- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王丽丽编著
- 出 版 社:济南:山东大学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7560723160
- 页数:375 页
Preface(序言) 1
PartⅠ From the End of 19th Century to 1914 1
Chapter1 General Introduction 1
Major Writers in This Period 5
Novelists 6
Chapter2 Henry James 7
Chapter3 George Wells, Arnold Bennet 12
Chapter4 John Galsworthy 19
Chapter5 Joseph Conrad 25
Chapter6 D.H.Lawrence 33
Poets 40
Chapter7 Sir William Watson, Robert Bridges 41
Chapter8 A.E.Housman, Arthur Symons 44
Chapter9 W.B.Yeats 47
Chapter10 Rudyard Kipling 55
Chapter11 John Masefield, John Davidson, G.K.Chesterton 60
Chapter12 Thomas Hardy 66
Playwrights 74
Chapter13 Oscar Wilde 75
Chapter14 Bernard Shaw 78
Chapter15 John Millington Synge 85
1.Major historical period and social events 88
Some Useful Information and Explanation of Terms for Part One 88
2.Important figures and their major works that have great influences the world over 91
3.Major movements, literary tendencies, terms and some societies of groups 96
PartⅡ From 1914 to 1945 103
Chapter1 General Introduction 103
Major Writers in This Period 108
Novelists 109
Chapter2 F.M.Ford 110
Chapter3 E.M.Forster 114
Chapter4 James Joyce 119
Chapter5 Virginia Woolf 126
Chapter6 Aldous Huxley, Evelyn Waugh 131
Chapter7 George Orwell, Jean Rhys 140
Chapter8 Graham Greene 146
Poets 152
Chapter9 T.S.Eliot 153
Chapter10 Edith Sitwell, W.H.Auden 160
Chapter11 Dylan Thomas 168
Playwrights 172
Chapter12 Noel Coward 173
Chapter13 Sean O Casay 176
Some Useful Information and Explanation of Terms for Part Two 180
1.Major historical period and social events 180
2.Important figures and their major works that have great influences the world over 183
3.Major movements, literary tendencies, terms and some societies or groups 185
PartⅢ From 1945 to the 1960s 188
Chapter1 General Introduction 188
Major Writers in This Period 194
Novelists 195
Chapter2 Kinsley Amis 196
Chapter3 Iris Murdoch 200
Chapter4 Muriel Spark 206
Chapter5 William Colding 211
Chapter6 Doris Lessing 218
Chapter7 John Fowles 226
Poets 231
Chapter8 Philip Larkins 232
Chapter9 Ted Hughes, Geoffrey Hill 235
Playwrights 240
Chapter10 John Oshorne, Arnold Wesker 241
Chapter11 David Storey 248
Chapter12 Samuel Beckett 253
Chapter13 Harold Pinter 260
Some Useful Information and Explanation of Terms for Part Three 266
1. Major historical period and social events 266
2. Important figures and their major works that have great influences the world over 269
3. Major movements, literary tendencies, terms and some societies or groups 271
PartⅣ From the 1970s to the End of the Century 281
Chapter1 General Introduction 281
Major Writers in This Period 286
Novelists 287
Chapter2 John Berger, Paul Scott 288
Chapter3 J.G.Farrell, Margaret Drabble, Penelope Fitzgerald 295
Chapter4 Martin Amis, Iran McEwan 304
Chapter5 Anita Brookner, Julian Barnes 312
Chapter6 Salman Rushdie, Kazuo Ishiguro 321
Chapter7 Pat Barker, Graham Swift 329
Chapter8 Barry Unsworth, James Kelman, Roddy Doyle 336
Poest 346
Chapter9 Seamus Heaney 347
Chapter10 Tony Harrison, Douglas Dunn 351
Chapter11 Andrew Motion, Blake Morrison 354
Playwrights 358
Chapter12 Tom Stoppard 359
Some Useful Information and Explanation of Terms for Part Four 365
1. Major historical period and social events 365
2. Important figures and their major works that have great influences the world over 367
3. Major movements, literary tendencies, terms and some societies or groups 368
Bibliography 373
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