北京论坛(2011)论文选集 文明的和谐与共同繁荣 传统与现代、变革与转型PDF电子书下载
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- 出版年份:2222
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Opening Ceremony Speech 1
Speech at the Opening Ceremony of Beijing Forum 2011&Hao Ping 1
Keynote Speeches 5
What Changes Very Fast and What Doesn't Change:Explosive Modernity and Abiding Truth&Robert Bellah 5
Reconciling Tradition and Modernity:the Role of Universities&Colin Lucas 12
Understanding the Foundations of All Political Systems:Leadership,Law and Local Government&Roger Myerson 18
China's Economic Development and Cultural Renaissance in the Multipolar Growth World of the 21 st Century&Justin Yifu Lin 29
Panel Session Papers 47
The Idea of Asia in Modern History&Sugata Bose 47
Unchangeable Features of Chinese Society as Seen by Foreigners in the Late Qing and Their Fate in the Early 21 st Century:Looking Back on a Century of Revolution,Reform and Social Change&Marianne BASTID-BRUGUIERE 61
War and Revolution:the Military Question in Revolutionary France&Alan Forrest 75
Choosing Priorities to Balance Economic Growth and Environmental Protection&Ross McKitrick 94
Voluntary Environmental Agreements as a Tool for Pollution Reduction in China&John W.Maxwell 104
Epistemological and Methodological Implications of Lesson Study&Chen Xiangming 120
Sustained Innovation in Classroom Practices:the Role of Educational Researchers as Meso-Level Actors&Chee-Kit Looi 130
The New Resource Politics:Can Australia and South Africa Accommodate China?&Mark Beeson,Mills Soko,Wang Yong 149
The Financial Crisis and the Developing Countries:the Search for a Progressive Global Development Agenda&Fantu Cheru 177
American Art and the Problem of Artistic Heritage&Cynthia Mills 192
The Decline of American Film Narrative:Movies,Money,and the Culture of Distraction&Daniel Gurskis 203
Facing Authority:Tradition and Innovation in Portraits of Leaders from the Renaissance to the Present&Erin Griffey 214
Cities and Services in the Knowledge Economy&Riccardo Cappellin 223
A Model and Empirical Study of the Symbiotic Development between the Producer-service Industry and the Manufacturing Industry of the Yangtze River Delta&Sun Jiuwen,Li Aimin 251
Spatial Inequalities and Urban Transformation&Dao-Zhi Zeng 266
Standards,Consumer Welfare,and Competition:What China Can Do with Food Standards and Cloud Standards&Eric K.Clemons 276
The Impact of the WTO on the Legal Systems of Its Members&Guiguo Wang 303
Closing Ceremony Speech 317
Speech at the Closing Ceremony of Beijing Forum 2011&Zhou Qifeng 317
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