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中国古代笑话  汉英对照
中国古代笑话  汉英对照

中国古代笑话 汉英对照PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:吕锡章译
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京出版社
  • 出版年份:1988
  • ISBN:7200002224
  • 页数:132 页
《中国古代笑话 汉英对照》目录

1. 巧言 Cunning Words 1

2. 丢话 Forgetting the Speech 2

3. 占座位 Occupying a Seat 3

4. 我冻你儿 Freezing your Son 4

5. 死错了人 The Man Died May be Wrong 5

6. 你,我,她 You, I and She 7

7. 前面不也在下雨吗 Is It Not Raining Ahead 9

8. 换信瓤 Exchanging Letters in Two Envelopes 10

9. 钻火 Boring Wood to Get Fire 11

10. 耐性 Patience 11

11. 还没有实现的事情 A Fond Dream 13

12. 不能赊 Don t Sell on Credit 16

13. 急性子人 A Fiery-tempered Man 17

14. 胡说八道 Talking Non-sense 18

16. 念佛 Praying to Buddha 20

15. 夫人属牛 She was Born in the Year o? the Ox 20

17. 看戏 Watching an Opera 21

18. 有天没日 No Law in the Official Court 22

19. 生死关头 A Matter of Life and Death 23

20. 不下大雪怎么读书 Studying by the Glare of Snow 24

21. 贼为什么今天不来 Why is the Thief Not Coming Today 26

22. 使人心疼 This Makes My Heart Ache 27

23. 屋里屋外 Inside the House and Outside the House 28

24. 永不满足 Never to be Contented 29

25. 利息跑掉了 The Interest Lost 30

26. 驱蚊符 The Magie Spells to Expel Mosquitoes 31

27. 谁叫你许下日子的 Making No Promise 32

28. 愚人买鞋 Go on a Fool s Errand 33

29. 合伙酿酒 Entering into Partnership to Make Wine 34

30. 不会丢的 It Won t Lose 35

31. 靠谁养活 Who will Care to Support Me 36

32. 近视眼 Two Short-sighted Mon 37

33. 保留面子 Save my Face 38

34. 树丫叉 The Forked Branches 39

35. 借牛 Borrowing an Ox 40

36. 锯竹竿 Cutting the Bamboo in Two 41

37. 粪在嘴边 The Excrement on His Lips 42

38. 一半价 Selling at Half Price 43

39. 没有礼貌 Having no Manners 44

40. 根本没有看见一个人 Not Seeing a Single Man 45

41. 与我无关 It s None of my Business 46

42. 咬自己的鼻子 Biting Off his Own Nose 47

43. 亲戚朋友 Relatives and Friends 49

44. 只相信自己的儿子 Trusting in His Son Only 50

45. 补衣服 Mending Garment 51

46. 搬家 Changing Residences 52

47. 性命也不要了 My Life is Worth Nothing 53

48. 追逐臭味的人 Seeking Foul Odour 54

49. 逐客 Showing the Visitor the Door 55

50. 打酒 Buying Wine 56

51. 奉承 Flattery 57

52. 三千食客 Three Thousand Hangers-on 59

53. 月蚀 The Lunar Eclipse 61

54. 屋漏何必修理 Why Should I Have Repaired the Leaky House 63

55. 何必懊悔 Why Repent 63

56. 吹牛的大嘴 A Big Boasting Mouth 64

57. 雨怕抽税 The Rain is in Fear of Taxation 65

58. 老虎暂时经过 The Tiger just Passed Through Here 67

59. 大门和嘴巴 The Gate and the Mouth 68

60. 慢性子人 A Phlegmatic Man 69

61. 卖药人 The Drug Dealer 70

62. 免得麻雀散伙 Let No Sparrows to be Separated 71

63. 甘蔗渣 Bagasse 72

64. 不要砍坏老虎的皮 Don t Spoil the Skin of the Tiger 72

65. 六只脚更快 Six Legs Run Faster 73

66. 煮竹席 Boiling the Bamboo Mat 74

67. 石学士 The Stone Scholar 75

68. 不咸的盐 The Salt is Not Salty 76

69. 第七只烧饼 The 7th Cake 77

70. 夏天戴毡帽 Wearing a Felt Hat in Summer 77

71. 买盒火柴 Buying a Box of Matches 78

72. 咸鸭生蛋 Eggs Laid by Salted Ducks 79

73. 吃力不讨好 The Thankless Task 80

74. 听打 Hitting with Compensation for one s Life 81

75. 拿什么下饭 What are We Going to Have for Meal 81

76. 外面怎知道 Not Knowing Outside 82

77. 剥皮 Exploiting the People 83

78. 急性子 Impetuosity 85

79. 秋蝉 The Autumn Cicadas 86

80. 父子一样笨 Like Father, Like Son 87

81. 瞌睡法 The Way of Dozing off 88

82. 一丈长的脸 A Face of Ten Feet Long 89

83. 什么都是京城的好 Everything in the Capital is Better 91

84. 挤撞落水 Drowned by Jostling Each Other 92

85. 卖弄 Showing Off 93

86. 这只也是九百 This also Costs Nine Hundred 95

87. 没有人磨墨 In Need of Help 96

88. 裁官服 Making an Official Garment 97

89. “万”字 The Word “Wan” (万) (means 10 thousand) 98

90. 医驼背 Curing Hunchback 100

91. 喝鱼汤 Taking Fish Soup 101

92. 烟熏蚊子 Smoking Mosquitoes Out 103

93. 各不相让 No Submission 104

94. 呆鸟 The Dull Bird 105

95. 一起埋了罢 Burying Them All 106

96. 神仙也难做 Hardships of a Celestial Being 107

97. 书是印成的 Books are Printed for Gaining Knowledge 108

98. 酒鬼 The Drunkard 109

99. “一”字 The Word “One” 110

100. 两个懒汉 Two Lazybones 111

101. 让他猜 Let Him Guess 112

102. 冒充内行 Pretending to be an Expert 113

103. 妻子的祈祷 The Wife s Prayer 114

104. 迷信风水 Practising Geomancy 115

106. 戒酒 Abstaining from Drinking 116

105. 不吃素 No Vegetarian 116

107. 都是瞎子 All are Blind 117

108. 一毛不拔 A Stingy Monkey 118

109. 跌倒 Slipping 119

110. 糟蹋扇子 Spoiling the Fan 119

111. 懒汉的志愿 The Wills of Lazy-bones 120

112. 千手观音 The Guanyin (观音) with a Thousand Hands 121

113. 多花一文钱也别救我 Life is By No Means Valuable 122

114. 怎样散财 How to Give Out the Money 124

115. 不认输 No Submission to Public Opinion 125

116. 刮地皮 Battening on Extortions 126

117. 医生与公主 The Physician and the Princess 127

118. 感激不尽 A Thousand Thanks 128

119. 看守杨柳 Watching Over the Willow-trees 129

120. 都一样 Exactly the Same 130

121. 习惯 The Habit 131
