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我的单词笔记  大学疯狂英语
我的单词笔记  大学疯狂英语

我的单词笔记 大学疯狂英语PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:黄欣,张淑芳主编
  • 出 版 社:广州:中山大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787306036254
  • 页数:520 页
《我的单词笔记 大学疯狂英语》目录

Unit 1 Daily Life日常生活 2

Section 1 Walk Freely天马行空 2

Section 2 Various“Talks”你说我说 6

Section 3 Fire and Heat如火如荼 10

Section 4 Trees and Flowers花草树木 12

Section 5 Supply and Consume供给消费 14

Section 6 Agree and Disagree百家争鸣 16

Section 7 Admit and Deny承认否认 18

Section 8 Ability and Handicap能力障碍 22

Section 9 Project and Projection工程推测 26

Section 10 Botany植物学科 28

Section 11 Zoology and Organism动物生物 30

Section 12 The Twelve Zodiac Signs十二生肖 34

Section 13 Constellation神秘星座 36

Section 14 一组近形近音词 38

Review Test 1复习测验1 40

Unit 2 Human Beings人类 44

Section 1 Facial Appearances五官面貌 44

Section 2 Body Organs血肉之躯 46

Section 3 Body Activities肢体活动 48

Section 4 Character and Personality性格个性 50

Section 5 Senses and Perception感官认知 52

Section 6 Watch你看我看 54

Section 7 Spiritual and Physical灵魂肉体 56

Section 8 Cry and Laugh哭哭笑笑 58

Section 9 Surprise and Anger惊讶愤怒 60

Section 10 Like and Dislike爱憎分明 64

Section 11 Perspiration and Inspiration汗水与灵感 68

Section 12 Repel and Detest憎恶之极 70

Section 13 Happen and Occur发生出现 72

Section 14 Think and Infer推理论断 74

Review Test 2复习测验2 76

Unit 3 Medicine,Food,Clothing and Houses医助我行 80

Section 1 Cook and Eat烹饪进餐 80

Section 2 Vegetables and Grains蔬菜谷物 82

Section 3 Tastes苦辣酸甜 84

Section 4 Clothing穿衣戴帽 86

Section 5 Toilet沐浴更衣 88

Section 6 Illness and Pain疾病疼痛 92

Section 7 Diseases and Ailments百病缠身 94

Section 8 Hospital and Doctor投医问药 98

Section 9 Medicines and Medical Aids药品器械 100

Section 10 Live and Die生死攸关 102

Section 11 Last最后时刻 104

Section 12 Mean and Order意义命令 106

Review Test 3复习测验3 110

Unit 4 Entertainment and Travel娱乐和旅游 114

Section 1 Entertainment and Leisure Activities娱乐休闲 114

Section 2 Art World艺术世界 116

Section 3 Passengers and Transit乘客通行 118

Section 4 Date and Appointment预订有约 120

Section 5 Resort and Relic名胜遗迹 122

Section 6 Landscape风景地貌 124

Section 7 Pollution and Destruction污染破坏 126

Section 8 Departure and Destination出发和目的地 128

Section 9 Deliver and Commute运送和通勤 130

Section 10 Beforehand and Afterwards之前其后 132

Section 11 Grasp and Comprehend掌握理解 134

Section 12 一组常见的缩写 136

Review Test 4复习测验4 138

Unit 5 Economics and Finance经济金融 142

Section 1 Money and Bank Ⅰ货币银行(一) 142

Section 2 Money and Bank Ⅱ货币银行(二) 144

Section 3 Possessions and Debt Ⅰ资产负债(一) 146

Section 4 Possessions and Debt Ⅱ资产负债(二) 148

Section 5 Buy and Sell Ⅰ买进卖出(一) 150

Section 6 Buy and Sell Ⅱ买进卖出(二) 152

Section 7 Payment有偿支付 154

Section 8 Market and Economy市场经济 156

Section 9 Borrow and Return有借有还 158

Section 10 International Trade国际贸易 160

Section 11 Distribute and Unload分配卸货 162

Section 12 Diplomacy外交事务 164

Review Test 5复习测验5 166

Unit 6 Company and Organization公司和机构 170

Section 1 Company and Corporation公司集团 170

Section 2 Negotiation and Mediation谈判调停 172

Section 3 Agreement and Arbitration协商仲裁 174

Section 4 Declare and Announce声明和公告 176

Section 5 Profession and Career职场生涯 178

Section 6 Bonus and Welfare奖金福利 180

Section 7 Various Occupations职业拼盘 182

Section 8 Conference and Assembly会议议会 184

Section 9 Present and Absent出席缺席 186

Section 10 Tax and Tariff纳税通关 188

Section 11 Prosperity and Recession繁荣衰退 190

Review Test 6复习测验6 192

Unit 7 Nations and Races民族与种族 196

Section 1 Election and Vote竞选与投票 196

Section 2 Kingdom and Republic王国和共和国 198

Section 3 Capital and Metropolis首都和大都会 200

Section 4 Nation and Race Ⅰ民族与种族(一) 202

Section 5 Nation and Race Ⅱ民族与种族(二) 204

Section 6 Preserve and Violate维护与侵犯 206

