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  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:BRAJA M.DAS
  • 出 版 社:HEMISPHERE
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:511 页

7.3 Effect of Organic Content on Compaction of Soil 43 1

5.1 Atterberg Limits 33 1

5.2 Liquidity Index 34 1

5.3 Activity 34 1

6 Soil Classification 35 1

6.1 Unified Soil Classification System 35 1

7 Compaction of Soils 36 1

7.1 Theory of Compaction and Proctor Compaction Test 36 1

7.2 Harvard Miniature Compaction Device 43 1

5 Consistency of Cohesive Soils 33 1

7.4 Field Compaction 43 1

7.5 In-Place Densification of Granular Soils 47 1

8 Volume Change of Soils 49 1

8.1 Shrinkage and Swelling of Clay 49 1

8.2 Swclling Potential of Clay Soils 51 1

9 Effective Stress 54 1

9.1 Effective Stress Concept in Saturated Soils 54 1

9.2 Critical Hydraulic Gradient and Boiling 58 1

9.3 Effective Stress in Unsaturated Soils 59 1


3.1 Sieve Analysis and Hydrometer Analysis 11 1

Soil Aggregate 1

1 Introduction 1 1

2 Weight-Volume Relationships 1 1

2.1 Basic Definitions 1 1

2.2 General Range of Void Ratio and Dry Unit Weight Encountered in Granular Soils 8 1

2.3 Relative Density and Relative Compaction 9 1

2.4 Specific Gravity of Soil Solids 10 1

3 Grain-Size Distribution of Soils 11 1

4.7 Flocculation and Dispersion of Clay Particles 30 1

3.2 Soil-Separate Size Limits 15 1

4 Clay Minerals 15 1

4.1 Composition and Structure of Clay Minerals 15 1

4.2 Specific Surface of Clay Minerals 19 1

4.3 Cation Exchange Capacity 19 1

4.4 Nature of Water in Clay 22 1

4.5 Repulsive Potential 24 1

4.6 Repulsive Pressure 27 1

2.2 Use of Continuity Equation for Solution of Simple Flow Problems 105 2

2.3 Flow Nets 107 2

2.4 Hydraulic Uplift Force under a Structure 111 2

2.5 Flow Nets in Anisotropic Material 113 2

2.6 Construction of Flow Nets for Hydraulic Structures on Nonhomogeneous Subsoils 115 2

2.7 Directional Variation of Permeability in Anisotropic Medium 119 2

2.8 Numerical Analysis of Seepage 122 2

2.1 Equation of Continuity 102 2

2.9 Seepage Force per Unit Volume of Soil Mass 130 2

2.10 Safety of Hydraulic Structures against Piping 131 2

2.11 Calculation of Seepage through an Earth Dam Resting on an Impervious Base 138 2

2.12 Plotting of Phreatic Line for Seepage through Earth Dams 147 2

2.13 Entrance,Discharge,and Transfer Conditions of Line of Seepage through Earth Dams 152 2

2.14 Flow-net Construction for Earth Dams 152 2

2.15 Filter Design 157 2

1.5 Determination of Coefficient of Permeability in the Laboratory 73 2

1.3 Factors Affecting the Coefficient of Permeability 69 2

Problems 60 2

References 63 2

Permeability and Seepage 65 2

1 Permeability 65 2

1.1 Darcy's Law 65 2

1.2 Validity of Darcy's Law 68 2

2 Seepage 102 2

1.4 Effective Coefficient of Permeability for Stratified Soils 70 2

1.6 Determination of Coefficient of Permeability in the Field 79 2

1.7 Theoretical Solution for Coefficient of Permeability 91 2

1.8 Variation of Permeability with Void Ratio in Sand 94 2

1.9 Variation of Permeability with Void Ratio in Clay 96 2

1.10 Electroosmosis 98 2

1.10 Vertical Stress in a Semi-infinite Mass Due to Embankment Loading 186 3

2 Three-Dimensional Problems 190 3

2.1 Stresses due to Vertical Point Load Acting on the Surface of a Semi-infinite Mass 190 3

2.2 Stresses due to Horizontal Point Loading on the Surface 192 3

2.3 Stresses below a Circularly Loaded(Vertical)Flexible Area 193 3

1.9 Linearly Increasing Vertical Loading on an Infinite Strip on the Surface of a Semi-infinite Mass 184 3

2.4 Vertical Stress below a Rectangular Loaded Area 195 3

2.6 Stresses in Layered Medium 211 3

2.7 Vertical Stress at the Interface of a Three-Layer Flexible System 212 3

2.8 Distribution of Contact Stress over Footings 231 3

2.9 Reliability of Stress Calculation by Using the Theory of Elasticity 235 3

2.5 Stresses due to any Type of Loaded Area 207 3

1.2 Stresses on an Inclined Plane and Principal Stresses for Plane Strain Problems Using Mohr's Circle 168 3

Problems 160 3

References 165 3

Stresses in Soil Mass 3

1 Two-Dimensional Problems 167 3

1.1 Plane Strain State-of-Stress 167 3

1.8 Uniform Horizontal Loading on an Infinite Strip on the Surface of a Semi-Infinite Mass 179 3

1.3 Stresses due to a Vertical Line Load on the Surface of a Semi-infinite Mass 171 3

1.4 Stresses due to a Horizontal Line Load on the Surface of a Semi-infinite Mass 174 3

1.5 Stresses due to a Line Load Inside a Semi-Infinite Mass 175 3

