- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高广文编著
- 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787560530840
- 页数:342 页
Chapter 1 Types of Poetry 3
Geoffrey Chaucer(1342?—1400) 3
From The Canterbury Tales 3
Mediaeval Ballad 5
Edmund Spenser(1552—1599) 6
From Amoretti 6
Sonnet 75 7
William Shakespeare(1564—1616) 8
Spring 8
Winter 9
Thomas Nashe(1567—1601) 10
Spring,the Sweet Spring 10
Robert Herrick(1591—1674) 11
To the Virgin:To Make Much of Time 11
Alexander Pope(1688—1744) 12
From The Rape of the Lock 12
Robert Burns(1759—1796) 16
Oh,My Luve Is Like a Red,Red Rose 16
William Blake(1757—1827) 17
The Sick Rose 17
William Wordsworth(1770—1850) 18
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 18
The Solitary Reaper 19
John Keats(1795—1821) 21
La Belle Dame Sans Merci:A Ballad 21
To Autumn 23
Walt Whitman(1819—1892) 25
A Noiseless Patient Spider 25
Emily Dickinson(1830—1886) 25
This is My Letter to the World 25
I heard a Fly buzz—when I died 26
Gerard Manley Hopkins(1844—1889) 27
Pied Beauty 27
William Butler Yeats(1865—1939) 28
The Lake Isle of Innisfree 28
Robert Frost(1874—1963) 29
The Oven Bird 29
John Crowe Ransom(1888—1974) 30
Bells for John Whiteside's Daughter 30
Wilfred Owen(1893—1918) 31
Dulce Et Decorum Est 31
Theodore Roethke(1908—1963) 32
Root Cellar 32
Richard Wilbur(1921—) 33
Mind 33
Chapter 2 Speaker and Tone 37
William Shakespeare(1564—1616) 37
From Hamlet 37
Sonnet 138 38
John Donne(1572—1631) 39
The Bait 39
Song 40
George Herbert(1593—1633) 41
The Pulley 41
Ann Bradstreet(1612?—1672) 43
The Author to Her Book 43
Jonathan Swift(1667—1745) 44
On Stella's Birthday 44
William Blake(1757—1827) 45
The Chimney Sweeper(Songs of Innocence) 45
The Chimney Sweeper(Songs of Experience) 46
The Clod 46 the Pebble 46
William Wordsworth(1770—1850) 47
A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal 47
Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792—1822) 48
Ozymandias 48
Emily Dickinson(1830—1886) 49
Much Madness is divinest Sense 49
Tell all the Truth but tell it slant 49
Thomas Hardy(1840—1928) 50
The Workbox 50
William Butler Yeats(1865—1939) 52
The Coming Wisdom with Time 52
W.H.Davies(1871—1940) 52
The Villain 52
Robert Frost(1874—1963) 53
Mending Wall 53
Morris Bishop(1893—1975) 55
E=mc2 55
e.e.cummings(1894—1963) 56
next to of course god America i 56
C.Day Lewis(1904—1972) 57
Come Live with Me and Be My Love 57
John Frederick Nims(1914— ) 58
Love Poem 58
Richard Wilbur(1921— ) 59
Museum Piece 59
John Updike(1932— ) 60
Youth's Progress 60
Chapter 3 Figures of Speech(1) 64
William Shakespeare(1564—1616) 64
From Romeo and Juliet 64
Sonnet 18 65
John Donne(1572—1631) 66
The Canonization 66
Robert Herrick(1591—1674) 68
Upon Julia's Clothes 68
Edmund Waller(1606—1687) 68
On a Girdle 68
Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792—1822) 69
Ode to the West Wind 69
Emily Dickinson(1830—1886) 73
There is no Frigate like a Book 73
Lewis Carroll(1832—1898) 73
Jabberwocky 73
Gerard Manley Hopkins(1844—1889) 75
Spring and Fall 75
Wallace Stevens(1879—1955) 76
Disillusionment of Ten O'clock 76
James Stephens(1882—1950) 77
The Wind 77
John Crowe Ransom(1888—1974) 77
Piazza Piece 77
Hugh MacDiarmid(1892—1978) 78
Wheesht,Wheesht 78
e.e.cummings(1894—1962) 79
anyone lived in a pretty how town 79
Robert Graves(1895—1985) 81
The Naked and the Nude 81
Richard Armour(1906— ) 82
Enticer 82
Theodore Roethke(1907—1963) 83
Dolor 83
Randall Jarrell(1914—1965) 83
The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner 83
A.R.Ammons(1926— ) 84
Spring Coming 84
John Ashbery(1927— ) 85
The Cathedral Is 85
W.S.Merwin(1927— ) 85
Song of Man Chipping an Arrowhead 85
Sylvia Plath(1932—1963) 86
Metaphors 86
Mark Strand(1934— ) 87
Eating Poetry 87
Anonymous 88
Carnation Milk 88
Chapter 4 Figures of Speech(2) 91
Ovid Publius Ovidius Naso(43 B.C.—A.D.18) 91
The Story of Tiresias 91
George Herbert(1593—1633) 92
