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  • 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:周国珍等主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:730902639X
  • 页数:773 页

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a3 1

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a5 1

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by12 124

C 124

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chief 141

childlike 141

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choose2 142

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chocolate2 142

Chinese New Year 142

Christmas 143

church 143

cinema 143

circle1 143

circle2 143

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D 181

daily 181

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dare2 183

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day 185

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decision 188

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declare 189

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defer 191

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delay2 192

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define 192

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delightful 194

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density 195

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demand2 195

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despite2 200

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despite4-although 200

detail 201

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destroy2 201

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destination-destiny 201

determined-chosen 202

detest 202

devote 202

dial 202

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die3 203

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died-dead 203

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different4 205

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difficult2 205

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dim 206

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directly2 207

directly1 207

direct2-directly 207

direct1-directly 207

dinner2-take,have 207

direction1 208

direction2 208

disable1 208

disable2-damage 208

disable3-unable 208

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disappear2 209

disappointed 209

disappointing 209

discover-invent 210

discount2 210

discourage 210

discern 210

disaster 210

discount1 210

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discussed 211

discussion 211

disease 212

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disgust2 212

disinterested1-uninterested 212

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display 213

dislike1 213

disinterested2-uninterested 213

dislike2 213

disposal1 214

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dispose1 214

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distance1 215

distance2 215

dispute 215

disposed2 215

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distinct-distinctive 216

distinguish 216

distress 216

distribute1-divide 216

divide2 217

divide1 217

divorce 217

diversion 217

dive 217

distribute2 217

division-diversion 217

do1 218

do2 218

do3 218

do4-make 218

done 219

don t 219

does not-doesn t 219

doctor 219

do5-did 219

dot 220

doubt1 220

doubt2 220

doubt3 220

doubtful 221

doubt7-suspect 221

doubt4 221

doubt6-no,without 221

doubt5 221

downstairs 222

downtown 222

doze-off,away 222

dozen1 222

dozen2 223

dozen3 223

Dr. 223

draughts 223

draw 223

dread 223

dress4 224

dress3 224

dream2 224

dress1-coat 224

dream1 224

dress2 up-dress 224

dressing-dressed 225

drink1 225

drink2 225

drink3 225

drunk 225

drunken-drunk 225

dried-dry 226

due to-owing to 226

during1 226

during2-for 226

each1 227

each2 227

