Introduction 1
1 Scattering 7
1.1 Wave properties of electrons 7
1.2 Quantum contacts 17
1.3 Scattering matrix and the Landauer formula 29
1.4 Counting electrons 41
1.5 Multi-terminal circuits 49
1.6 Quantum interference 63
1.7 Time-dependent transport 81
1.8 Andreev scattering 98
1.9 Spin-dependent scattering 114
2 Classical and semiclassical transport 124
2.1 Disorder,averaging,and Ohm's law 125
2.2 Electron transport in solids 130
2.3 Semiclassical coherent transport 137
2 4 Current conservation and Kirchhoff rules 155
2.5 Reservoirs,nodes,and connectors 165
2.6 Ohm's law for transmission distribution 175
2.7 Spin transport 187
2.8 Circuit theory of superconductivity 193
2.9 Full counting statistics 205
3 Coulomb blockade 211
3.1 Charge quantization and charging energy 212
3.2 Single-electron transfers 223
3.3 Single-electron transport and manipulation 237
3.4 Co-tunneling 248
3.5 Macroscopic quantum mechanics 264
3.6 Josephson arrays 278
3.7 Superconducting islands beyond the Josephson limit 287
4 Randomness and interference 299
4.1 Random matrices 299
4.2 Energy-level statistics 309
4.3 Statistics of transmission eigenvalues 324
4.4 Interference corrections 336
4.5 Strong localization 363
5 Qubits and quantum dots 374
5.1 Quantum computers 375
5.2 Quantum goodies 386
5.3 Quantum manipulation 397
5.4 Quantum dots 406
5.5 Charge qubits 427
5.6 Phase and flux qubits 436
5.7 Spin qubits 445
6 Interaction,relaxation,and decoherence 457
6.1 Quantization of electric excitations 458
6.2 Dissipative quantum mechanics 470
6.3 Tunneling in an electromagnetic environment 487
6.4 Electrons moving in an environment 499
6.5 Weak interaction 513
6.6 Fermionic environment 523
6.7 Relaxation and decoherence of qubits 538
6.8 Relaxation and dephasing of electrons 549
Appendix A Survival kitfor advanced quantum mechanics 562
Appendix B Survival kitfor superconductivity 566
Appendix C Unit conversion 569
References 570
Index 577
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