技术竞争情报的应用与最佳实践 技术创新与技术竞争情报国际会议论文集(2010)PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- 页数:472 页
Session 1 Method and Technique of Competitive Technical Intelligence 3
主题一 技术竞争情报的方法与技术 3
Research on Patent Analysis Framework for Enterprise Technology Innovation&Ma Feicheng, Wang Yanling, Nie Jin 3
The CTI Strategy of Enterprise in Dynamic and Complex Competitive Environment& Wang Zhijin, Han Zhengbiao, Zhou Peng 14
Research on Information Diffusion in Network Media—Based on Typical Event&Li Gang, Chen Jinghao 24
Web Competitive Technology Intelligence Monitoring& Cao Shujin, Chen Yijin 37
Application of Automatic Grammar Parsing in Technology Source Acquisition:The Case of Biotechnology& Xie Xinzhou, Wang Qiang 47
New Developments in Competitive Intelligence and Poles of Competitiveness&Henri Dou 57
Design and Implementation of Organization-oriented Web Public Opinion Monitoring System&Lu Wei, Chen Yingjie, Chen Minjie, Huang Yong, Yu Tingting 70
Research on the Key-technology Selection of Virtual Reality Based on Patent Citation Analysis&Wang J ianmei , J in Xuehui , Meng Hong 82
A New Access of Competitive Intelligence: Micro-blogging& Chen Anqi 94
A CIS Based on Opinion Extraction& Xia Chenxi 99
The Influence Factors and Measures that H Index Evaluates the Academic Achievement&Lv Shiguo, Xia Lixin 107
Preliminary Study of Net Promoters' Behavior Patterns&Chang Jialiang 114
Research of the Composite Method of Emotional Intensity Based on the Evidence Theory&Wu Heng , Zhu Liang , Kou Guangzeng 123
A Study on the Application of Technology Roadmap in Local Science and Technology Planning& Deng Mingrong 133
Key Issues on Feature-based Opinion Mining Study& Li Gang, Wu Qiong 143
An Empirical Perspective: Using Patent Citation for Competitor Identification& Yang Guancan, Wang Yanling, Hou Yuanyuan 152
Analysis of Patent Information on Cloud Computing& Guan Sifa, Gan Chunmei 161
Access and Collecting Methods of Technological Competitive Intelligence in Industrial Restructuring& Li Zhinan, Zeng Fanying 170
Session 2 Service Mode of Competitive Technical Intelligence 181
主题二 技术竞争情报服务模式 181
Intelligence Process within Scientific and R&D Organizations: Setting up a Successful Technology Watch Program& Kent B. Potter 181
How Do the Academic Libraries Promote the Competitive Technical Intelligence? ——The Best Practices of the National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences& Liu Xiwen 191
Service Mode of Competitive Technical Intelligence Based on KPO&Wang Weijun , Cao Yangmin , Gan Chunmei 200
To Strategize and Establish a Global Innovation System on a Higher Level—Strategic Issues on National Competitive Technical Intelligence& Zhao Gang 209
Construction and Application of Industry Competitive Intelligence Service System Based on Web Public Services&Zhen Lihong , Liu Shengqiang , Xu Hongguang , Sun Yue, Liu Wen, Bao Lingyun, Zhong Yi 214
Research on the Status Quo of Provincial Sci-tech Intelligence Agencies in China& Lv Huaqiao, Li Juan, Guo Lugang, Yu Yixin 220
Status Quo and System Construction of Competitive Technical Intelligence Service for Urban Agriculture in Beijing& Miao Runlian, Shi Yanqin, Zhang Hong 227
Analysis of Users of Competitive Technical Intelligence and Their Demands in Technology Transfer&Wang Shiwen, Li Xiang 232
Characteristics and Role of Intelligence Service in Restructuring Agricultural Production& Zhang Hong, Wei Xiaochuan, Hou Yuanyuan 241
Research on the Construction of Information Service Platform for Agriculture&Li Juan, Lv Huaqiao , Guo Lugang , Miao Runlian , Wei Xiaochuan 246
Externalities of Science Popularization&Li Xiaoyan, Wu Chensheng, Zhang Luji, Liao Tao 253
Session 3 Practice Competitive Technical Intelligence 259
主题三 技术竞争情报实践 259
Forecasting Innovation Pathways:The Case of Nano-enhanced Solar Cells&Alan L. Porter, Ying Guo, Lu Huang, Douglas K. R. Robinson 259
Analyzing Technological Innovation in Green Energy Future by Competitive Technical Intelligence Fumiyuki Takahashi , Hiroshi Mineno , Tadanori Mizuno , Yoshio Sugasawa 273
Basic Framework and Value Measurement of National Information Resources& Huo Guoqing , Du Zhitao , Liu Lihong 279
Competitive Intelligence System Oriented to Capital Venture& Li Yuanchu , Zhao Yiming , Huang Qian 288
CI and Global Oriented Chinese Enterprises& Tao Qingjiu 298
Research on the Application of Personalized Search Engines in Information Service Industry& Wang Sujian 308
Industrial Competitive Intelligence: Theory and Practice in Hunan Province& Xiao Xuekui 316
Research on Counter-Competitive Intelligence in Technological Innovation of Enterprises& Wang Jun, Xia Lixin 322
The Application and Research of Competitive Intelligence in the FIFA World Cup& Liu Pingping 329
Under Technical Secret Protection Competitive Technical Intelligence Gain& Cui Lianji 338
An Empirical Research on New Materials Technology Foresight in Beijing& Li Hui, Li Hai-li 347
CTI-based Study on the Development Strategy of Nanotechnology in Beijing&Guo Lugang, Hou Yuanyuan, Huang Yurong, Wei Xiaochuan 357
The Studies on the Application of KPO in the Enterprises' Scientific and Technological Innovation& Zhang Wei , Wang Qiang , Fan Qingtao 366
Competitive Intelligence as Tools for Developing North Sulawesi with Cloves as Case Study& Audy Aldrin Kenap, ST. M. Eng, Drs. Ronny Palilingan, M. Eng, Drs. James Sumayku, M. Eng 375
Competitive Intelligence for Small-and-Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Globalization of Trade& Cai Yongming, Jia Shuangli 382
An Analysis of Patent Application Trends in the Field of Bioenergy&Hou Yuanyuan , Huang Yurong , Lu Huaqiao, Wei Xiaochuan, Guo Lugang 391
Session 4 Technology Innovation and Firm Competitiveness 399
主题四 技术创新与企业竞争力 399
Research on the Application of Competitive Technical Intelligence in the Process of Enterprise External Technology Resources Introduction& Xie Xinzhou , J in Xuehui , Wang J ianmei 399
Study on the Independent Technological Innovation Model of Information&Service Enterprises in China Lu Xiaobin, Guo Yajun 410
Concept Refinement and Redefinition of Innovation&Wu Chensheng, Li Xiaoyan, Liao Tao, Zhang Luji 416
The Influence Study of Technological Innovation on Economic Development& Liu Zhifang 420
The Digital Technology,Creative Media Mergence's Prosperities&Zhang Weiwei 428
Preliminary Research on the Competitiveness of Industrial Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Beijing& Yi Tiemei, Zhang Hong 436
A Comparative Analysis of Zhongguancun and Hsinchu Science Park Industrial Clusters& Jin Xiaohong, Li Cheng 443
Clusters and Technology Innovation in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in China& Nie Jin, Wu Wendan, Li Yun 451
Research on the Intellectual Property Issues in Technological Innovation of Enterprises& Zhang Jing 458
The Trend of Technical Innovation and Competitive Technical Intelligence in China& Yang Xuemei 466
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