2012水产科技论坛 渔业资源可持续利用与生态环境修复 论文摘要集PDF电子书下载
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- 出 版 社:上海出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- 页数:162 页
第一部分 主题发言 1
Climate change effects on the economics and management of world fisheries&U.Rashid Sumaila 2
The basis and application of fishery resource conservation&Gerard DiNardo 3
Monitoring of toxic chemicals in aquatic environments:Options and approaches&Karsten Liber 4
第二部分 渔业资源评估与利用 5
Age composition and growth difference of chum salmon migrating to Ussuri River&WANG Ji-Long,et al. 6
乌苏里江大麻哈鱼年龄结构及异龄组间生长差异&王继隆等 7
Amino acid,fatty acid,and metal compositions in edible parts of three cultured economic crabs,Scylla paramamosain,Portunus trituberculatus,and Eriocheir sinensis&JIANG Ke-ji,et al. 8
Analysis and reflection on themodern fishery development strategy&YUE Dong-dong,et al. 9
我国渔业发展战略研究现状分析与初步思考&岳冬冬等 10
Analysis of rotifer community in Aletai Tang Ba Lake reservoir and evaluation of the water quality&YU Jia-feng,et al. 11
阿勒泰塘巴湖水库轮虫群落分析及水质评价&俞佳锋等 11
Analysis of sea condition changes in Southern Ocean krill fishing areas&ZHANG Sheng-mao 12
南大洋磷虾捕捞海域海况变化分析&张胜茂 13
Attraction effect of acoustic taming on 3 kinds of releasing fishes&YUAN Hua-rong,et al. 14
音响驯化对三种增殖放流鱼类的诱集效果&袁华荣等 15
Biogenic elements distribution and a preliminary study of their source in the Jiaozhou Bay in autumn 2008&DING Dong-sheng,et al. 16
2008年秋季胶州湾两航次生源要素的分布特征及其来源初步探讨&丁东生等 17
CPUE standardization of Illex argentinus for Chinese squid-jigging fishery in Southwest Atlantic Ocean based on GLM and GAM&LU Hua-jie,et al. 18
基于GLM和GAM模型的西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼渔业中国大陆鱿钓船CPUE标准化&陆化杰等 19
Effect of salinity change on growth and development in mud crab megalopa&GU Xiao-lian,et al. 20
盐度变化对拟穴青蟹大眼幼体生长发育的影响&顾孝连等 21
Environmental signatures revealed by morphological and otolithic characteristics of diadromous fish:A case study of estuarine tapertail anchovy Coilia nasus&YANG Jian 22
Management of capture fisheries of China in the South China Sea&QIU Yong-song 23
Molecular phylogenetic relationships of 13 Sciaenidae species in China Seas based on RAGl gene sequences&MA Chun-yan,et al. 24
Morphological variation of Eleutheronema tetradactylum in four geographical populations along China coast&YANG Yang,et al. 25
中国沿海四个地理群体多鳞四指马鲅的形态差异&杨阳等 26
Natural resources and protect measure of fishes in Songhua River&JIANG Zuo-fa,et al. 27
松花江干流鱼类资源及保护措施&姜作发等 28
NOAA fisheries data management policies and tools&Jihong Dai,et al. 29
Ocean fertilization and its potential for fishery development in the oligotrophic South China Sea&QIU Yong-song 30
海洋施肥及其在南海外海渔业开发方面的应用前景&邱永松 31
Oyster and associated benthic community developments on a created intertidal oyster Crassostreaariakensis reefin the Yangtze River estuary,China&QUAN Wei-min 32
长江口人工构建牡蛎礁上牡蛎种群和底栖动物群落的发育和演替&全为民 33
Predicting system based on the Bayesian theory of the Illex argentinus fishing grounds&WU Yu-mei,et al. 34
西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼渔场的贝叶斯概率预报&伍玉梅等 35
Preliminary study on otolith of Eleutheronema rhadinum&CHANG You-min,et al. 36
多鳞四指马鲅耳石初步研究&常有民等 37
Presentation title:Climate change effects on marine fisheries and their implications for stock restoration&William WL.Cheung 38
Rapid detection of Karenia brevis(Dinophyceae)by loop-mediated isothermal amplification(LAMP)&ZHANG Feng-ying,et al. 39
环介导恒温扩增技术快速检测短凯伦藻研究&张凤英等 40
Recent development and challenge of fisheries and related management in Guangdong Province,China&QIN Chuan-xin 41
