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  • 电子书积分:24 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:安青虎著
  • 出 版 社:商务印书馆
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:944 页

序 1

Preface 3

中国商标法律制度的最新发展 6

The Latest Development of China's Trademark Legal System 22

中国经济市场化的进程与中国商标事业的发展 38

Market-Process of Chinese Economy and the Development of Chinese Trademark Undertaking 51

驰名商标和中国的驰名商标保护制度 70

Well-known Marks & China's System of Well.known Mark Protection 119

中国对立体商标的保护始于何时? 193

附:郑成思先生的回信 203

When Did China Start to Protect Three-Dimensional Trademarks? 205

Attached:a letter from Professor Zheng Chengsi to the author 216

未注册驰名商标在中国同样受法律保护 218

Unregistered Well-known Trademark Is also Protected by Law 221

《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理侵犯知识产权刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》对中国商标保护的影响 225

Impact on China's Protection for Trademark by the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Arising from Detailed Legal Applications in Handling Criminal Cases Involving Infringements upon Intellectual Property Rights 235

商标与我们息息相关 252

Trademark Is Closely Linked to Us 255

商标的生命力在于创新 259

Trademarks'Vitality Lies in Innovation 262

年轻人,中国商标事业兴旺发达的源头活水 266

Young People,the Lasting Source of Prosperous of China's Trademark Under-takings 269

2004年中国商标领域十件大事 272

The Major Ten Significant Events in China's Trademark Field in 2004 280

2005年中国商标领域十件大事 291

The Major Ten Significant Events in China's Trademark Field in 2005 301

2006年中国商标领域十件大事 316

附:英国《商标世界》主编提要 328

The Major Ten Significant Events in China's Trademark Field in 2006 330

Attached:Preface by the Managing Editor of Trademark World 348

品牌与商标 350

Brand vs.Trademark 362

中国企业“走出去”必须重视商标国际注册 379

Chinese Enterprises'"Go International"Must Secure International Trademark Registration 386

中国的商标与国际注册 395

附:英国《商标世界》主编提要 400

Trademark in China and International Registration 402

Attached:Preface by the Managing Editor of Trademark World 409

中国对个体私营经济和商标专用权的保护 411

附:英国《商标世界》主编提要 422

China's Protection of the Individual and Private Sectors of the Economy and Trademark Rights 424

Attached:Preface by the Managing Editor of Trademark World 441

中国保护地理标志的法律制度及有关情况 443

China's Legal System for Protection of Geographical Indications 460

驰名商标,不应遗忘的认定和保护记录 485

附:表一:《131件驰名商标一览表》(按发文时间排序) 574

表二:《131件驰名商标一览表》(按国家和地区分列) 581

Well-known Marks:The Record of Determination and Protection That Should Not Be Forgotten 588

Appendices: 710

Table Ⅰ:List of 131 Well-known Trade Marks(in the order of decision or document issuing time) 710

Table Ⅱ:List of 131 Well-known Trade Marks(in the order of country/region) 717

《保护工业产权巴黎公约》第六条之二 724

《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》第十六条 授予的权利 728

保护工业产权巴黎联盟和世界知识产权组织关于驰名商标保护规定的联合建议 731

世界知识产权组织国际局关于驰名商标保护规定的注释 746

附: 763

中国工商行政管理机关曾经认定的驰名商标记录(认定时间一览表) 763

中国工商行政管理机关曾经认定的驰名商标记录(区域分布一览表) 822

中国工商行政管理机关曾经认定的驰名商标记录(商品和服务类别分布一览表) 887
