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- 出版年份:2222
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Part One The Scientist 1
1. The Birth of a Political scientist 3
2. Games International Relations Scholars Play 8
3. Thinking Theory Thoroughly 19
Part Two The Science 32
4. Moral Fervor, Systematic Analysis, and Scientific Consciousness in Foreign Policy Research 34
5. Comparative Foreign Policy: One-time Fad, Realized Fantasy, and Normal Field 77
6. Pre-Theories and Theories of Foreign Policy 115
7. Private Preferences and Political Responsibilities: The Relative Potency of Individual and Role Variables in the Behavior of U.S.Senators 170
8. External and Internal Typologies of Foreign Policy Behavior: Testing the Stability of an Intriguing Set of Findings 213
9. Puzzlement in Foreign Policy 231
Part Three Basic Concepts 240
10. Calculated Control as a Unifying Concept in the Study of International Politics and Foreign Policy 242
11. The National Interest 283
12. The Premises and Promises of Decision-Making Analysis 294
13. The External Environment as a Variable in Foreign Policy Analysis 317
14. Intervention as a Scientific Concept 339
Part Four International and Domestic Contexts 368
15. Toward the Study of National-International Linkages 370
16. Race in International Politics: A Dialogue in Five Parts 402
17. Foreign Policy as an Issue Area 461
18. The Adaptation of National Societies: A Theory of Political Behavior and Transformation 501
19. Muddling, Meddling, and Modeling: Alternative Approaches to the Study of World Politics 535
Bibliography of James N. Rosenau 555
Index 565
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- 《心脏移植 英文版》(美)James k.Kirklin等编著 2002
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- 《成功英语阅读策略 F级 上(适用于高中三年级)》(美)Diane Lapp James Flood著;中方主编 2004
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- 《华盛顿广场》(美)Henry James著;(美)Gina D. B. Clemen改写 2009