duty 227

E 227

during4 227

during3-while 227

each3 228

each4 228

each5 228

each6 228

each7 228

each8-every 228

each9-every 229

each10-none 229

each11 229

each12 229

earth2 230

earth1 230

earth3 230

each13-other 230

early 230

each15 230

each14-other 230

earn 230

earthen-earthly 231

ease1 231

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ease3 231

easiness1-ease 231

easiness2-ease 232

east-in,to 232

easter 232

eastward 232

easy1 232

echo2 233

economic1 233

eatable-edible 233

echo1 233

easy2-liable 233

economic2 234

economical-economic 234

economics1 234

economics2-economy 234

economy 234

edible-eatable 234

edition1-publication 235

edition2-version 235

educate 235

effect1-affect 235

efficient-effective 236

effected-affected 236

effect2-affect 236

effective-efficient 236

effort 237

either1 237

either2 237

either3 237

either4...or 238

either5...or 238

either6 238

either7 238

either8 238

elder-older 238

electrical2 239

electricity 239

electric-electrical 239

electrical1-electrified 239

elect-select 239

eldest 239

else1 240

else2 240

embark-board 240

embarrass1 240

embarrass2 241

emergence-emergency 241

emergency-emergence 241

emigrant-immigrant 241

emigrate-immigrate 241

empty1 242

employment 242

emotion 242

emphasize 242

employ 242

empty2-vacant 243

encourage 243

end1-in,at 243

end2(in the end-finally) 243

end3 243

end4 244

endure1-tolerate 244

endure2 244

energetic 244

engage1 244

engage2 244

engage3 244

English4 245

English5 245

English3-Englishman 245

English2 245

English1 245

enjoy1 246

enjoy2 246

enjoy3-appreciate 246

enjoy4-rejoice 246

enjoy5-rejoice 246

enjoy6-appreciate 247

enjoy7-sample 247

enjoy8 247

enlargement-enlarging 247

enlarging 247

enlighten1-lighten 247

enough3 248

enough2 248

enlighten2-lighten 248

enough1 248

enough4 249

enough5 249

enquire/inquire-for,about 249

ensure1-insure 249

ensure2-assure 249

enter1 250

enter2 250

enter3-enter into 250

enthusiasm 250

entrance 250

equal4-in,to 251

equally 251

equal2 251

equal1 251

equal3 251

equipment1 252

equipment2 252

errand 252

error 252

escape1 252

especial-special 253

escape3-evasion 253

escape2-evade 253

especially1-specially 254

especially2-specially 254

especially3 254

Esq. 254

essential1 254

esteem3-estimate 255

esteem2 255

essential2 255

establish2 255

establish1-erect 255

esteem1 255

estimate 256

estimation 256

evade 256

evasion1-escape 256

evasion2 256

even1-also 256

even5-though 257

even6-though 257

even4 257

even3 257

even2 257

even7-even if 258

even8-although 258

evening 258

event1 258

event2 258

ever1-always 258

ever2 259

every1 259

every2 259

every3 259

every4 259

every8-each 260

every9-either 260

every7-each 260

every6-each 260

every5 other-each other 260

every10 body 261

every11 one 261

every12 one-everyone 261

every13 thing 261

every14 thing 261

every15 time 261

everybody1 262

everybody2 262

everyday 262

everyone1 262

exact-precise 263

evidence 263

everywhere 263

everything 263

everyone3-every one 263

everyone2 263

examination1 264

examination2 264

examine 264

example 264

except1 265

except2 265

except3-except for 265

except4-besides 266

except5-unless 266

exception 266

exchange-with,for 266

excitement 267

exciting-excited 267

excited1 267

excited2-nervous 267

excited3-exciting 267

excuse1 268

excuse2-forgive 268

execute 268

executor-executioner 268

exercise 268

exhausting1-exhausted 269

exhausting2-exhaustive 269

exist 269

expect1 269

expect2 269

expecting-expectant 270

experience2 270

experience1 270

expect4-wait for 270

expect3 270

expect5 270

experience3 271

experience4 271

experiment1 271

experiment2 271

experiment3-experience 271

exploit-reclaim 272

expose 272

explain2 272

explode-bolw up 272

explain1 272

express 273

expressive 273