The Collar 92
John Milton(1608—1674) 94
When I Consider How My Light Is Spent 94
Andrew Marvell(1621—1678) 94
The Garden 94
William Wordsworth(1770—1850) 97
Scorn Not the Sonnet 97
Emily Dickinson(1830—1886) 98
The Lightning is a yellow Fork 98
Christina Rossetti(1830—1894) 99
Uphill 99
Gerard Manley Hopkins(1844—1889) 100
Andromeda 100
John Boyle O'Reilly(1844—1890) 101
A White Rose 101
William Butler Yeats(1865—1939) 101
A Coat 101
Leda and the Swan 102
The Second Coming 103
Robert Frost(1874—1963) 104
Fire and Ice 104
The Road Not Taken 105
"Out,out—" 105
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 107
Wallace Stevens(1879—1955) 108
Anecdote of the Jar 108
Ezra Pound(1885—1972) 109
The Tree 109
T.S.Eliot(1888—1965) 110
The Boston Evening Transcript 110
e.e.cummings(1894—1962) 110
in Just 110
W.H.Auden(1907—1973) 112
Musée des Beaux Arts 112
Muriel Rukeyser(1913— ) 113
Myth 113
Isabella Gardener(1915—1981) 114
At a Summer Hotel 114
A.R.Ammons(1926— ) 114
Apolōgia Pro Vita Sua 114
Anne Sexton(1928—1974) 115
To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Triumph 115
Margaret Atwood(1939— ) 116
Siren Song 116
Chapter 5 Imagery 120
Walt Whitman(1819—1892) 120
Cavalry Crossing a Ford 120
Emily Dickinson(1830—1886) 120
To make a prairie 120
Gerard Manley Hopkins(1844—1889) 121
Spring 121
Oscar Wilde(1854—1900) 122
Symphony in Yellow 122
Amy Lowell(1874—1925) 123
The Taxi 123
Robert Frost(1874—1963) 124
The Silken Tent 124
Wallace Stevens(1879—1955) 124
Domination of Black 124
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird 126
William Carlos Williams(1883—1963) 129
Spring and All 129
The Red Wheelbarrow 130
Flowers by the Sea 131
Portrait of a Lady 132
Ezra Pound(1885—1972) 133
A Pact 133
In a Station of the Metro 134
Portrait d'une Femme 134
The River-Merchant's Wife:A Letter 135
H.D.(Hilda Doolittle)(1886—1961) 137
Garden 137
Oread 138
Marianne Moore(1887—1972) 139
The Mind Is an Enchanting Thing 139
Archibald MacLeish(1892—1982) 140
Ars Poetica 140
Louis MacNeice(1907—1963) 142
Museums 142
Elizabeth Bishop(1911—1979) 143
The Fish 143
Dylan Thomas(1914—1953) 146
Fern Hill 146
X.J.Kennedy(1929— ) 148
Nude Descending a Staircase 148
Chapter 6 Sound 152
Jonathan Swift(1667—1745) 152
A Description of the Morning 152
Alexander Pope(1688—1744) 153
Sound and Sense 153
Philip Freneau(1752—1832) 154
The Wild Honey Suckle 154
Edgar Allan Poe(1809—1849) 155
Annabel Lee 155
Alfred,Lord Tennyson(1809—1892) 157
The Eagle 157
Robert Browning(1812—1886) 157
Boot and Saddle 157
Thomas Westwood(1814—1888) 158
Night of Spring 158
Emily Dickinson(1830—1886) 159
To hear an Oriole sing 159
Algernon Charles Swinburne(1837—1909) 160
A Forsaken Garden 160
Thomas Hardy(1840—1928) 163
During Wind and Rain 163
Gerard Manley Hopkins(1844—1889) 165
God's Grandeur 165
Carl Sandburg(1878—1967) 165
The Harbor 165
Vachel Lindsay(1879—1931) 166
Two Old Crows 166
William Carlos Williams(1883—1963) 168
The Dance 168
Ezra Pound(1885—1972) 168
Ancient Music 168
Frances Cornford(1888—1960) 169
The Watch 169
Kenneth Burke(1897— ) 170
The Habit of Imperfect Rhyming 170
Isabella Gardner(1915— ) 171
Summer Remembered 171
Gwendolyn Brooks(1917— ) 172
We Real Cool 172
John Updike(1932— ) 173
Winter Ocean 173
Chapter 7 Metrics 176
William Shakespeare(1564—1616) 176
Sonnet 1 176
Sonnet 12 177
Ben Jonson(1572—1637) 178
To Celia 178
A Fit of Rhyme Against Rhyme 179
George Herbert(1593—1633) 181
Virtue 181
William Blake(1757—1827) 182
The Tyger 182
Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1772—1834) 183
Metrical Feet 183
Edward Bulwer-Lytton,Lord Lytton(1803—1873) 184
Absent Yet Present 184
Alfred,Lord Tennyson(1809—1892) 186
Break,Break,Break 186
Walt Whitman(1819—1892) 187
Had I the Choice 187
Emily Dickinson(1830—1886) 187
I taste a liquor never brewed 187
A.E.Housman(1859—1936) 188
Oh Who Is That Young Sinner 188
