
1.History of Optics 1
References 15
2.What is Light? 17
2.1 Introduction 17
2.2 The Corpuscular Model 17
2.3 The Wave Model 19
2.4 The Particle Nature of Radiation 21
2.5 Wave Nature of Matter 22
2.6 The Uncertainty Principle 23
2.7 The Single Slit Diffraction Experiment 24
2.8 The Probabilistic Interpretation of Matter Waves 25
2.9 An Understanding of Interference Experiments 26
2.10 The Polarization of a Photon 28
2.11 The Time-energy Uncertainty Relation 30
Summary 30
Problems 31
Solutions 31
References and Suggested Readings 32
Part 1 Geometrical Optics 33
3.Fermat's Principle and Its Applications 35
3.1 Introduction 35
3.2 Laws of Reflection and Refraction from Fermat's Principle 36
3.3 Ray Paths in an Inhomogeneous Medium 40
3.4 The Ray Equation and its Solutions 44
3.5 Refraction of Rays at the Interface between an Isotropic Medium and an Anisotropic Medium 50
Summary 53
Problems 53
References and Suggested Readings 56
4.Refraction and Reflection by Spherical Surfaces 57
4.1 Introduction 57
4.2 Refraction at a Single Spherical Surface 58
4.3 Reflection by a Single Spherical Surface 59
4.4 The Thin Lens 60
4.5 The Principal FOCI and Focal Lengths of a Lens 61
4.6 The Newton Formula 63
4.7 Lateral Magnification 63
4.8 Aplanatic Points of a Sphere 64
4.10 Geometrical Proof for the Existence of Aplanatic Points4.11 The Sine ConditionSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings 64
5.The Matrix Method in Paraxial Optics5.1 Introduction5.2 The Matrix Method5.3 UnitPlanes5.4 Nodal Planes5.5 A System of Two Thin LensesSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings 64
5.The Matrix Method in Paraxial Optics5.1 Introduction5.2 The Matrix Method5.3 UnitPlanes5.4 Nodal Planes5.5 A System of Two Thin LensesSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings6.1 Introduction6.2 Chromatic Aberration6.3 Monochromatic AberrationsSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested ReadingsPart 2 Vibrations and Waves 64
7.Simple Harmonic Motion,Forced Vibrations and Origin of Refractive Index7.1 Introduction7.2 Simple Harmonic Motion7.3 Damped Simple Harmonic Motion7.4 Forced Vibrations7.5 Origin of Refractive Index7.6 Rayleigh ScatteringSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings8.Fourier Series and Applications8.1 Introduction8.2 Transverse Vibrations of a Plucked String8.3 Application of Fourier Series in Forced Vibrations8.4 The Fourier IntegralSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings9.The Dirac Delta Function and Fourier Transforms9.1 Introduction9.2 Representations of the Dirac Delta Function9.3 Integral Representation of the Delta Function9.4 Delta Function as a Distribution9.5 Fourier Integral Theorem9.6 The Two and Three Dimensional Fourier TransfornSummaryProblems10.Group Velocity and Pulse Dispersion10.1 Introduction10.2 Group Velocity10.3 Group Velocity of a Wave Packet10.4 SelfPhase ModulationSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings11.Wave Propagation and the Wave Equation11.1 Introduction11.2 Sinusoidal Waves:Concept of Frequency and Wavelength11.3 Types ofWayes11.4 Energy Transport in Wave Motion11.5 The One-dimensional Wave Equation11.6 Transverse Vibrations of a Stretched String11.7 Longitudinal Sound Waves in a Solid11.8 Longitudinal Waves in a Gas11.9 The General Solution of the One-dimensional Wave EquationSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings12.Huygens'Principle and Its Applications12.1 Introduction12.2 Huygens'Theory12.3 Rectilinear Propagation12.4 Application of Huygens'Principle to Study Refraction and Reflection12.5 Huygens'Principle in Inhomogeneous MediaSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested ReadingsPart 3 Interference13.Superposition of Waves13.1 Introduction13.2 Stationary Waves on a String13.3 Stationary Waves on a String Whose Ends are Fixed13.4 Stationary Light Waves:Ives and Wiener's Experiments13.5 Superposition of Two Sinusoidal Waves13.6 The Graphical Method for Studying Superposition of Sinusoidal Waves13.7 The Complex RepresentationSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings14.Two Beam Interference by Division of Wavefront14.1 Introduction14.2 Interference Pattern Produced on the Surface of Water14.3 Coherence14.4 Interference of Light