extension-extent 273

eye2 274

eye1 274

extent-extension 274

extreme 274

extremity-extreme 274

eye3 275

eye4 275

eye5 275

eye6-sight 275

eyesight-sight 275

eye-witness 276

F 276

fabrication1-fabric 276

fabrication2-fabric 276

fabrication3-manufacture 276

fade 277

fail 277

facility 277

face2 277

face1 277

faint 278

fairly1-rather 278

fairly2-rather 278

fall1 278

fall2 279

fall3 279

fall4 279

fall5 asleep-go to bed 279

false 279

family1 280

familiarize 280

fame1 280

familiar 280

fame2-reputation 280

family2 281

family3-house 281

fancy 281

fantasy1 281

fantasy2-fantastic 282

fantasy3-imagination 282

far1 282

far2 282

far3 282

farther1-further 283

farm 283

faraway-far 283

far4-deep 283

farther2-further 284

fashion 284

fast-soon 284

fatal-mortal 285

fault1 285

fault2 285

favorable-favorite 285

favour1 285

favour2 285

favour3 285

fear4-frighten 286

fear3 286

fear1 286

favourite 286

fear2 286

fearful 287

feel1 287

feel2 287

feel3 287

feel4 287

feel5 288

feel6 288

feel7 like 288

feet 288

feminine-female 288

few1 289

few2 289

fetch2 289

fetch3 289

fetch1 289

festival 289

few3 290

few4-a few 290

few5-a,the 290

few6-little 290

few7-little 290

fewer1 291

fewer2-less 291

fewer3 291

fifteen 291

figure1 292

fighting 292

fifteenth 292

fiftieth 292

fight 292

figure2 293

figure4 out-realize 293

film-in,on 293

final-finale 294

finally1 294

finally2 294

find1-look for 294

find2 294

find3 294

finish1 295

finish2 295

find5 out-find 295

find4-find out 295

finish3 296

fire1 296

fire2 296

fire3 296

fireplace-fireside 296

fireside 296

first1 296

first2 296

first3 297

firstly-at first 297

fish1 297

fish2 297

flash 298

fit4 298

fit3-appropriate 298

fit2-suit 298

fit1 298

flight 299

floor1 299

floor2-ground 299

flour 299

flush 299

flute 300

fly 300

foil 300

folk 300

follow 300

fool2 301

fool1 301

food2 301

food1 301

following-followed 301

foot1 302

foot2 302

foot3 302

for1 302

for2 302

for3 303

for4 303

for5 303

for6 303

for7 303

for13 ever-forever 304

for11 304

for12 304

for9 304

for8-as 304

for10 304

forever1 305

forever2 305

forbid 305

force 305

forget1 305

forget2 306

forgive 306

form1 306

form2 306

formally-formerly 306

found 307

free1 307

foundation 307

fortunate 307

fortnight 307

formerly-formally 307

free2 308

freely-free 308

French 308

freshman 308

Friday 308

friend 308

friendiness 309

friendly1 309

friendly2 309

frighten1 309

frighten2 309

from2-out of 310

from1 310

frightening-frightened 310

frightened 310

from3-by 311

from4 311

from5 311

from6-since 311

from7-through 311

from8 312

front1 312

front2 312

frontier-boundary 312

fruit1 312

fun1 313

furnish 313

fun2 313

fully-wide 313

fruit2 313

furniture 314

further1 314

further2 314

fury1-anger 314

fury2 314

future 314

G 315

gain-earn 315

gallop 315

game1-match 315

game2-match 315

German 316

genuine-real 316

gently-politely 316

garbage 316

gaze 316

gape 316

gangster-rascal 316

get1-have 317

get2-have 317

get3-go 317

get4-in,on 317

get5-on,off 318

get6 318

get7 318

get8-over,through 318

girlfriend 319

get11 used to 319

get10 down to 319

get9 the better of 319

give1 320

give2-spare 320

give3-in,up 320

give4 up 320

give5 320

glance 320

glass1 321

glass2 321

glass3 321

glass4 321

glimmer 321

glisten 321

go2-come 322

go1-come 322

glitter1-glimmer 322

gitter2-glisten 322

go3 323

go4 323

go5 on 323

go6 on 323

go7 on 324

go8-be 324

go9-be 324

go10 324

go14 325

go15 325

gold1-golden 325

go12 to bed-sleep 325

go11 further with 325

go13 325

good3 326

good4 326

good5 326

good2 326

good1 326

gold2-golden 326

good6 327

goods 327

gossip1 327

gossip2 327

graceful-gracious 327

gracious-graceful 327

greatly 328

great 328

graze 328

grateful 328

graduate 328