广东省海洋渔业资源及其管理的现状与挑战&秦传新 42
Remote sensing monitoring and application of fisheries habitat and aquaculture&ZHOU Wei-feng 43
渔业栖息地与水产养殖的遥感监测及应用&周为峰 44
Reproduction of common whelk Hemifusus ternatanus(Gmelin,1791)and culture of juveniles&TANG Bao-jun,et al. 45
细角螺人工繁殖和幼螺培育研究&唐保军等 46
Research review and prospect of the releasing and enhancement fishery of Fenneropenaeus chinensis&XU Hai-long,et al. 47
中国明对虾增殖放流研究现状及展望&徐海龙等 48
Response of sea surface temperature and algal blooms to thermal discharge from nuclear power plants in Daya Bay,China-satellite and in situ observations&YU Jing,et al. 49
卫星遥感和实测分析大亚湾海表温度和藻华对核电站热排放的响应&余景等 50
Seahorse population and aquaculture in China&LIN Qiang,et al. 51
Seahorse resources and conservation in China&ZHANG Yan-hong,et al. 52
Spatial analysis of the vertical distribution of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus in the tropical Indian Ocean&YANG Sheng-long,et al. 53
热带印度洋大眼金枪鱼垂直分布空间分析&杨胜龙等 54
Status and prospects of squid jigging machine in China&LIU Jian,et al. 55
我国鱿鱼钓机装备的研究进展&刘健等 55
Study on zooplankton community structure of Nenjiang River in spring&LI Zhe,et al. 56
春季嫩江干流浮游动物群落结构特征研究&李喆等 57
Technical directives for marine ecological capital assessment:introduction and application in China seas&CHEN Shang,et al. 58
The application of low-power system in fisheries&DAI Yang 59
低功耗系统在渔业中的应用&戴阳 60
The application of spatial information technologies in ecological fisheries monitoring and assessing&ZHANG Ting-ting,et al. 61
空间信息技术在渔业生态监测与评价中的应用&张婷婷等 62
The principles,actual cases and parameters in initial establishment of EWE(Ecopath with Ecosim)model in Caohai Nature Reserve&OUYANG Li-jian,et al. 63
初步构建草海EWE(Ecopath with Ecosim)营养模型的原理、研究案例及参数介绍&欧阳力剑等 63
The spatial and temporal changes of dominance and diversity of phytoplankton community in Changzhao reservoir&LIU Jin-dian,et al. 64
长诏水库浮游植物群落优势种及多样性的时空变化&刘金殿等 65
The think and development status on the Chilean jack mackerel fishery of China&Zhang Heng,et al. 66
中国智利竹筴鱼渔业发展现状与思考&张衡等 67
北部湾中国枪乌贼生物学特征与渔业资源时空分布&李玉媛等 68
浙江舟山新型网箱拟投放海域流速测量与研究&陈帅等 69
第三部分 渔业资源养护 70
Communicating science recommendations for management decisions:The Kobe Tuna Regional Fishery Management Organization(RFMO)efforts to harmonize scientific assessment practices and communication methods&Keith Chanon,et al. 71
Defensin from clam Venerupis philippinarum:Molecular characterization,diversification,localization,antimicrobial activity,and mechanism of action&ZHANG Lin-bao,et al. 72
Effect of high-dose vitamin C supplementation on growth,tissue ascorbic acid concentrations and physiological response to transportation stress in juvenile silver pomfret, Pampus argenteus&PENG Shi-ming,et al. 73
Effects of dietary lipid level on fat deposition and fatty acid composition of Siganus guttatus&ZHU Wei,et al. 74
饲料脂肪水平对点篮子鱼体脂沉积及鱼体脂肪酸组成的影响&朱卫等 75
Evaluation of the ecosystem service of aquatic germplasm resources conservation zones&XU Shan-nan,et al. 76
水产种质资源保护区的生态系统服务价值评估&徐姗楠等 77
Gastric evacuation rate of Lutjanus erythropterus and effects of different diets on its ecological growth efficiency&WANG Xue-feng,et al. 78
红鳍笛鲷幼鱼的摄食排空率及不同食物投喂下的生态生长效率&王学锋等 79
Marine fisheries enhancement:Coming of age in the new millennium&Kenneth M.Leber 80
Marine ranching in northern South China Sea&CHEN Pi-mao 81
南海北部海洋牧场&陈丕茂 82
Numerical experiments on influence of facing stream surface to hydrodynamic characters of artificial reef&TANG Zhen-chao,et al. 83