Section 7 -serve-serve一族 208

Section 8 Society and Administrative Division行政社会 210

Section 9 Long and Short长短相接 212

Section 10 Wide and Narrow宽窄空间 214

Section 11 High and Low高低不等 216

Review Test 7复习测验7 218

Unit 8 Crime and Punishment罪与罚 222

Section 1 Crimes罪行种种 222

Section 2 Kill and Stab刺杀行动 224

Section 3 Defend and Offend抵御冒犯 226

Section 4 Suspect怀疑嫌犯 228

Section 5 Court and Justice法庭正义 230

Section 6 Lawyers律师众相 232

Section 7 Legislation and Jurisdiction立法司法 234

Section 8 Wars and Combats战争格斗 236

Section 9 Conflicts and Quarrels冲突争吵 238

Section 10 Assembly and Conference Ⅰ集会会议(一) 240

Section 11 Assembly and Conference Ⅱ集会会议(二) 242

Section 12 Defective and Perfect瑕不掩瑜 244

Section 13 Strong and Weak恃强凌弱 246

Review Test 8复习测验8 248

Unit 9 Win and Lose输和赢 252

Section 1 Prophecy and Probability预言和可能 252

Section 2 Competition and Win-Lose比赛和输赢 254

Section 3 Desert and Treasure丢弃与珍惜 256

Section 4 Light and Shadow光影之间 258

Section 5 Intelligence and Wit智力与智慧 260

Section 6 Man Proposes,God Disposes谋事在人,成事在天 262

Section 7 Thorough and Through彻底穿过 264

Section 8 两个多义词Object and Subject 266

Section 9 近形近音词Ⅰ 268

Section 10 近形近音词Ⅱ 270

Review Test 9复习测验9 272

Unit 10 Numbers and Measurement数字计量 276

Section 1 Measurement and Weight测量重量 276

Section 2 Calculation and Numbers计算数字 280

Section 3 Shapes形状各异 284

Section 4 Increase and Decrease有增有减 286

Section 5 Collection and Distribution收集分发 288

Section 6 Part and Whole局部整体 292

Section 7 Time分秒必争 296

Section 8 Guess and Estimate猜测估量 298

Section 9 Rise and Fall有升有降 300

Section 10 常用词组1 302

Section 11 常用词组2 304

Review Test 10复习测验10 306

Unit 11 Astronomy and Geography天文地理 310

Section 1 Astronomy天文科学 310

Section 2 Meterology and Climatology气象气候 312

Section 3 Physical Geography自然地理 314

Section 4 Adventure and Circumstance冒险环境 316

Section 5 Alter and Transform改变变形 318

Section 6 Natural and Artificial天然人工 322

Section 7 Cut and Crack割裂开来 324

Section 8 Patience and Insistence耐心坚持 326

Section 9 Oppress and Suppress压制镇压 330

Section 10 Encourage and Discourage鼓励制止 332

Section 11 Tobacco and Liquor烟酒一家 334

Section 12 一组近形近音词 336

Review Test 11复习测验11 338

Unit 12 Science and Dialectics科学与辩证法 342

Section 1 Science and Technology科学技术 342

Section 2 History and Heritage历史承继 344

Section 3 Barrier妨碍阻碍 348

Section 4 Progress and Recession进步退步 350

Section 5 Fortune and Misfortune幸与不幸 352

Section 6 Appear and Vanish出现消失 354

Section 7 Logic and Philosophy逻辑哲学 356

Section 8 Electric and Electronic电气电子 358

Section 9 Accept and Decline接受婉拒 360

Section 10 Concord and Discord和谐失调 362

Section 11 Sympathy and Mercy同情怜悯 364

Review Test 12复习测验12 366

Unit 13 Prepositional Phrases介词短语 370

Section 1 At and By在某处;靠近 370

Section 2 As,Under and But如同;在……下面;但是 372

Section 3 On and Off在……上;离开 374

Section 4 With,Without and In和;没有;在……内 376

Section 5 Out(从……里)出来 378

Section 6 Of属于(某人) 380

Section 7 To向,朝,往 382

Section 8 For给,对,供 384

Section 9 From始于,来自 386

Review Test 13复习测验13 388

Unit 14 Verbal Phrases动词短语 392

Section 1 Break打破 392

Section 2 See and Watch看见;观看 394

Section 3 Make做 396

Section 4 Put放 400

Section 5 Set放置,安置 402

Section 6 Speak and Tell说话;告诉 404

Section 7 Say,Talk and Hear说;讲;听到 406

Section 8 Call呼叫 408

Section 9 Hand交给 410

Section 10 Hold拥有 412

Section 11 Have持有 414

Section 12 Keep保持 418

Section 13 Stand and Stay站;暂住 420

Section 14 Give给予,授予 422

Section 15 Catch and Bring捕捉;带来 424

Section 16 Take拿,取走 426

Section 17 Come来,接近 430

Section 18 Go走,离开 434

Section 19 Run跑,移动 438

Section 20 Get获得,收到 440

Section 21 Turn转动,改变 442

Section 22 Fall落下,来临 444

Review Test 14复习测验14 446

附录 450

附录1:本书词汇索引 450

附录2:练习答案 515