grade-rank 328

grant 328

grievance 329

ground1 329

ground2 329

ground3 329

ground4 329

group 330

grow1 330

grow2 330

grow3 up-bring up 330

guarantee1 330

guarantee2 330

guest 331

guilty 331

guarantee3-ensure 331

guess 331

guard 331

H 332

habit-custom 332

had1 332

had2 332

had3 332

had4 333

had5 333

hadn t 333

hair1 333

hair2 333

hair6 334

hair5 334

hair3 334

hair4 334

half1 335

half2 335

half3 335

half4 335

half5 335

half6 336

hand1 336

hand2 336

hand3 336

hang1 337

hang3 337

hang2 337

handwork-handiwork 337

handful 337

happen1 338

happen2 338

happen3 338

happen4 338

happen5-come 338

happily 338

happy1 339

happy2 339

hard1 339

hard2 339

hardly1 339

hardly2-hard 339

harm 340

hardly6 340

harmful 340

hardly3-hard 340

hardly4-hard 340

hardly5 340

has 341

hatched 341

hatred 341

have1 341

have2 341

have3 342

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have5 342

have6 342

have7 on 342

have9 to-must 343

have10 to-must 343

have8 to-must 343

have11 to 344

have12 to-have got to 344

have13 to 344

have14 to 344

have15 344

have16 344

having 344

hay 345

he 345

headache 345

health1 345

health2 345

hear3 346

hear2 346

hear1 346

health3 346

healthful-healthy 346

hear4 347

hear5 347

heart1 347

heart2 347

heavily 347

heavy 347

help1 348

help2 348

help3 348

help4 348

help5 348

her4-hers 349

here 349

her2 349

her3 349

her1 349

hers1 350

hers2 350

high1 350

high2 350

highly1-high 350

highly2 350

him1 351

him2 351

him3 351

him4-himself 351

him5-his 351

his2 352

his1 352

historic1 352

himself2 352

hinder-block 352

himself1 352

hire-rent 352

historic2 353

historical-historic 353

hit1 353

hit2 353

hit3 353

hit4-beat 353

hitch 354

hold1 354

hold2 354

holiday1-on,for 354

home3 355

home4 355

home1 355

home2 355

holiday2 355

homework 356

honor 356

hope1 356

hope2 356

hope3-so,not 356

hope4 357

hope5-wish 357

hope6-for,of 357

hope7 357

hope8 357

horseback 358

hope9-expect 358

horizon 358

hospital1 359

hospital2 359

hot 359

hour 359

house 359

household 360

housework 360

How1 do you do 360

how2 360

how3 360

how4 360

how5-what 360

how9-what 361

how10 361

how6-what 361

how8-what 361

how7-what 361

how11-what 362

how12 362

however1 362

however2-whatever 362

human-humane 363

humane-human 363

humanity 363

hundred1 363

hundred2 363

hurry1 364

hurt2 364

hundred3 364

hurt1 364

hundred4 364

hurry2 365

hurry3 365

hypocrite 365

I 365

I1 365

I2 366

I3 366

I4 366

ice 366

icy 366

if3 367

if2 367

if1 367

idea 367

if4 368

if5 368

if6 368

if7 368

if8 369

if9 369

if10 369

if11 369

if12 370

if13 370

if14 370

if15-whether 370

if20-whether 371

if19-whether 371

if17-whether 371

if16-whether 371

if18-whether 371

if21-in case 372

if22 372

if23 372

ignorance 372

ignorant1 372

ignorant2-stupid 373

ignore 373

ill1 373

ill2 373

ill3-sick 373

illness-disease 374

imaginable-imaginative 374

illusion 374

illegal 374

illegible-illegal 374

ill4-sick 374

imaginary 375

imaginative-imaginary 375

immediately 375

immigrate-emigrate 375

imperative 375

implicate-imply 375

imply-implicate 376

importance1 376

importance2 376

improve1 377

impression 377

improve2 377

impossible 377

important 377

impress 377

improve3-better 378

in1 378

in2 378

in3-into 378

in4-during 378

in5-during 379

in6 case-if 379

in 7 front of-opposite 379

in8-within 379

incapable 380

incident2-event 380

incident1-accident 380

in10 neither case 380

in9 time-on time 380

incidental-accidental 381

income 381

inconvenient1 381

inconvenient2 381

indeed 381

independent 382

indifferent 382

indignant 382

indignation-fury 382

indoor-indoors 382

indoors 382

industrial 382

influence-affect 383

industry3 383

industry1 383

industry2 383

information1 384

information2 384

