- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡志军主编
- 出 版 社:山东大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- 页数:333 页
第一章 经典诗歌 Classic Poems 2
导读 2
Sonnet 18—William Shakespeare 7
My Love Is Like a Red Red Rose— Robert Burns 10
The Daffodils—William Wordsworth 13
Ode to the West Wind—Percy Bysshe Shelley 17
O Cap tain!My Captain!—Walt Whitman 25
When You Are Old—William Butler Yeats 29
Sonnet from the Portuguese 43—Elizabeth Barrett Browning 32
Annabel Lee—Edgar Allan Poe 35
Stray Birds (Excerpt)—Rabindranath Tagore 40
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening—Robert Frost 51
第二章 经典散文 Classic Essays 56
导读 56
Of Studies—Francis Bacon 59
A Meditation upon a Broomstick—Jonathan Swift 64
Samuel Johnson's Letter to Lord Chesterfield—Samuel Johnson 69
Poor Relations—Charles Lamb 75
What I Have Lived For—Bertrand Arthur William Russell 81
Playing a Violin with Three Strings—Jack Riemer 85
Rural Fife in England—Washington Irving 89
Love Your Life—Henry David Thoreau 94
Youth—Samuel Ullman 97
第三章 经典演讲 Classic Speeches 102
导读 102
Gettysburg Address—Abraham Lincoln 107
Blood,Toil,Tears and Sweat—Winston Churchill 111
The Four Freedoms—Franklin Delano Roosevelt 115
Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech—Ernest Hemingway 119
I Have a Dream Percy—Martin Luther King, Jr 122
Speech Given at Peking University—Colin Lucas 136
Address to the Millennium Summit—Kofy Annan 140
第四章 经典戏剧 Classic Dramas 148
导读 148
Hamlet—William Shakespeare 154
An Ideal Husband—Oscar Wilde 158
The School of Scandal—Richard Brinsley Sheridan 166
Waiting for Godot—Samuel Beckett 175
Death of a Salesman—Arthur Miller 183
第五章 圣经故事 Bible Stories 200
导读 200
The Creation of the World 203
Floodwaters and Noah's Ark 211
The Birth of Jesus Christ 220
The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ 225
第六章 希腊神话 Greek Mythology 242
导读 242
Jupiter and His Mighty Company 250
The Titans and the Golden Age 255
The Story of Prometheus 261
The Flood and the Creation of Humans 277
The Story of Io 285
第七章 寓言童话 Fables and Fairy Tales 296
导读 296
Aesop's Fables 307
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen 311
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Selected Tales 316
主要资料来源 331
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