dangers of Tobacco 142
Chapter Ⅴ Songs 145
1.Yesterday once more《昨日重现》中英文歌词对照 145
2.Right Here Waiting 146
3.Rhythm of the Rain 147
4.You Are Not Alone 147
5.Walking in the Air 148
6.I’ll Always Love You 149
7.Love Story 149
8.Incomplete 149
9.Sealed with a Kiss 150
10.love you more than I can say 150
11.Unchained Melody 151
12.Country Road 151
13.Color of the wind 152
14.Beauty and the Beast 152
15.A Whole New World 153
ChapterⅥ 153
1.Jane Fyre(简爱) 153
2.Gone with the Wind(乱世佳人) 155
3.Waterloo Bridge(魂断蓝桥) 156
4.Titanic(泰坦尼克号) 157
5.The Lion King(狮子王) 158
6.Casablanca(卡萨布兰卡) 159
7.Forrest Gump(阿甘正传) 160
8.Pride and Prejudice1(傲慢与偏见) 161
9.Roman Holiday(罗马假日) 162
10.Shankespeare in Love(莎翁情史) 164
12.The Bridges of Madison County(廊桥遗梦) 166
13.Saving Private Ryan(拯救大兵瑞恩) 167
14.A Walk in the Clouds 168
15.Bathing Beauty(出水芙蓉) 169
Chapter Ⅶ 171
1.The Twilight Saga:New Moon《新月》 171
2.Toy Story 3《玩具总动员3》 171
3.《阿凡达》AVATAR 171
4.A Christmas Carol《圣诞颂歌》 172
5.Garner《真人游戏》 173
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