information3 384

ingenious-ingenuous 384

ingenuous-ingenious 384

inherent 384

injure1 385

injure2-wound 385

injury-damage 385

ink 385

inn 385

inquiry3 386

insist2 386

insist1 386

innovation 386

inquiry2 386

inquiry1 386

inquire 386

insist3 387

instalment 387

instead 387

insure-ensure 387

intend1 387

interested1 388

interest2 388

intent 388

interest1 388

intend2-intent 388

interested2 389

interested3-interesting 389

interesting-interested 389

interfere1 389

interfere2 389

introduce 389

introduction 390

intrude 390

invaluable-valueless 390

invasion 390

it1 391

island 391

is 391

irritate 391

invite 391

invitation 391

invent 391

it2 392

it3 392

it4 392

it5 392

it6 392

it7 393

it8 393

it9 393

it10 393

it11-that 393

figure3 393

its1 394

it15-depends 394

it13-there 394

it12 394

it14-they 394

its2 395

its3 395

it s1-its 395

it s2 no use 395

it s3 no use 395

J 396

Japanese 396

jealous 396

jewellery 396

join1 396

joke2 397

journey1 397

joke1 397

join3 397

join2 397

journey2 398

judge 398

judicial11-judicious 398

judicious-judicial 398

jury 398

just-just now 399

justified 399

K 399

keen 399

keep5 400

keep4 400

keep3 400

keep1-keep on 400

keep2 400

keep6 warm-heat 401

keep7 up 401

kerb-curb 401

kind1 401

kind2 402

kind3 402

kind4 402

kind5 402

kind6 403

kind7 403

kitchen 403

knock 403

know4 404

know5 404

know2 404

know3 404

know1 404

know6 405

know7-learn 405

know8 405

know9 better 405

know10 406

knowledge1 406

knowledge2 406

knowledge3 406

known1 406

lack2 407

lack1 407

laborious 407

L 407

known2 407

laid-lay 408

land 408

language1 408

language2 408

language3 408

large-great 409

last1 409

last2 409

last3-latest 409

latterly-lately 410

latest 410

later-afterwards 410

lately-late 410

late 410

last4 410

laugh1 411

laugh2 411

laughter 411

lay1-lie 411

lay2 411

lay3 412

laying-lying 412

lead 412

leadership 412

leaf 412

leave1 413

lease 413

lean 413

leaking 413

learn-read 413

leave2 414

leave3 414

leave4 414

leave5 414

left 414

legible-readable 415

leisure1 415

leisure2-leisurely 415

leisurely1 415

leisurely2 415

less2 416

lesser-less 416

lengthen 416

less1-fewer 416

lend2 416

lend1-borrow 416

lest 417

let1 417

let2 417

let3 417

let4 417

let5 418

let6 alone 418

let7 418

level 418

liable1 418

lie3 419

lie2 419

lie4-run 419

licence-license 419

license 419

liable3 419

lie1 419

liable2 419

lied1-lay 420

lied2-laid 420

lighted-lit 420

lighten1-enlighten 420

lighten2 420

lighten3 421

like1 421

like2 421

like3 421

like4 421

like5 421

like8 422

like6 422

like7 422

like9 423

like10 423

like11 423

like12-alike 423

like13-as 423

like14-as 423

like15-such as 424

like16-want 424

likely-liable 424

likeness-liking 424

listen2 425

listen1 425

line1 425

line2 425

liking 425

lip 425

lit 426

literal-literate 426

literature1 426

literature2 426

little1-a little 426

little2 426

little3 427

little4-slight 427

litter 427

live1-in,at 427

live2 427

live6-alive 428

live4-stay 428

live5 428

live3 428

living1 429

living2 429

living3-alive 429

living4-alive 429

lock 429

lonelily-alone 430

lonely-alone 430

long1-length 430

long2-tall 430

long3 430

look1 431

long6-soon 431

long4 431

long5 431

look2 432

look3 432

look4 432

look5-about,over 432

look6-after,for 432

look7-at,into 433

look8 down 433

look9 forward to 433

look10 for-fetch 433

look14-seem 434

look15-watch 434

look13-see 434

look12 over-overlook 434

look11 for 434

look16 435

look17 435

loose1-loosen 435

loose2-drop 435

lose1-loosen 435

lose2 435

lose3 436

lose4-heart 436

lot1 436

lot2 436

lot3 436

low-lowly 437

loving-lovely 437

lovely-beautifully 437

loudly-aloud 437

lots 437

lovable-beloved 437

lower 438

luck1 438

luck2 438

lucky-happy 438

luggage 438

luxury 439