人工鱼礁迎流面对水动力学性能影响的数值试验&唐振朝等 84
Rapid detection of Mud crab virus using loop-mediated isothermal amplification(LAMP)&ZHANG Di,et al. 85
青蟹病毒环介导等温扩增检测方法的建立&张迪等 86
Recognition technology of reproduction and releasing between wild individuals and releasing instance&LIU Lu,et al. 87
增殖放流中放流个体与野生个体识别技术的发展与展望&刘璐等 88
Science and policy initiatives for sustainable aquaculture in the U.S.A&David O'Brien 89
Stock enhancement and release of the four famous Chinese carps parents in the middle reaches ofYangtze River:progress and prospect&CHEN Da-qing,et al. 90
长江中游四大家鱼亲本增殖放流的进展及展望&陈大庆等 91
Temporal and spatial variations of the community structure of subtidal fish in Yangtze estuary&ZHUANG Ping,et al. 92
长江口潮下带鱼类群落的时空分布&庄平等 93
Transitioning sablefish Anoplopomafimbria to alternative,plant-based feeds&Ronald B.Johnson 94
第四部分 渔业生态环境修复 95
Acute toxicity of mercury and ammonium to juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopusjaponicas(Selenka)&LI Bin,et al. 96
Adsorption kinetics and influencing factors of nitrogen and phosphorus with marine constructed wetland substrates&CUI Zheng-guo,et al. 97
7种海水人工湿地基质吸附氮、磷的动力学特征及其影响因素&崔正国等 98
Application of biologic silicon in sedimentary section to reconstruction of phytoplankton population changes in the southern Yellow Sea during the last 200 years&YANG Qian,et al. 99
Assessment on ecological environment quality of the petrochemical sewage waters of Daya Bay in winter&XU Jiao-jiao,et al. 100
大亚湾石化排污区海域冬季生态环境质量评价&徐娇娇等 101
Characteristics and succession of phytoplankton of Zhuanchang Reservoir in Xinjiang&LIU Liang,et al. 102
新疆福海砖场水库浮游植物群落特征&刘亮等 103
Community structures of macrozoobenthos and water quality bioassessment of the middle reaches ofHeilongjiang River&HUO Tang-bin,et al. 104
黑龙江中游底栖动物群落结构与水质生物评价&霍堂斌等 105
Differential gene expression of Gymnocypris przewalskii in response to saline-alkali stress&YAO Zong-li,et al. 106
盐碱胁迫下青海湖裸鲤基因表达差异研究&么宗利等 107
Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus ratios on growth and competition of two blue-green algae&MENG Shun-long,et al. 108
氮磷比对两种蓝藻生长及竞争的影响&孟顺龙等 109
Effects of ammonia to respiratory physiology in rainbow trout&ZHANG Li 110
氨氮对虹鳟呼吸生理的影响&张黎 111
Effects of carbonate alkalinity stress on activities of SOD,ACP and AKP in liver and kidney of Qinghai Lake naked common carp(Gymnocypris przewalskii)&WANG Zhuo,et al. 112
碱度胁迫对青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocyprisprzewalskii)幼鱼肝脏和肾脏SOD,ACP和AKP 113
酶活性影响&王卓等 113
Effects of salinity on antioxidant enzyme activities and growth of the clam Cyclina sinensis&LI Zi-niu,et al. 114
盐度变化对青蛤抗氧化酶活力及生长的影响&李子牛等 115
Effects of varying levels of aqueous K+and Ca2+ on survival,oxygen consumption rate and suffocation point of juvenile Barbus capito&HAN Yi-long,et al. 116
水环境中K+、Ca2+对大鳞鲃幼鱼生存、耗氧率和窒息点的影响&韩贻龙等 117
Establishment of a population of“standardized Anodonta woodiana”and its transplant biomonitoring of heavy metals in freshwater environment&CHEN Xiu-bao,et al. 118
淡水环境重金属监测用“标准背角无齿蚌”群体建立及移殖应用研究&陈修报等 119
Evaluation of the habitat suitability for downstream migration of chum salmon in Wusuli River&LIU Wei,et al. 120
Feasibility of offshore co-culture of abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino and sea cucumber Stichopusjaponicus in a temperate zone&QI Zhan-hui,et al. 121
离岸深水区鲍参混养可行性初步研究&齐占会等 122
Fish community composition and larva resource in upper and lower strem dividede by the Dadingzi Mountain power dam in Songhuajiang River&LIU Wei,et al. 123