Waves14.5 The Interference Pattern14.6 The Intensity Distribution14.7 Fresnel's Two-mirror Arrangement14.8 Fresnel Bipnsm14.9 Interference with White Light14.10 Displacement of Fringes14.11 The Lloyd's Mirror Arrangement14.12 Phase Change on ReflectionSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings15.Interference by Division of Amplitude15.1 Introduction15.2 Interference by a Plane Parallel Film when Illuminated by a Plane Wave15.3 The Cosine Law15.4 Non-reflecting Films15.5 High Reflectivity by Thin Film Deposition15.6 Reflection by a Periodic Structure15.7 Interference by a Plane Parallel Film when Illuminated by a Point Source15.8 Interference by a Film with Two Non-parallel Reflecting Surfaces15.9 Colours of Thin Films15.10 Newton's Rings15.11 The Michelson InterferometerSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings16.Multiple Beam Interferometry16.1 Introduction16.2 Multiple Reflections from a Plane Parallel Film16.3 The Fabry-perot Etalon16.4 The Fabry-perot Interferometer16.5 Resolving Power16.6 The Lummer-Gehrcke Plate16.7 Interference FiltersSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings17.Coherence17.1 Introduction17.2 The Linewidth17.3 The Spatial Coherence17.4 Michelson Stellar Interferometer17.5 Optical Beats17.6 Coherence Time and Linewidth via Fourier Analysis17.7 Complex Degree of Coherence and Fringe Visibility in Young's Double-hole Experiment17.8 Fourier Transform SpectroscopySummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested ReadingsPart 4 Diffraction18.Fraunhofer Diffraction:Ⅰ18.1 Introduction18.2 Single-slit Diffraction Pattern18.3 Diffraction by a Circular Aperture18.4 Directionality of Laser Beams18.5 Limit of Resolution18.6 Two-slit Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattern18.7 N-slit Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattem18.8 The Diffraction Grating18.9 Oblique Incidence18.10 X-ray Diffraction18.11 The Self-focusing Phenomenon18.12 Optical Media Technology-an EssaySummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings19.Fraunhofer Diffraction:Ⅱ and Fourier Optics19.1 Introduction19.2 The Fresnel Diffraction Integral19.3 Uniform Amplitude and Phase Distribution19.4 The Fraunhofer Approximation19.5 Fraunhofer Diffraction by a Long Narrow Slit19.6 Fraunhofer Diffraction by a Rectangular Aperture19.7 Fraunhofer Diffraction by a Circular Aperture19.8 Array of Identical Apertures19.9 Spatial Frequency Filtering19.10 The Fourier Transforming Property of a Thin LensSummaryProblemsReferences and SuggestedReadings20.Fresnel Diffraction20.1 Introduction20.2 Fresnel Half-period Zones20.3 The Zone-plate20.4 Fresnel Diffraction—A More Rigorous Approach20.5 Gaussian Beam Propagation20.6 Diffractionby aStraightEdge20.7 Diffraction of a Plane Wave by a Long Narrow Slit and Transition to The Fraunhofer RegionSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings21.Holography21.1 Introduction21.2 Theory21.3 Requirements21.4 Some ApplicationsSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested ReadingsPart 5 Electromagnetic Character of Light22.Polarization and Double Refraction22.1 Introduction22.2 Production of Polarized Light22.3 Malus'Law22.4 Superposition of Two Disturbances22.5 The Phenomenon of Double Refraction22.6 Interference of Polarized Light:Quarter Wave Plates and Half Wave Plates22.7 Analysis of Polarized Light22.8 Optical Activity22.9 Change in the SoP(State of Polarization)of a Light Beam Propagating Through an Elliptic Core Single Mode Optical Fiber22.10 Wollaston Prism22.11 Rochon Prism22.12 Plane Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Media22.13 Ray Velocity and Ray Refractive Index22.14 Jones Calculus22.15 Faraday Rotation22.16 Theory of Optical ActivitySummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings23.Electromagnetic Waves23.1 Maxwell's Equations23.2 Plane Waves in aDielectric23.3 The Three-dimensional Wave Equation in a Dielectric23.4 The Poynting Vector23.5 Energy Density and Intensity of an Electromagnetic Wave23.6 Radiation Pressure23.7 The Wave Equation in a Conducting Medium23.8 The Continuity Conditions23.9 Physical Significance of Maxwell's EquationsSummaryProblemsReferences and Suggested Readings 64
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