lyric-lyrical 439

luxuriant 439

lunch2 439

lunch1 439

lyrical-lyric 440

M 440

machine-machinery 440

mad-wild 440

made1-of,from 441

made2 441

mail1 441

mail2 441

mail3 441

make3 442

make2 442

make1 442

majority1 442

majority2 442

make4 443

make5 443

make 6 a fool 443

make7...clear 443

make8-away,off 444

make9 believe 444

make10-do with,up with 444

make11-out,up 444

make12-up to,up for 444

make17-do 445

male 445

make18 445

make14-do 445

make16-do 445

make15-do 445

make13-do 445

man 446

manage1 446

manage2-arrange 446

mankind 446

many2-a lot of 447

manner-way 447

many1 447

many4-much 448

many5-much 448

many6-much 448

many3 448

many7 a 449

many8 a 449

mark1-label 449

mark2-make 449

market 449

masterful-masterly 450

masterly-masterful 450

marriage2-wedding 450

marry 450

marriage1 450

match1 451

match2 451

mathematics1 451

mathematics2 451

matter1 451

may2 452

may1 452

matter4-problem 452

matter3 452

matter2 452

may3 453

may4 453

may5 as well 453

may6 be-maybe 453

me1 454

me2 454

me3-myself 454

me4-myself 454

me5 454

mean3 455

me6-mine 455

mean2 455

mean1 455

mean4 456

mean5-think 456

meaning1 456

meaning2-intention 456

plenty1 457

meat 457

plenty2 457

means1 457

means2 457

measurement-measure 457

measles 457

mechanic-mechanical 458

mechanical-mechanic 458

media 458

medicine 458

meeting 458

melt 459

memorable-memorial 459

memorandum 459

memorial 459

memories-memoirs 459

memory1 459

memory6-reminiscence 460

memory4-souvenir 460

memory5-remembrance 460

memory3 460

memory2 460

mention 461

merriment 461

midday 461

middle1 461

middle2 461

midnight 462

might1 462

might2 462

might3-would 462

mind4 463

mind2 463

mind3 463

milk-white 463

mind1 463

mine 464

mind5 464

mind6 464

mind7 464

ministry 464

miscarry 465

mistake1 465

mistake2 465

minute1 465

minute3 465

minute2 465

Mister2 466

molten-melted 466

Mister1-Sir 466

miss2 466

miss1 466

mistake3-fault 466

moment1 467

moment3 467

moment4 467

momentary-momentous 467

moment2 467

momentous-momentary 468

money 468

month 468

monthly 468

mood 468

moonlight1 468

more2 469

moonlight2 469

more1 469

more3 469

morning1 470

more4 470

more6 than one 470

more7 or less 470

more5 470

mortal-fatal 471

most1 471

most2 471

most3 471

morning2 471

most4 472

most5 472

most6 472

most7 472

most8 473

mostly-most 473

most10-mostly 473

most9 473

motion 474

mouse 474

moustache 474

move1 474

mother-in-law 474

move2 475

move3 475

much1-many 475

much2-a lot 475

muich3 476

much5 476

much4 476

music1 476

must4 477

music2 477

must3-can 477

must1-should 477

must2-can 477

must6-have to 478

must7-hve to 478

must8n t-needn t 478

must5 478

must13 479

must12 479

must11 479

must10-should 479

must9n t-needn t 479

my1 480

myself1 480

myself2 480

myself3 480

mystery-mysterious 480

my2 480

N 481

name-call 481

nation1-country 481

nation2-state 481

nature 482

natural 482

nationality1 482

nationality2 482

nationalized-naturalized 482

near1-next 483

near2-up 483

nearly1-almost 483

nearly2-almost 483

nealry3-almost 483

neatly-neat 484

necessary1 484

necessary2 484

necessary3 484

need1 484

need5 485

need4 485

need3 485

need2 485

need6 486

need7-have to 486

need8 486

need9 486

need10-must 486

need11-hardly 486

need12 487

need13 487

need14 487

need15 487

neighbourhood 488

neither1 488

need16 488

need17 488

negligence-neglect 488

neglectful-negligible 488

neither2 489

neither3 489

neither4 489

neither5 489

neither6 490

neither7...nor 490

neither8 490

neither9 490

neither10...nor 490

nervous-anxious 490

never3 491

never2 491

never1 491

nest-cote 491

never4 492

never5 492

never6 492

never7-ever 492

never8-ever 492

never9 492

never10 493

new 493

news1 493

news2 493

next1-near 493

night1 494

night2 494

