左学右练英语翻译写作 3PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵世平主编
- 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7560513123
- 页数:253 页
上篇 翻译 2
Unit 1 Translation of Descriptive Essays 2
1 原文欣赏 An October Sunrise 2
1.1 译文欣赏和练习 3
2 原文欣赏 The Break-up of a Great Drought 4
1.2 译文欣赏和练习 5
3 原文欣赏 The Giants of Easter Island 6
1.3.A 译文欣赏和练习 7
1.3.B 译文欣赏和练习 9
4 原文欣赏 Bessie Gold 10
1.4 译文欣赏和练习 11
5 原文欣赏 Accepting the Command of the Army 12
1.5译文欣赏和练习 13
6 原文欣赏 Shakespeare Stratford-upon-avon 14
1.6译文欣赏和练习 15
7 原文欣赏 Lincoln Character 16
1.7译文欣赏和练习 17
8 原文欣赏 The Two Roads 18
1.8译文欣赏和练习 19
Unit 2 Translation of Narrative Essays 20
1 原文欣赏 A Driving Offence 20
2.1译文欣赏和练习 21
2 原文欣赏 Poem for a Cop 22
2.2译文欣赏和练习 23
3 原文欣赏 My Meeting with Charlie Chaplin 24
2.3.A 译文欣赏和练习 25
2.3.B译文欣赏和练习 27
4 原文欣赏 History of Canberra 28
2.4.A 欣赏和练习 29
2.4.B 译文欣赏和练习 31
5 原文欣赏 Early Efforts at Writing 32
2.5 译文欣赏和练习 33
6 原文欣赏 The Hot Dog 34
2.6 翻译练习 35
7 原文欣赏 The Night the President Met the Burglar 36
2.7.A 译文欣赏和练习 37
2.7.B 译文欣赏和练习 39
8 原文欣赏 When East Meets West 40
2.8 译文欣赏和练习 41
9 原文欣赏 Cruel to be Kind 42
2.9 译文欣赏和练习 43
10 原文欣赏 Gambling Fever Grips the U.S. 44
2.10.A 译文欣赏和练习 45
2.10.B 译文欣赏和练习 47
Unit 3 Translation of Expository Essays 48
1 原文欣赏 Going Home 48
3.1.A 译文欣赏 49
3.1.B 欣赏和练习 51
2 原文欣赏 Your Speech Is Changing 52
3.2.A 译文欣赏和练习 53
3.2.B 译文欣赏和练习 55
3 原文欣赏How Do Homing Pigeons Find Home 56
3.3.A 译文欣赏和练习 57
3.3.B 译文欣赏和练习 59
4 原文欣赏 Life in the United States 60
3.4 译文欣赏和练习 61
5 原文欣赏 Why It So Hard to Quit Smoking 62
3.5 译文欣赏和练习 63
6 原文欣赏 Small Business 64
3.6 译文欣赏和练习 65
7 原文欣赏 Hi-Definition TV 66
3.7 译文欣赏和练习 67
Unit 4 Translation of Argumentative Essays 68
1 原文欣赏 Pollution Is a Dirty Word 68
4.1 译文欣赏和练习 69
2 原文欣赏 Pens 70
4.2 译文欣赏和练习 71
3 原文欣赏 Is TV a Plus or a Minus? 72
4.3 译文欣赏和练习 73
4 原文欣赏 Of Studies 74
4.4 译文欣赏 75
5 原文欣赏 The Balance of Nature 76
4.5 译文欣赏和练习 77
6 原文欣赏 The Magic of Maps 78
4.6.A 译文欣赏和练习 79
4.6.B 译文欣赏和练习 81
7 原文欣赏 Two Truths to Live By 82
4.7 译文欣赏 83
1.1 Diction(谴词) 96
1.1.1 Connotations and Denotations(内涵和外延) 96
下篇 写作 96
Unit 1 Effective Writing(写作要领) 96
1.1.2 Abstract and Concrete Words(抽象词汇和具体词汇) 98
1.1.3 General and Specific Words(概括词汇和具体词汇) 98
1.1.4 Formal and Informal Words(正式词汇和非正式词汇) 98
1.2 Unity(统一性) 100
1.3.1 The Use of Pronouns(代词的使用) 102
1.3 Coherence(连贯性) 102
1.3.2 Repetition of Key Words(关键词的重复) 104
1.3.3 The Use of Transitions(使用过渡语) 106
1.3.4 Paragraph Transitions(段落间的过渡语) 108
1.4 Adequate Development(充分的展开) 110
1.5 Figures of Speech(基本修辞手法在句子中的使用) 112
1.5.1 Simile and Metaphor(明喻和暗喻) 112
1.5.2 Metonymy and Synecdoche(借代和提喻) 114
1.5.3 Euphemism(委婉语) 116
Unit 2 Practical guide to Taking English exams(应试指南) 118
2.1 Introduction to Writing in College English Test,Band 6,Pats,and Gmat(CET、Band6、Pats和Gmat应试简介) 118
2.2 How to Improve Your Writing Skills(如何提高写作技能) 120
2.3 Some Tips for Examinees(应试须知) 122
2.4 Practical Guide to CET Band 6 Composition(CET六级考试指南) 124
2.4.1 Writing Abstracts(摘要写作) 124
2.4.2 Writing Letters(书信写作) 128
3.1 Narration(记叙文) 130
Unit 3 Four Types of Writing(四种文体) 130
3.2 Description(描写文) 134
3.2.1 Description of a person(人物描写) 134
3.2.2 Description of an object(物体描写) 138
3.2.3 Description of a place(地点描写) 140
3.3 Exposition(说明文) 144
3.3.1 Chronology(时间顺序) 144
3.3.2 Spatial Order(空间顺序) 146
3.3.3 Exemplification(举例说明) 148
3.3.4 Process Analysis(过程分析) 150
3.3.5 Comparison and Contrast(比较对照) 154
3.3.6 Cause and Effect(因果分析法) 160
3.3.7 Division and Classification(分类) 164
3.3.8 Definition(定义) 166
3.4 Argumentation(议论文) 168
Unit 4 Writing research papers(论文写作) 172
4.1 Steps for Preparing a Research Paper(准备论文的步骤) 172
4.3 Guidelines for Writing the Rough Draft(草稿指南) 178
4.2 Guidelines for Taking Notes(笔记指南) 178
4.4 Documentation:Endnotes,Footnotes,and Parenthetical References(引用:尾注、脚注、括号注解) 180
4.5 Bibliography(参考文献) 182
4.6 Sample Page from a Student Research Paper(学生论文样页) 184
Unit 5 Practical writing(应用文写作) 190
5.1 Personal letters(个人信件) 190
5.2 Application for Entry to a Collage(求学信) 192
5.3 Application for a Job(求职信) 194
5.4 Letters of Recommendation(推荐信) 196
5.5 Memorandum(备忘录) 198
5.6 Letters of Complaints(抱怨信) 200
5.7 Resume(个人简历) 202
Key to the Exercises 207
Appendix:Test Your Ability 246
Test 1 249
Test 2 250
Test 3 252
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