松花江大顶子山大坝分隔水域鱼类群落组成及早期鱼类资源&刘伟等 124
Interannual and seasonal changes of zooplankton biomass and species composition in the surroundings ofsea ranching in Xiangshan Bay&DU Xiu-ning,et al. 125
象山港海洋牧场区浮游动物生物量和物种组成的年际及季节变化&杜秀宁等 126
Optimization of an operative model for the freshwater pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii(Lea,1852)farming&DAI Yang-xin,et al. 127
Performance of four-stage constructed wetlands in polishing low-strength aquaculture wastewater with and without artificial aeration:A case study over three years&ZHANG Shi-yang,et al. 128
曝气与未曝气工况下四级组合湿地处理低污染养殖废水效能研究&张世羊等 129
Physiological acclimation of shrimps,Lithopenaeus vannamei,to low salinities&Kim S.K,et al. 130
Preliminary assessment of habitat of juvenile Collichthys lucidus in Yangtze estuary&YANG Gang,et al. 131
长江口棘头梅童鱼幼鱼栖息地的初步评估&杨刚等 132
Recent progress on studies and applications of bioremediation techniques for fishery eco-environment&MA Shao-sai,et al. 133
海洋生态环境生物修复技术研究进展及其应用&马绍赛等 133
Research on the detoxification ability of annelids for bioremediation in coastal benthic environment&Katsutoshi Ito,et al. 134
Research progress of the ecological restoration in the Yangtze Riverestuary and adjacent waters&SHEN Xin-qiang,et al. 135
长江口及邻近水域生态修复研究进展&沈新强等 136
Self-pollution mechanism and bioremediation of mariculture environment:A case study in a marine cage fish farm in Daya Bay&HUANG Hong-hui,et al. 137
Study on compound in-situ ecological purification technology for treating Penaeus vannamei mariculture water&CHEN Xue-chu,et al. 138
凡纳滨对虾养殖池塘水体原位复合生态净化技术研究&陈雪初等 139
Study on fast method for determining lead in fishery seawater&LI Meng,et al. 140
渔业海水中铅的快速定量检测方法研究&李猛等 141
Study on the characteristics of the ecological environment for neon flying squid in the north Pacific fishing ground&TANG Feng-hua,et al. 142
北太平洋柔鱼渔场海洋生态环境的特征研究&唐峰华等 143
Survival,food consumption,ventilatory frequency and Na+,K+-ATPase of Sebastiscus marmoratus(Cuvier,1829)to the acute Cryptocaryon irritans(Brown 1951)infection&YIN Fei 144
刺激隐核虫感染对褐菖鲉存活、摄食、呼吸频率和Na+,K+-ATP酶活力的影响&尹飞 145
The effect of high-salt stress on ingestion and growth of Mactra veneriformis in Yellow River estuary and their threshold&SUN Xue-mei,et al. 146
高盐胁迫对黄河口四角蛤蜊(Mactra veneriformis)摄食与生长的影响及阈值研究&孙雪梅等 147
The effects of irrigation proj ects on inland fisheries resources&GENG Rui,et al. 148
水利工程对内陆渔业资源影响的研究&耿瑞等 149
The experimental of research on ammonia nitrogen removal ability of stufffings during different C/N ratio&ZHAO Qian,et al. 150
碳氮比对滤料除氨氮能力的影响试验研究&赵倩等 151
The risk assessment of metal and chemicals using the early embryo development in the sea urchin(Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus)&Un-Ki Hwang,et al. 152
The temporal and spatial distributional features ofjuvenil Anguillajaponica in the Yangtze River Estuary&ZHI Yu-long,et al. 153
长江口日本鳗鲡鳗苗时空分布特征&智玉龙等 154
To evaluate the impact of economic activities on the mudflats of Chongming Dongtan Birds Nature Reserve,Shanghai&GAO Yu,et al. 155
U.S.response to ocean acidification&Ned Cyr,et al. 156
Variations of two kinds of bacteria and interaction with environmental factors of Jiaozhou Bay wetland&ZHANG Yan,et al. 157
胶州湾湿地两种细菌的时空分布规律及其与环境因子的关系&张艳等 158
Water quality condition and its seasonal variation of artificial reef areas in the coastal waters of Weihai&WANG Jun,et al. 159
威海近海人工鱼礁区水质状况及其季节变化特征&王军等 160
二枚贝养殖的钙化作用与其碳隔离能力的评估&陈瑶湖 161
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