nice1 494

next2 494

nice2 494

mext3 494

no3-yes 495

no2-not 495

no1 495

night3 495

no4 longer 496

no5 matter 496

no6 matter 496

no8 more-no longer 496

no7 matter what-whatever 496

no9 one-none 497

no10 other...but-no other...than 497

no11 other...than 497

no12 sooner 497

nobody1 497

nobody2 498

noise3-sound 498

noise2-noisy 498

noise1 498

noisy 499

none1 499

none2 499

none3-nobody 499

none4 499

none5 499

none6 499

nonsense 499

noon 499

not1 500

north2 500

north1 500

nor2 500

nor1 500

northeast 500

not5 until 501

not6 501

not7 501

not2 only...but also 501

not3 noly...but 501

not4 only...but 501

notable 502

note 502

noted1-notable 502

noted2-noticeable 502

nothing1 but 502

notice 503

now 503

notify 503

noticeable 503

nothing4 503

nothing3-none 503

nothing2 but 503

nowadays 504

nowhere 504

number1 504

number2 504

number3-amount 505

O 505

object1 505

object2 505

objection 505

observation 506

oblige 506

observance-observation 506

observe 506

occupation1 507

occupation2-employment 507

occupation3 507

occur 507

occurrence 507

ocean 508

o clock1 508

o clock2 508

of1 508

of2 508

of3-for 508

of8-sb.,sb. s 509

of6-to 509

of7-in 509

of5-on 509

of4-from 509

offer1 510

offer2 510

offer3-afford 510

official-officious 510

officious 511

often1 511

often2 511

oil 511

old1 511

old2 511

on2-against 512

old3 512

older-elder 512

on1-in 512

old4 512

on3-in 513

on4-down 513

on5-at 513

on6-at 513

on7-at 513

on8-for 513

on9-in 514

on10-in 514

on11 purpose 514

on12 514

once1 514

once2 514

one4 515

one2 515

one3 515

one1-somebody 515

once3 515

one5-people 516

one6 516

one7 516

one8 516

one9 517

one10 517

one11 517

one12 517

one13 517

one14 517

only1 518

oneself-itself 518

one15-that 518

one18 518

one16-time 518

one17 518

only2 519

open1 519

open2-turn on,switch on 519

open3 519

open4 519

operate 520

opinion1 520

opinion2 520

opinion3 520

opportunity 520

oppose1 520

opposite3 521

oppose2 521

opposite2 521

opposite1 521

opposite4 522

or1 522

or2 522

or3 522

or4 522

order1 522

original 523

origin 523

ordinary 523

order4 523

order3 523

order2 523

originate1-begin 524

originate2 524

other1 524

other2 524

other3 525

other4 525

other5-another 525

ought2 526

ought1 526

otherwise 526

other8 526

other7-another 526

other6-another 526

ought3 527

ought4 527

ought5 to 527

our1-we 527

our2-ours 527

ourselves 528

out-outside 528

outside1 528

outside2 528

owe3-ascribe 529

owe1 529

owe2 529

over3 529

over2 529

outside3 529

over1 529

overlook 529

owing1 to 530

owing2 to-due to 530

own1 530

own2 530

ox 530

P 531

pain1 531

pain2 531

pain3-in,on 531

painful 531

parallel 532

paper2 532

paper3 532

paper1 532

pair 532

parcel-bundle 533

parliament 533

parlour 533

part 533

participate 533

particular 534

particularly 534

pass1 534

pass2 away 534

pass3 534

pass4 534

passion1 535

pass7 535

pass5-past 535

passed-past 535

pass6-cross 535

passion2 536

past1 536

past2-passed 536

patience 536

patient 536

pause 536

pay2 537

pay3-buy 537

pay1 537

peaceable-peaceful 538

peculiar 538

peep 538

people1 538

perfect2 539

perfect1 539

people2 539

people5 539

people4-public 539

people3 539

perform 540

peril 540

permission 540

permit1 540

permit2 540

permit3 540

phenomenon1 541

persuade-convince 541

personnel 541

persist 541

permit4 541

persevere 541

phenomenon2 542

phone1 542

phone2 542

physics 542

piano 542

pick1 543

pick2 543

picnic 543

pigtail 543

pitch-dark 543

place4 544

place3-room 544

place2 544

place1 544

pity 544

plan 545

plantation-planting 545

planting 545

play1 545

play2 545

play3-accompany 546

play4-perform 546

play5 546

pleasant1 546

pleasant2 546

plus 547

poetry-poem 547

pleased-at,with 547

point1 548

point2 of view 548

police1 548