1.6 Stresses due to a Vertical Line Load on an Elastic Soil Layer Underlain by a Rigid Rough Base 178 3

1.7 Uniform Vertical Loading on an Infinite Strip on the Surface of a Semi-infinite Mass 178 3

Problems 235 4

References 240 4

Pore Water Pressure due to Undrained Loading 4

1 Pore Water Pressure Developed due to Isotropic Stress Application 242 4

2 Pore Water Pressure due to Uniaxial Loading 244 4

3 Pore Water Pressure under Triaxial Test Conditions 245 4

4 Henkel's Modification of Pore Water Pressure Equation 246 4

2 Consolidation by Sand Drains 319 5

1.12 One-Dimensional Consolidation with Viscoelastic Models 312 5

2.1 Sand Drains 319 5

1.11 Constant-Gradient Consolidation Test 307 5

1.10 Constant Rate-of-Strain Consolidation Tests 302 5

1.9 Effect of Secondary Consolidation on the Preconsolidation Pressure 300 5

2.2 Free-Strain Consolidation with no Smear 320 5

2.3 Equal-Strain Consolidation with no Smear 322 5

2.4 Effect of Smear Zone on Radial Consolidation 323 5

2.5 Calculation of the Degree of Consolidation with Vertical and Radial Drainage 325 5

2.6 Numerical Solution for Radial Drainage 327 5

1 Fundamentals of Consolidation 253 5

1.8 Some Comments on Standard One-Dimensional Consolidation Test 297 5

1.7 Secondary Consolidation 295 5

1.6 Standard One-Dimensional Consolidation Test and Interpretation 283 5

1.5 Degree of Consolidation under Time-Dependent Loading 280 5

1.4 Numerical Solution for One-Dimensional Consolidation 271 5

1.3 Relation of Uav and Tv for Other Forms of Initial Excess Pore Water Pressure Distribution 265 5

1.2 Theory of One-Dimensional Consolidation 255 5

1.1 General Concepts of One-Dimensional Consolidation 253 5

Consolidation 5

References 252 5

Problems 249 5

3.3 Settlement of Overconsolidated Clay 378 6

3.4 Precompression for Improving Foundation Soils 378 6

4 Secondary Consolidation Settlement 383 6

5 Stress-Path Method of Settlement Calculation 384 6

3.2 Skempton-Bjerrum Modification for Calculation of Consolidation Settlement 372 6

5.1 Definition of Stress Path 384 6

5.2 Stress and Strain Path for Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Tests 386 6

5.3 Stress Path and Sample Distortion for Similar Increase of Axial Stress 388 6

5.4 Calculation of Settlement from Stress Paths 388 6

5.5 Comparison of Primary Consolidation Settlement Calculation Procedures 393 6

2.1 Immediate Settlement from Theory of Elasticity 339 6

3 Primary Consolidation Settlement 369 6

2.4 Calculation of Immediate Settlement in Granular Soil Using Simplified Strain Influence Factor 365 6

2.3 Settlement Prediction in Sand by Empirical Correlation 358 6

2.2 Determination of Young's Modulus 355 6

2 Immediate Settlement 339 6

1 Introduction 339 6

Evaluation of Soil Settlement 6

References 337 6

Problems 331 6

3.1 One-Dimensional Consolidation Settlement Calculation 369 6

3.8 Relationship between Water Content and Strength 456 7

3.10 Unique Relationship between Water Content and Effective Stress 459 7

3.9 Unique Effective Stress Failure Envelope 456 7

3.11 Vane Shear Test 461 7

3.7 Representation of Stress Path on the Rendulic Plot 452 7

3.6 Effect of Temperature on Shear Strength of Clay 450 7

3.5 Effect of Rate of Strain on the Undrained Shear Strength 448 7

3.4 Relation of Undrained Shear Strength and Effective Overburden Pressure 444 7

3.12 Undrained Shear Strength of Anisotropic Clay 466 7

3.13 Applicability of Drained(c,φ)and Undrained(Su)Shear Strength Parameters for Foundation Design 470 7

3.14 Hvorslev's Parameters 471 7

3.15 Sensitivity and Thixotropic Characteristics of Clay 475 7

3.16 Creep in Soils 480 7

4 Other Theoretical Considerations 487 7

4.1 Yield Surfaces in Three Dimension 487 7

4.2 Experimental Results to Compare the Yield Functions 494 7

2.6 Shear Strength of Granular Soils under Plane Strain Condition 417 7

3.3 Some Observations for the Values of φ and φult 441 7

3.2 Unconfined Compression Test 440 7

3.1 Triaxial Testing in Clays 426 7

3 Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils 425 7

2.7 Other Correlations for Determination of Friction Angle 424 7

2.5 Some Comments on the Friction Angle of Granular Soils 415 7

2.4 Curvature of the Failure Envelope 413 7

2.3 Critical Void Ratio 412 7

2.2 Triaxial Test 408 7

2.1 Direct Shear Test 404 7

2 Shearing Strength of Granular Soils 403 7

1 Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criteria 402 7

Shear Strength of Soils 7

References 399 7

Problems 394 7
