- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:蔡基刚
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787313170699
- 页数:0 页
The Effectiveness of the Garbage Classification Regulation in Shanghai&作者:王之颖 点评人:蔡基刚 1
Residents'Choice and Attitudes Regarding Public Bike System in Nanjing&作者:陈俊安 点评人:陈宁阳 13
A Probe into the Enforcement of Recycling Economy Law in China&作者:喻 曦点评人:王春岩 25
Reduce Deforestation for the Sake of Human Health&作者:周海 点评人:罗娜 35
Threat of Damaged Environment to Food Safety&作者:毛笑点评人:黑玉琴 43
Improving Environmental Legislation to Tackle the Haze Pollution in Shanghai&作者:李菡 点评人:张洪芹 51
A Probe into BYD's Marketing Strategy of Qin in Shanghai from the Perspective of Consumers'Priorities&作者:黄书扉 点评人:叶玉屏 66
The On-campus Landscape River,Us,and a Possibly Different Future&作者:虞芊蕙 点评人:饶小飞 74
A Review of Health Risks Induced by Environmental Noise and Extreme Quiet&作者:王昱升 点评人:方为 90
Chinese University Students'Perceptions about Life in 50 Years&作者:管天舒 点评人:王蓓蕾 97
Impact of Urbanization on Cultivated Land in Shanghai&作者:张心怡 点评人:杨凤 107
The Sewage Problems in SMEs and Their Solutions by Environmental Protection Law&作者:李鸣 点评人:李立 118
Environment and Mental Health:College Students Call for More Contact with Nature&作者:魏子恒点 评人:何静 128
Environment and Chinese Herbal Medicine&作者:朱琳 点评人:郭昊 139
A Study Based on the Impact of Haze on Health in China&作者:丁忙 点评人:郑咏艳 150
PM2.5 Impairs the Brain and the Heart&作者:张瀚哲 点评人:杨苗 159
A Survey of College Students'Opinions about the Recycling of CFLs and its Economic Value&作者:徐叶帆 点评人:赵珂 168
Powering the Future with New Energies—an Uncompleted Revolution&作者:王术 点评人:贺灿文 179
A New Model to Monitor Air Pollution in Shanghai&作者:董蕴豪 点评人:黄大网 195
A Study of China's Polluted Drinking Water and Drinking Water Standards in the Past Decade&作者:蔡梦媛 点评人:龚嵘 203
Environmental Protection with Chinese Characteristics&作者:陆奕炜 点评人:肖越海 215
Labor Immigration and Its Influence on Urban Heat Island Effect:A Case Study of Shanghai Megacity(2001—2008)&作者:袁月 点评人:徐昉 223
The Dilemmas of the Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China and Some Proposed Solutions&作者:骆前汀 点评人:Chen An 233
An Analysis of Legal System Construction in Chinese Environmental Protection and Improvement&作者:任佳 点评人:Tsou Wenli 247
Moving Toward Sustainable Engineering out of Ethical Considerations of Water Use&作者:魏琳卓 点评人:Shahid 256
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- 《新核心大学英语·B版读写教程 1 教师用书》蔡基刚总主编;邹枚本册主编;吴长青,张军学本册副主编;付天英,张军学,李京平等本册编 2012
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- 《新核心大学英语B版 读写教程 2》蔡基刚总主编;黄川,杨勇,唐崇文本册主编;张平,张姐,段晓燕等本册副主编;韦晴,李俊,吴平平等本册编委 2012
- 《新核心大学英语B版 听说教程 1》蔡基刚总主编;徐欣本册主编;任滨,胡东霞本册副主编;肖英,顾乡,程寅等本册编委 2012