- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Ron Scollon等著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:756001545X
- 页数:344 页
CONTENTSChapter One:Contrastive discourse:The problem of setting func-tionally contrastive frames 1
Section 1:Information Sequence and Rhetoric 15
Chapter Two:Topic-comment or modifier-modified?Information structure in modern standard Chinese 16
Chapter Three:Information sequence and rhetoric in a genre of ex-tended spoken discourse 37
Chapter Four:Information sequence and rhetoric in letters of request 72
Chapter Five:Information sequence and rhetoric in Chinese argu-ment 93
Section 2:Traditional and Contemporary Writing 121
Chapter Six:Traditional Chinese text structures and their influence on the writing in Chinese and English of contemporary mainland Chinese students 122
Chapter Seven:Eight legs and one elbow:Stance and structure in Taiwan Chinese English compositions 140
Chapter Eight:Writing expository essays in Chinese.Chinese or western influences? 158
Chapter Nine:Are they really so different?A look at the Chinese university entrance exams 170
Section 3:Comparative News Discourse 179
Chapter Ten:Structural differences in functionally equivalent texts:Perspective,frame and focus in Chinese and English news stories 180
Chapter Eleven:A contrastive analysis of Chinese and English ver-sion of a news story 210
Chapter Twelve:Point of view and citation:Fourteen Chinese and English versions of the‘same'news story 232
Chapter Thirteen:Generic variability in news stories in Chinese and English:A contrastive discourse study of five days'news-papers 256
Conclusion 289
Chapter Fourteen:Contrastive rhetoric,contrastive poetics,or per-haps something else? 290
References 302
Appendices 322
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