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- 出版年份:2222
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Strout's First Column 5
The Trouble with Congress 8
The War vs. "Normalcy" 11
A Look at the Seventy-eighth Congress 13
Barkley Resigns 15
War and the Future 17
Fala Speech 19
Roosevelt-Dewey 21
FDR's Death 24
THE TRUMAN YEARS (1945-1952) 29
The Greatest Scientific Gamble in History 31
The First Six Months 34
Reuther vs. GM 36
Vandenberg 39
Bilbo 41
Postwar Internationalism 43
Alter, Quick, Breezy 44
Time for Leadership 46
Dewey vs. Truman in 48
Full Dinner Pail for Europe 50
Herbert Hoover 52
Taft-Hartley 54
Hollywood Red Probe 56
Five Decisions for 58
Truman Will Be Licked 61
Campaign Special 63
Can Dewey Snoot Truman? 66
Harry's Gallant Fight 68
"The Dewey Victory" 70
Victorious Harry 72
The State of the Union 74
The Two-Headed Turtle 77
Are You Now or Have You Ever Been? 79
Acheson 82
"That's Our Harry" 84
J. Edgar Hoover 86
Executive Order on Korea 87
The MacArthur-McCarty Team 89
General Eisenhower and Senator Taft 91
"Truman Can't Avoid Firing MacArthur" 94
Russian Aggression and the "Middle Way" 95
Ike Didn't Say No 97
The A-Bomb and McMahon 99
Cabot Lodge 101
Churchill and Sir Walter Raleigh 103
Margaret Chase Smith 105
Ike in Abilene 107
Stevenson 111
Will Ike Beat Ike? 114
THE EISENHOWER YEARS (1952-1960) 117
The President-Elect Meets with Taft 119
The 80-Percent Press 121
The Senate Still Fears Joe McCarthy 123
Millionaire Cabinet 126
Dulles Sees Pink Elephants 128
GOP Dream World Collapses 131
The Vice-President 133
Herbert Brownell 136
Eisenhower's Program 138
Indochina 141
Some Praise for Eisenhower 143
"The Most Electrifying Words in the English Language" 146
Midterm Security 148
A Visit with Lincoln 151
Stevenson No Match for Prosperity 153
Kick-off Dinner 155
Stevenson vs. Kefauver 157
The Republican Convention 159
Stevenson Disappoints 164
First Lame-Duck President 166
Inaugural Parade 168
Regulatory Agencies 171
Civil Rights 174
Little Rock 175
Space Age 177
1957-Incredible Year 178
Sherman Adams 181
Quemoy and Matsu 183
Nixon Moves In 185
Something But the Truth 188
Johnson & Martin & Halleck 190
"Imagine Him as President Kennedy" 192
The Khrushchev Visit 194
The Upper-class Accent 197
U-2 199
Johnson-Kennedy Confrontation 202
Are Nixon and Kennedy Two Peas in a Pod? 204
The Catholic Issue 207
By 300,000 Votes Out of 67 Million 210
THE KENNEDY YEARS (1961-1963) 213
Ring Up the Curtain 215
Wake Up, America 217
Sail On 219
The Worst and the Best 221
"A Major Risk of War" 224
The Big Four 226
The Congressional Cycle 228
The Rules Committee 231
The Lobbies 234
The Kennedy Technique 236
Unemployment 239
Limitations of the Office 241
The Political Risks 244
Civil Rights 246
How We Look 249
THE JOHNSON YEARS (1963-1968) 253
What About 1964? 255
Hand It to Lyndon 258
TRB's Twentieth 260
The War on Poverty 263
Martin Luther King 266
Johnson-Humphrey vs. Goldwater-Miller 268
"Goldwater Will Be Badly Defeated" 271
Johnson Wins 273
New Deal II 276
TRB's Mother 278
Papa Knows Best 281
The McCarran Act 284
Predictions 286
Stuffed with Goodies 289
Capital Portraits 291
"Fellow Amuricans" 294
Three, Two, One...Ignition! 297
Robert Kennedy 302
Nuclear Balance of Terror 305
Step Up or Escalate 307
Jobs and Social Justice 310
"The Likability Gap" 312
Cloudy Crystal Ball 315
Off the Track 318
Johnson Won't Run Again 320
What Happens to Our Most Cherished: Kennedy and King 323
Resurrection City 326
Gun Control and the Death of Bobby Kennedy 328
Riots in Chicago 331
Nixon Will Beat Humphrey 334
Humphrey's Logorrhea 336
THE NIXON YEARS (1968-1974) 341
"Mr. Nixon Will Offer Bad Solutions" 343
The Nixon Coalition 345
The Warren Court 348
Senate Hearings 351
Lindsay and Muskie 354
Nixon and the Press 356
The Crime Men: Clark and Hoover 359
The Greatest Problem in the United States 362
The Record of the Ninety-first 365
Arthur Burns 368
Veteran Protest 370
Noncandidate Kennedy 373
Pilgrimage 376
Press Conferences-Harding to Nixon 379
Busing 382
Nixon vs. McGovern 384
The Watergate Caper 387
The Two-Party System Is Collapsing 390
Kissinger Explains the Christmas Bombing 393
Does He Believe What He Say? 396
Faults in the Constitution 399
TRB Remembers 402
Agnew-Not Like Other Men 405
The Era of Scarcity 407
James Madison on Impeachment 410
Mr. Middle America 413
The Call of Duty 416
Remembering D-Day 419
Nixon Resigns 422
THE FORD YEARS (1974-1976) 425
Our Form of Government 427
An Incredible Year 430
I Dissent 432
House of File Cards 435
The Bicentennial 438
Groping for Myths 441
Great Political Speeches 444
Muskie 447
Campaigning in New Hampshire 449
What Carter's Not 452
The Incumbent 455
Listen to Fritz 458
The Electoral College 461
Waiting for the Last Act 464
THE CARTER YEARS (1976-1978) 467
I Solemnly Swear 469
Report Card 472
Eight Million Illegal Immigrants 475
Silent Cal 478
Senator Byrd 481
Terror 484
When Isolationism Died 486
The Economic Report 489
Tax Time 492
A Puff for Jimmy 495
E. B. White Defines Democracy 498
Jimmy Parts the Red Sea 501
Strout's Far-from-Last Word 505
Index 515
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