Robert Frost(1874—1963) 189
Never Again Would Bird's Song Be the Same 189
Elizabeth Bishop(1911—1979) 190
Sandpiper 190
Karl Shapiro(1913— ) 191
The Dirty Word 191
Ralph Hodgson(1913— ) 192
Eve 192
Chapter 8 Meaning 197
Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1772—1834) 197
Kubla Khan 197
John Keats(1795—1821) 200
Ode on a Grecian Urn 200
Matthew Arnold(1822—1888) 202
Dover Beach 202
William Butler Yeats(1865—1939) 204
The Wild Swans at Coole 204
Marianne Moore(1887—1972) 205
Poetry 205
John Crowe Ransom(1888—1974) 207
Blue Girls 207
Archibald MacLeish(1892—1982) 208
"Dover Beach":A Note to That Poem 208
Vicente Huidobro(1892—1949) 209
Ars Poetica 209
Robert Frost(1874—1963) 210
Birches 210
Design 212
Acquainted with the Night 213
Wallace Stevens(1879—1955) 214
The Idea of Order at Key West 214
Sunday Morning 216
William Carlos Wiiliams(1883—1963) 221
Queen-Ann's-Lace 221
e.e.cummings(1894—1962) 222
when serpents bargain for the night to squirm 222
Elizabeth Bishop(1911—1979) 223
The Man-Moth 223
Dylan Thomas(1914—1953) 225
Poem in October 225
Robert Lowell(1917—1977) 228
Skunk Hour 228
Anthony Hecht(1923— ) 230
The Dover Bitch:A Criticism of Life 230
Sylvia Plath(1932—1963) 232
Daddy 232
Chapter 9 Form 238
Sir Thomas Wyatt(1503?—1542) 238
They Flee from Me 238
Sir Philip Sidney(1554—1586) 239
From Astrophel and Stella 239
You that with allegory's curious frame 240
William Shakespeare(1564—1616) 241
Sonnet 73 241
George Herbert(1593—1633) 242
Easter Wings 242
John Dryden(1631—1700) 243
To the Memory of Mr.Oldham 243
William Wordsworth(1770—1850) 244
Mutability 244
John Keats(1795—1821) 245
If by dull rhymes our English must be chained 245
Walt Whitman(1819—1892) 246
When I heard the learn'd astronomer 246
Dante Gabriel Rossetti(1828—1882) 246
The Sonnet 246
Emily Dickinson(1830—1886) 247
The Brain,within its Groove 247
William Butler Yeats(1865—1939) 248
When Helen Lived 248
Robert Frost(1874—1963) 248
Desert Places 248
William Carlos Williams(1883—1963) 249
This is just to say 249
e.e.cummings(1894—1962) 250
[Buffalo Bill's] 250
la 251
[r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r] 252
Robert Graves(1895—1985) 252
The Troll's Nosegay 252
Theodore Roethke(1908—1963) 253
The Waking 253
Dylan Thomas(1914—1953) 254
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night 254
Lawrence Ferlinghetti(1919— ) 255
Constantly Risking Absurdity 255
Denise Levertov(1923— ) 257
O Taste and See 257
W.S.Merwin(1927— ) 258
Tergvinder's Stone 258
William Dickey(1928— ) 260
Spectrum 260
Donald Finkel(1929— ) 260
Hunting Song 260
Linda Pastan(1932— ) 262
Jump Cabling 262
Ronald Gross(1935— ) 262
Yield 262
Anonymous 263
Limericks 263
John Hollander(1929— ) 265
Swan and Shadow 265
Poems for Further Study 267
Geoffrey Chaucer(1342—1400) 267
From The Canterbury Tales 267
Edmund Spenser(1552—1599) 277
From The Faerie Queene 277
John Dryden(1631—1700) 284
A Song for St.Cecilia's Day 284
Alexander Pope(1688—1744) 287
From An Essay on Criticism 287
From The Rape of the Lock 291
Thomas Gray(1716—1771) 296
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 296
Amy Lowell(1874—1925) 299
Patterns 299
Robert Frost(1874—1963) 303
Directive 303
D.H.Lawrence(1885—1930) 305
Snake 305
Ezra Pound(1885—1972) 308
Canto 13 308
T.S.Eliot(1888—1965) 310
The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 310
The Waste Land 315
Glossary 331
References 340
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- 《王蒙文集 新版 22 诗歌 译诗 论李商隐》王蒙著 2020
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- 《李绅及其诗歌研究》严正道著 2019
- 《一千零一夜 诗歌全集 典藏本》曹乃云译 2019
- 《雪花的快乐 徐志摩诗歌散文精选集》徐志摩 2019
- 《中国公安文学精品文库 1949-2019 诗歌卷》全国公安文联 2019
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- 《高级英语阅读与听说教程》刘秀梅编著 2019
- 《计算机网络与通信基础》谢雨飞,田启川编著 2019
- 《看图自学吉他弹唱教程》陈飞编著 2019
- 《法语词汇认知联想记忆法》刘莲编著 2020
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- 《流体力学》张扬军,彭杰,诸葛伟林编著 2019