police2 548

policy 548

polish 548

Polite 549

politic-political 549

political-politic 549

politics-policy 549

popular 550

population 550

portion 550

possession 550

post2 551

post1 551

possibility 551

possible2-possibility 551

possibile1 551

postage1 552

postage2 552

postpone1 552

postpone2 552

potato 552

practicable-practical 553

practical 553

practice-practise 553

practise 553

praise1 553

predict 554

predetermined 554

prefer1 554

praise2 554

precedent 554

predestined-predetermined 554

prefer2 555

prefer3 555

preferable 555

prelude 555

preoccupation 556

preparation1 556

preparation2 556

prepare1 556

present1 557

presently 557

present2 557

presence 557

prepare2 557

pressure 558

presume 558

prevent 558

prey 558

price1 558

price2 558

price3 559

price4-prise 559

price5-prize 559

principal 559

pride 559

principle1 559

probable 560

prize 560

procedure-process 560

principle2-principal 560

prise 560

prison 560

proceed 561

process-procedure 561

produce1 561

produce2 561

profession1 561

profession2 562

professor 562

progress1 562

progress2 562

progress3 562

prohibit-ban 562

prolong-lengthen 562

proper 563

property 563

promise1 563

proof 563

promise2-allow 563

proportion 564

proposal 564

propose1 564

propose2 564

prospects 565

prosperity 565

prove-attest 565

provide1 565

provide2 565

purpose 566

purchase-buy 566

provide4-supply 566

provide3 566

punch 566

put1 567

put2 on 567

put3 on-wear 567

put4 off 567

put5 567

Q 568

Qing-Ming 568

query 568

question1 568

question2 568

queue1 568

quiet1-quite 569

quiet2-quietness 569

quick 569

quickly 569

queue2 569

quit 570

quite1-rather 570

quite2-quietly 570

R 570

race-with,against 570

radio1 571

radio2 571

rage 571

raise1-rise 571

raise2-improve 571

rarely 572

rare-scarce 572

range 572

rank1 572

rank2 572

rate 573

rather1 than 573

rather2 than 573

rather3 than 573

react 574

readable 574

read 574

real1-actual 574

reach-arrive 574

raze 574

rather4 574

real2-true 575

real3 575

realize1-exchange 575

realize2 575

reason1 575

reason2 575

rebuke 576

recall-recollect 576

receive1-accept 576

receive2-meet 576

recognize-know 576

reduce 577

recommend 577

refer 577

recollect2 577

recollect1 577

reference1 578

reference2 578

reference3 578

reflection 578

refrain-restrain 579

refuse1 579

refuse2-deny 579

refuse3-deny 579

refuse4-reject 579

regard4 580

regard3 580

regard2 580

regard1 580

refuse6 580

refuse5-decline 580

regards 581

regarding 581

regardless 581

regret 581

rejoice-enjoy 582

relieve-relief 582

remainder1 582

remainder2 582

remains 583

remark1 583

remark2 583

remember1 583

remembrance1 584

remembrance2 584

remember2 584

remember3 584

remind1 585

remind2 585

reminiscence 585

remove 585

renovation-innovation 585

repair-mend 585

repeat 586

repent1 586

repent2 586

reply1 586

report2-speech 587

reprove-rebuke 587

reproach 587

report1 587

reply2-answer 587

reputation1 588

reputation2 588

request1 588

request2 588

request3-beg 588

request4-require 588

request5 589

require1 589

require2 589

require3 589

require4 589

require5 589

resent 590

resemble2 590

research 590

requirement 590

resemble1 590

residence-residency 591

residency 591

resist1 591

resist2 591

resistance 591

resound 591

respect1 592

respect2 592

respect3 592

respect4 592

responsible1 592

responsible2-to,for 592

restful 593

resting-restful 593

rest1 593

rest2 593

restore-recover 594

restrain-refrain 594

result1 594

result2-in,from 594

retreat-recede 594

return1 595

return2 595

revenge 595

revolution 595

ribbon-bow 595

ride 596

rid 596

rice 596

rich1 596

rich2 596

right 597

rise1-arise 597

rise2-raise 597

risk 597

river1 597

river2 597

roar2 598

rob 598

room1 598

road 598

river3-across,over 598

roar1-how1 598
